Britain's most popular politician just shut down Donald Trump with class and grace

The disgraced businessman sparked outrage this week after saying he "might" allow an "exception" and let newly elected London mayor Sadiq Khan enter the United States despite being a Muslim, but Britain's hottest politician isn't backing down.

"This isn't just about me. It's about my friends, my family and everyone who comes from a background similar to mine, anywhere in the world," Khan said in a powerful statement.

The mayor is supporting Hillary Clinton's presidential bid. "I hope she trounces him," he quipped.

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I am certainly outraged, trump shouldn't allow this dangerous man into America

Damn, I guess I'm going to vote for Hillary.

Hillary is a magnificent women with great ideas
truly born for leadership

Feel the BERN!

g-go shillary!

Why not? When he stands trial for crimes against the God-Emperor, he should be brought to the Supreme Court itself.

Whatever, faggot

Did he do anything but racebait since he got elected ?

the mayor alienates mainstream christian but i guess they don't matter anymore.

f'n britcucks


>Britain's most popular politician
When did Nigel Farage become a shitskin?

these fucking bots

>Trumps stance on Muslims could make moderate Muslims into extremist Muslims
>Better just stop talking about Muslims
They're not very fucking moderate then are they?

"I hope she trounces him" isn't a quip...

>The mayor is supporting Hillary Clinton's presidential bid. "I hope she trounces him," he quipped.
Is that really a quip? It's more of a statement.


why are muslims so prone to radicalization?

a politician says some mean things and hurts some feelings, and all of a sudden that mainstream muslim is heading off to ISIS.

it takes so little to send them over the edge.

why let such a risky group of people in your countries?


Didn't he pardon that Muslim terrorist who threatened to behead British people?


>alienate mainstream Muslims
>become less safe

Well, I can't imagine why people would want less Muslims around, even the moderates are extremist that make your country less safe according to the first Muslim mayor of London

>London has proved him wrong

What is Trump's ignorant view of islam? Are you saying terrorist groups aren't using the refugee crisis as a means to infiltrate countries? I mean, they even admit it.

So what exactly is ignorant about Trump's view of islam? It all checks out.

He's been in office for less than a week and he's in the news every single day. I don't want to imagine what he's doing a month from now.

>guys, Muslims aren't violent
>but you better do everything they say or else they could be dangerous

That's it. I'm literally a cruzmissile now.

Seriously. How does anyone not take the one mental step required to reach this conclusion? It isn't that tough of a concept.

>If Trump is elected muslims may just have to start killing everyone
Sadiq is a quality moderate muslim

Why? Hillary said the refugees should be well vetted. She of course is lying, but she outwardly agreed with Trump and got no flack for it. You're simply and idiot. A malleable mind.

>offending muslims might want to make themselves bomb the twin towers
>so we should not offend muslims because it is a religion of peace

>start flinging shit from the moment you get into office
>class and grace

He's a fucking crybaby.

Britain? What's that?

i love how he openly admits that not complying with a Muslim results in immediate violence and aggression

That's it! I've become a #KhanMissile now. TAKBIR!

"alienation" actually means "retaliation"

it's beautiful to see how the muslim community gets more demanding and threatening as the numbers increase (which has been going on since muhammad), all while liberals somehow think that inviting more and more of them is a sign of progress

This. How Khan doesn't get this is beyond me.

Note how he also says 'mainstream' muslims and not the usual 'moderate'. What does this imply? That there are no moderate muslims?

Critical thinking is racist friendo :^)
We must take everything at face value!

Why not just leave Islam? There are no penalties for doing so in the UK yet.

he gets it perfectly. it's a veiled threats. now muslims in the UK are enough that they can simply skip the whole "religion of peace moderate" rhetoric and simply jump to "don't speak out against us or you might run into some trouble", not unlike the mafia.

I hope you britbongs understand you need to kill him to not be n1 cucks. So whatever you say that we are the n1 cucks we still put all the nigs in a containement ghetto but you make them mayors

>1 day into term

Have these "moderate" Muhammadans ever said what the proper way to treat them to stop all attacks on our culture is?

I'd rather move to a remote island than to be force fed about muslims.

Already bad enough they have propaganda on the side of iconic busses.

To accept allah as love and as life. Don't censor sharia law and accept it as law of the land.


How long until he beheads his wife, do you figure?

So it's not actually trump's "ignorant view" that could make britain less safe, but the one getting buttfrustrated about said view ie "mainstream" muslims

Why the fuck does anyone think we CARE about how assblasted foreigners get about our own domestic affairs? It's none of your fucking business. Stop interfering with other nations' politics when it doesn't concern you.


>Why not just leave Islam? There are no legal penalties for doing so in the UK yet.
FTFY. They'll still get honor-decapitated by the 'devout' members.

My ancestors left their home to be free from their faggotry.

My countrymen of bygone eras fought to ensure their sovereignty from same said faggots.


Fucking race baiting minorities.

>trump risks turning me and my family into extremists by saying we are potential extremists
Let them become extremists, fucking encourage it.
I don't understand why we take their passports away to stop them going to Syria to fight and die.

>obama literally comes to the UK telling them who to vote for

I want to see him shooped into the "behead those who insult Islam" pic


>London has proved him wrong about Islam

>If you don't support Islam, we will hurt you!

Yeah. Everyone has to convert. I'm not being facetious. There are two houses in Islam- the House of War and the House of Peace. Every Muslim belongs to the House of Peace. Everyone else on the face of the planet belongs to the House of War.

>alienating muslims = LESS SAFETY

that twitter message amounts to a THREAT

"do what we want or we will be FORCED to make it LESS SAFE!"


fucking WHY

If this post were accompanied by any other flag, it would be a reasonable request.

>mainstream muslims


because calling them Muslim and rapists is racist

>guyz, every mainstream muslim is a potential terrorist
gee, he sure taught him a lesson

Pic related needs to happen to this mud.

>scared of being labelled racist
>"asian gang"

Get over it nigger

Could this shit be unfolding in a more embarrassing way for British Sup Forums posters?

Seriously? he literally waits one fucking day after getting elected to start a fight with Trump?

>London has proved him wrong


Pakistan is in Asia.

Come on, just because you think only ching chongs can be Asian, doesn't mean you're right.

I was being rhetorical.

I meant in the sense that a BBC presenter got it out of them on a major program.

>now the have allah written on the side so Muslims can't blow them up
Great safety net, lets just write allah on everything

so he's making a not so hidden threat "if your view of islam is wrong then we'll make your countries unsafe"

yeah lets stop he shilling right know that any Muslim's opinions should be disregarded as trash like all aspects of their horrid culture.anybody that as been red pilled to any degree should understand this.stop the shilling and stop being a fucking idiot.this trash isn't accepted here.

>Pakistan is in Asia.
So is all of Arabia, the majority of Russia, the Orient, and Indonesia. Don't stand for this blatant misrepresentation.

>London has proved him wrong

He wasn't implying Muslims and westerners coexist peacefully in London, he was stating Muslims have enough numbers to enforce their will in London with the election as evidence.

Remember when the attacker from the Paris attacks hid out in his Muslim Ghetto for 3 months when the whole world wanted his head?
These fucking muslims protect extremists and don't condem those going to fight for Isis. To ignore Islams violent, intolerant tendancies is a fucking death sentance.

This man is literally one of my heroes.

>Seven lives for my country!

>London has proved him wrong
>by having Sharia zones
>by having areas where white people get assaulted for being white

Yep they sure showed him lmao

Nice numeration.

You think Muslim countries give a shit about letting in people from other religions? No. Most of them are theocracies or heavily based on Islam, and discriminate against, or even punish, people of other religions. We must stop being naive and smarten up.

Actually it should say behead those that insult moderate Muslims

How is that suppose to be a counterargument? Do you think I like the Nigger King? One of the main reasons i'm voting for Trump in the first place is because he wants to fuck off and let the rest of the world sort itself out.

Why is it always the British who immediately deflect to someone else's problems after getting criticized? You just defended a fucking Muslim getting involved in American affairs.

>pretend there isn't a problem, or the problem will get worse

What immoral thinking that lacks, ANY sense, of what justice is.

did he get shot out of a cannon or wtf?


Goddamn Mongolians!

Basically what the guy is saying is don't piss the bully off or he'll come over and kick our asses. What a bitch and the fact that nobody understands how ridiculous this is blows my mind. The terrorists have won, they have these punk ass politicians cowering in the corner

Who else /cruzmissle/ now?

Welcome to islam.

That's a bullshit way of twisting around the truth. It'd be like saying "North American gang members" and seeing a bunch of pictures of Sinaloa cartel guys. You Bongs would laugh and say "lol y u no call them mexicants???".

>Don't speak ill of Muslims, or else

So this is tantamount to a threat, is this the "moderate" muslim i keep hearing about?

>London has proved him wrong



If Trump wins I'm moving to Canada.

I rather have a corrupt, mass murdering, lying bitch, whos gonna flood America with immigrants than an idiot like tRumpf who's economic plan is to literally crash our economy.

Horry shet, I didn't realize I got quints

I know I am.

Will you come and be our next mayor?