What I fucking hate about black people is that they don't realize how privileged they are. Scholarships are easy...

What I fucking hate about black people is that they don't realize how privileged they are. Scholarships are easy, jobs are easy because of racial quotas, and government assisted checks. They just never go for it because being a thug is cooler to black kids than being a regular member of society. Not even to mention they get more attention in school so schools can have higher minority scores. Ugh, shit pisses me off when they play the "oppressed" card. Fucking niggers.
Am I a bad person for thinking this? I mean, the thing they hate whites for is slavery, right? What if they didn't have slavery? They would currently be dying in huts made of shit from malaria. In the end, we culturally uplifted black people, leaving them better off in the grand scheme of things. am- am I an asshole for thinking this way? Am I wrong?

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i think its harder for black people because they have to try to fit into a culture that is different from theirs, ie white culture is the dominant culture and black people have to conform to it, otherwise they face stigma from society

What's their culture? We have the same culture lol.

black culture and white culture are very different, even in the way they speak whites and blacks are different

its a very white thing to say "all culture is the same" because you have never been put into a situation where you have had to fit into white culture, its always been your culture, you've always been in it


lol what a stupid thing to say


You're failing at life because you're a whiny dipshit who won't put in any effort to better yourself. Stop blaming people who look different than you and start reading books that build skills, asshole.

If you're going to complain about other races, do it for the actual reason you hate them: accents are annoying as shit -- this is the root of racism.

what people like that fail to realize is that there is still a strong link between "niggers" and "all black people"

regardless of how they act, black people are seen as niggers by whites, they are seen as "outsiders"

How about you actually rebut instead of just saying I'm whiny. Is it because you know I'm right?

This statement should be posted in all Ghettos, Black Schools, and Black Communities. Eventually they'll get it.

>Hate whites for slavery
yet they don't hate the Muslims who sold them to the whites tho?

Op here, not to me. To me there are black people, and then there are "black people" AKA niggers. I think differently of both but black people are predominantly niggers by choice. Little black kids don't become thugs because of a shit life, it's because they choose to. It's because being a thug is cool and has alluring prospects to kids.

>posts a trap and state racist comment
A gay racist? lol

I absolutely love how you assume that all white people see blacks as just niggers. You are either black yourself, or a mind trained self hating white cuck. Either way it shows how racism is found mostly in the rhetoric from blacks.

Rich people have affirmative action programs too.

If your rich, you get a spot. Fuck that shit.

I didn't even know that was a trap. I just chose a random picture from my folder.

well yeah, they claim to know the entire history of black people but, they don't. Plus if they focused on the entirety of the story instead of "WHITES OWNED BLACKS 200 YEARS AGO" Then they'd have to deal with not being able to pull the race card in every situation ever and wouldn't be able to blame the white patriarchy that elected a black president for all of their failures in life.

>wuz kangs

Fucking False! What is black culture and different about the way they speak? They like to make a lot of screeching and laughing noise to attract attention. They speak "English" but with an uneducated and incomprehensible drawl to it and call it" culture". They all like loud violent rap music and the "hood" or hustler mentality.

There is nothing cultured about any of it. It's just noise and drivel they try to claim as their own because they are desperately looking for any kind of acceptance because their lives are filled with people trying to take advantage or hustle them from birth and they have no positive role models. Only thugs and criminals

that may be the way YOU think, but its not the way the majority of people think

when a white person sees a black person they automatically import a wide range of assumptions about the qualities of that black person (blacks do the same movement about whites)

im white, and lots and lots of whites see blacks as "mere niggers" just look around at some threads on Sup Forums (the reverse movement is also true, blacks see whites as "crackers", but the difference is white people are in the position of power and authority and dominance, so they sublate black culture)


black people dress differently, eat different foods, play different sports, listen to different music, wach different TV shows and movies and speak differently

they even have different names

Not at all. You're generalizing white people too much. You're obviously not white or else you'd know. At least the people I know wouldn't preconceive negative feelings towards someone they've never met.

im not just generalizing white people, all people are guilty of that movement, its natural


You realize america has no culture right? America is nothing but tons of little cultures in one big culture. America is known as the melting pot for a reason


yep, and those poor whites still think themselves superior to those rich blacks

american culture is "western" culture, its a part of the long history of western europe

I disagree.

It's because they are.

ok, but all you have to do is look around to see that its true

it even goes beyond people, when we see an object we naturally import a large cache of background assumptions about that object, its natural

i rest my case


>I rest my Case

You would be a horrible defense attorney.

You're not wrong. This is correct.

well i mean it doesnt really matter what they look like, the police were killing black people during both time periods

not if i have to prove that white culture is seen as superior to black culture by most whites lol


You know where ignorant tolerance will get you? A Single daughter with a half black kid.

Preach on brotha. I am.latino and hate my people's for taking advantage of the government but at least we are hard workers unlike niggers who rather hangout in corners all day long and bitch about how the government is after them but really everyone is kissing their ass for what I don't know

i just want people to see the relationship between white culture, sublation and dominance, and black culture

its funny, white culture is basically "cucking" black culture. ironic isn't it?

What? Business/public culture is VERY different from white culture.

Thats not a trap you fucking retard. You can see long blonde hair and breasts on her

culture at the home and culture in public are different you're right, but they are both modes of white culture

in other words they are determined by white culture, since white culture is the "status quo"

It *almost* makes up for the fact that people will make harsh judgments about you based on nothing other than the color of your skin. Your comment wasn't worthy of that ass. Boo fraud and rubbish!


I disagree. First opinions usually are usually decided more by clothes or the way you act. If you dress like a thug or act like a thug expect to get treat badly. If you dress normally or act polite (like you should) then people will just think of you normally. Coming from a black man raised in a white neighborhood.

Wow. I wasn't a racist until I read every word of your indisputable factsheet. Uh, thanks...I guess.

Looks like someone has evolved into true Sup Forumstard status.

>Visit Europe
>Almost all black people act like everyone else
>Sorry man, you mean American Nigger culture is different. In other parts of the world black people don't act like they are some special fucking snowflake culture wise.
That's why I call Black Americans Niggers and all other black people in the world people.

I've moved on from being a racist, and now I'm a misanthrope. And it was all because of the image you shared. Maybe you should quit while you are ahead, huh?

apologize white boi

What surprises you most and least about white people?

I've moved on from misanthrope to nihilism from that post

>whites see blacks as "mere niggers" just look around at some threads on Sup Forums
What the shit? You're gonna take "autistic works of fiction and falsehood" as truth of what people believe? Whatever, dude. Kill yourself.

No...it isn't. It's just American culture. I talk to my mexican friends, my asian coworkers, my black coworkers, my indian friends. All of us have to adapt to the culture.

If it were really white culture, we'd be drinking bud lite watching carnies fight eachother or NASCAR. Instead we drink wine, watch Game of Thrones, and basketball.

if that were true then that just means black culture has been more completely sublated in europe

even in europe blacks are seen as outsiders and face racism from whites. even if whites and blacks shared every single cultural trait and acted exactly the same there is always the "skin color barrier" to get across

the "skin color barrier" alone is enough to cause people (whites and blacks) to be racist, culture completely aside

This guy is on the level of MLK. Gives me hope that not all black people are monkeys.

Nothing. They're just normal people trying to get through their lives.

Why would you become a racist for knowing factual information? If anything you should feel sorry for them and try to bring them up instead of bringing society down to their level.

american culture is western culture, its laws and customs and ideas are descended from western europe and england especially

OP, you sound more racist then me ffs. Read back everything you've said in this thread outloud and think for a moment.

i never said i wasn't racist, in fact im arguing for the existence of racism not for its non existence, so me being racist would help my case

my point is "white culture sublates black culture via dominance" not "there is no racism"


which country did you visit you nigger loving cuck? poland? visit a country where there are tons of nigs next to eachother thenn youll see once they get together they act like savages give them welfare and you have niggerama

>This autism
You heard it here first, folks! Culture ties people together and is based on a common footing.

In other news, water is still wet.

well that culture is in direct opposition to black culture, that is my whole point

some people wont even admit that there is a "white culture" or a "black culture" when it is obviously true

>I've moved on from leftist to satanist from that post

Guys like him, Thomas Sowell, Kevin Jackson, and others are great examples of Blacks who get it. This preacher tells a cold hard truth that even shocked me.:

there is a "commonality" between blacks and blacks which is not present between whites and blacks, that is black culture

there is a "commonality" between whites and whites which is not present between whites and blacks, that is white culture

white culture is the dominant culture and sublates and dominates black culture

I've moved on from satanism to occultism from that post

What you listed is also white culture.

If your daughter wanted to date a black guy who was like this, would you be ok with that?

saw this study
they sent out fake cvs and found out that
-applications with black names (tron, tyrone etc.) were 50% less likely to be received to than those with white names (tom etc.)
-applications of qualified blacks (again, black names: latoya etc) were just as likely to be replied to than those of unqualified blacks
-with whitely named people, qualified were more popular


meant to say replied to, not received to

so, it seems that, being a black is kind of like playing lottery

If my Daughter dated a black guy who was educated, family oriented, and monogamous I would have no issues with it.

you forgot to mention: and fucked me in the butt

Only good niggers a fucking dead nigger. Never in my life has a nigger helped me in any way or has even been just decent to me in general.

c u c k

Even escort girl despise blacks. When Backpage was clustered with Escort ads, there was around 65% that said no Blacks/African American Men. What does that tell you?

>>Sup Forums


Just your personal experience. I've had some good black friends who have helped me get out of some bad times.

I'd say it's appropriate. This is a random board after all.

Different poster: it's probably because you're asserting your bullshit with no evidence. From a fellow white person: git gud. Life is easy.

That's why the NBA is dominated by white players and nodody in the suburbs has ever bought a rap CD, right?

I'm not complaining about my life, I'm complaining about black person screaming oppression at every little thing.

*black people. Sorry.

I have a black friend who always calls me on my birthday. Nobody else ever calls me, including blood relatives.

Your first two points are right-ish. There's more to it but it's more right than it's wrong.

Your third point though does not follow from the above two. First, and what you repeatedly miss, is that white culture != public/workplace/American (pick one or any) culture.

you don't have any friends

You must be his token white friend

Why? Why don't you just let people believe what they want to believe. You have a right to believe that black people are not oppressed. I respect that. Why can't you have the same respect for people who disagree with you?

Hello gentleman,

I find this conversation interesting but can you tell me who this woman is?

Zozzle. And since there's no way to prove it that would satisfy you, and since I'm not interested in proving it, you'll just have to take my word for it.

the answer is no; you're not an asshole. everyone's entitled to their opinions and views -- that's what makes our country so great. It's when you let those feelings and viewpoints bring harm to someone else. niggers are niggers, and most of them are thugs. but when you act violently towards just any black person you see, yeah, you're an asshole.

TL;DR -- niggers are black but not all blacks are niggers.

the ones who can speak proper English and are fairly educated are tolerable enough

This is a discussion. I'm not insulting anybody or hindering their ability to speak their mind. What makes you think I don't respect peoples' opinions?

No seriously, what is "black culture" other than buying Fubu and Nike, rapping about bitches, and painting black faces on the Egyptians, who actually weren't black?

White Culture: democracy in Athens, the discovery of physics and metaphysics in Athens, the Roman Republic, Roman engineering, virtue ethics, Christianity, the Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, ethics of autonomy, ethics of authenticity, etc.

Quit being a puss and just open up to your feelings and obvious insight. You aren't stupid, these nigs are inferior in ever aspect and they do nothing to help themselves. You've realized that but you don't want the stigma of being "racist" it sounds. It's not racist it's just the truth. You will be happier once you accept your nigger hating feelings and move on

So you don't have any actual evidence to back up anything that you're saying, and your argument is basically "this is how I perceive things, so it must be true and if you disagree then you just aren't smart enough to see the way it is".

When you make a claim, you have the burden of proof, so prove your position or recognize that you're just spitballing.

This and only this. That people are still in denial, laughable.