Marriage is the most stupid risk you can take with your money. 50% chance you'll lose 50% of everything you own.
Marriage is the most stupid risk you can take with your money. 50% chance you'll lose 50% of everything you own
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This assumes you're going to divorce.
Don't marry a cumdumpster then OP.
But adding a second income to your household is the smartest thing you can do.
The Jews know its a catch 22. Marriage leads to wealth accumulation, wealth accumulation leads to power and stability. Get a pre and post nup to mitigate the risk
>cant comprehend odds
just get married later in life / after kids, at least then she has less incentrive to leave you during the stressful young kid period and wont get half your shit, you'll just pay kid support
In order to have a good relationship you need to have a girl at least 2-3 points under you.
So if you're a 6/10 its a 3-4/10
if you're a 7/10 you can aim for an average girl
if you're an 8/10 who can get one night stands and can date 7-8/10 girls easily you should aim for a 6 girl for long term
Girls are never happy unless they're in a hypergamous relationship, and even than if you have a small dick or poor etc. you might get cheated on.
>Marriage is the most stupid risk you can take
Western feminized marriage is the most stupid risk you can take
The problem is not with marriage, the problem is with the new laws that surround marriage and how men and women are treated differently by the courts.
there is more stupid thing: kids
100% failure
there is a reason people do not want kids and they win their lives
You're a fucking idiot if you actually believe that if someone else fails something 50% of the time that that means you will also fail at it 50% of the time.
Marriage in the muslim world carries little to no risk at all for men.
jokes on her i don't have any money
>letting divorce actually happen
til death do us part silly
Yes and no. In his case, it's likely nearer 80%.
Win by ending a billion year old bloodline
The only reason to have kids is if you're rich and/or powerful and want a heir.
For an average wagecuck kids are just constant frustration with some happy moments, and in the end they're still gonna hate you for being a beta loser.
About 50% of marriages end up in a divorce so it's a valid risk.
You don't need marriage for any of that.
It's not gambling if you take your time, retard. If you go and marry a girl a year after knowing her you don't know what the fuck you're going to get.
Way back when she was only my girlfriend I lived with my wife for three years before I married her and my relationship is fine. I really don't know why it's so difficult for people.
I'm convinced that a lot of the guys that get cheated on deserve it in that it was their own personality flaws which led to poor judgment in a life partner.
You half to play the odds. Pre nups cut divorce rates in half. post and pre nups give you the chance to have an old fashion marriage
>make kids
>give them to jewish overlords
>make profit
why not
It doesn't matter if a different human being fails something 100% of the time.
It has no fucking bearing on you, at all. And you're fucking stupid if you believe that it does.
>retard trips on curb and falls down half of the time he tries
no prenup no deal
Betting assumes you have something to gain.
50% chance for what? a Fucking headache, kids, occasional sex (prostitution is better realistically), and what?
who cares, life is a hell already here
> mfw during communism there were 3 kids per family
>You don't need marriage for any of that.
Millennial home ownership, savings, and average household income says otherwise
Prenups mean shit
>Not having at least 2 kids.
Why would you not want to replace yourself ?
ITT: success of jewish subversion
Yes, white man, material wealth is all that matters. Opt out of cultural institutions. Opt out of tradition. Opt out of procreation. Pursue the dollar.
Just do what i did, find yourself a 8/10 chinese cutie that was formerly a virgin that wants to get married and agreed to not only a prenump but if we get divorced, all i have to do is pay her family a dowry.
there are other ways desu if u have the balls to hunt for them
Let's keep procreating because that's how it's been for a billion years. Life has no inherent meaning or value.
not all of us Breed like cock roaches, and some even value their non insectoid life.
You dont need marriage to have a two income houshold. Though I'm not that familar with US law in Europe you can just cohabitate and the law treats you as partners after a certain time
>if you have the balls to marry a chink
Christ on a cracker, you're angry.
I was suggesting that given his expectations and attitude, his likelihood of failure was higher than the average.
At least my kids wont have to deal with people like you. You're DNA will be gone....Thats a good thing
because I am subhuman slavic slavshit
but you should
In Russia a fucker will pay for a kid even if he wasn't married.
There is effectively no such thing as a pre-nup. Family court hudges will seize assets not held by the husband if they think the husband used it to hide from the wife. The law is whatever a hysterical woman says it is.
Yeah, like marriage is anything close to what it meant once.
Like it or not muslim marriage is how Christian marriage used to be, and that was beneficial for both partners. One provider (the man) and one homemaker (the woman), with the man holding most rights in the marriage.
Nowadays this doesn't exist, blame jews or not there's nothing beneficial about marriage, you can have kids outside of marriage without any problems (this used to be a taboo), you can live together without marriage (this used to be a taboo too).
Marriage as an institution is just a sham.
You know we track wealth right. You can look at the stats people who never marry have much less property, wealth, and income
my wife does the laundry in her lingerie
have fun jerking off
Go back to r9k
Having children is the ultimate form of child abuse.
correlation and causation etc.
If you want to get married, do it the old-fashioned way. Just go over to a church with your friends and family and make your vows.
DO NOT get a state-issued marriage license. Those were created about 100 years ago to distribute the income from men to women.
>50% statistical probability
Don't teach much maths in Canada, do they?
You were believable before. Now, you just blew it.
The world will be better if YOU specifically don't breed.
Runkku kullini sykkii tuolle perseelle, veliseni.
What the fuck does money have to do with marriage? It's about love.
enjoy masturbationg!!!
i'm never getting married either. i don't care about white population. i'm here and then i'm gone. i'll enjoy those years instead of taking care of some female adult who probably wont even let me eat her pussy in the back pew at church while the deacon is shaking the offering basket at us
for that are "marriage contracts" in which you can literal write what you want if the "partner" agree its there problem.. my friend has such a thing because he became in testament view ha land and nice house but the girl became nothing if she leave him ...
Looks wise im better than my gf, by a good couple of points at least.
The safety i have is bliss since i know she loves me.
>lose half your shit
Only if you marry someone who is poor as fuck and owns nothing. Which, why the fuck would you be doing that? If you marry outside of your class, you deserve what you get for buying into the true love meme
>I lived with my wife for three years before I married her and my relationship is fine.
>lived with my wife for 3 years before I married her
>lived with her 3 years before I married her
Canadian common law states couples cohabitating 6-12 months (depending on region) are de facto married. She could have divorced your ass for any reason she chose while you were doing your due diligence and taken half your shit.
it's called a prenuptial agreement here in the US.
I don't care if I make the world better or not; it hasn't earned my benevolence. Hope you don't project that anger onto your children.
>hypergamy having much to do with physical appearance
Learn the meaning of the words you use retard
It's not a half-chance of her taking half.
It's a 65% chance of her taking more than you have, sending you to debtor's prison for not making as much money as the family law court thinks you can make. Before they send you to prison, they will wipe random bank accounts causing you and several other people's lives to suddenly grind to a halt.
Family law courts are above the law. There are things they do every day which civil and criminal courts cannot come close to doing. Mafia bosses get acquitted because the criminal court didn't follow due process closely enough. In the court of family law there is no such thing as due process or acquittal.
The fate of discarded husbands is eerily similar to the fate of unpersons in 1984.
and what keeps you from leaving her for a sexier chick?
agreed. actually, on top of not getting married, I wanna stay single as well.
sadly, I only know complete shit women that all suck dogballs.
50% of marriages end in divorce, but fewer than 50% of people will ever have a divorce.
Don't marry someone who isn't earning around equal, or greater than you
And that changes what?
Do I have to be married another two decades before I'm out of the danger zone of being divorced?
What about "marriage articiles"? or whatever you call this in english? In Poland it's called "intercyza" and it mens that if you'd divorce your wife she wouldn't get anything you own. So if you bought the house, she won't get it. If you were the only one making money, she won't get your savings, etc. etc.
If your "beloved" wife wouldn't want to sing something like that it's an obvious sing that she doesn't love you and only wants you for the future divorce.
99% of people who get married don't know how to do a prenup. Long story short, you need two completely different lawyers and they need time and money to do their thing.
People refuse to believe this, so they are incapable of actually doing it. Or if you want an easier answer: just never sign the marriage contract in the first place. Don't live in states which seek out any possible excuse to v& a man because a woman said so.
But user im a NEET and my fiance has more money than i do
Who gives a shit what a genetic dead end thinks? No one cares about sad sacks like you.
In the US we just call them "Commonwealth States. In certain states it works the same way as in Europe. As long as men are aware of the Commonwealth Laws of their State/Country/Region men can be OK.
Poland is not the west.
One of the defining traits of being a western country is that women can torture kids to death and still have zero consequences.
Its actually mostly physical appearance, girls only want to date the top 20% of guys looks and height wise. They also will date rich average/ugly guys but they wont "love" them.
What's funny is that you think you give yourself value by propagating your genetics. You exist for no other purpose.
mgtow and the likes need to fucking die
you're worse than fucking muslims, I don't expect muslims to be ethical, decent people
I know that when it comes to kids women usually get the right, it's a bitch to get rights for them in Poland too but i meant about property like don't you have US version of "intercyza"?
This does not protect you from the risk of divorce. She can change her mind about you at any time: one, three or thirty years of relationship do not make any difference.
t. son of parents who divorced after 33 years of marriage because my mom is a whore.
Talking shit about someone else's life when you don't have the basics.
Sad sack
>he think ANY women have the same odds.
its not a roulette table fucking autist
MGTOW is the result of modern feminism. You should really be blaming modern feminism, and not MGTOW.
>mfw I'm not a MGTOW because I'm not gay.
Wait for it. It's coming.
You're no better than a run of the mill gambling addict who imagines he can beat the odds with something more than luck.
She's gonna leave you for a bigger cock with more money one day. Screencap for truth.
>And that changes what?
You should rethink your position advocating others to live with their girlfriends before marriage to screen them for potential divorce.
Learn to read.
>second income
Not very traditional.
You shouldn't do it on the principle. Why give anyone that kind of power over your life? People kill themselves because they're ruined so absolutely by bitches in divorce courts. One guy set himself on fire outside a courthouse like one of those fucking Tibetan monks.
I don't know why anyone chooses to assume that kind of risk. I certainly won't until the system is changed to be fair. It isn't right that men should accept women having all the legal power in marriage and we should just trust them not to fuck us.
Exactly. Spend a year or two finding someone you're not going to divorce. If you get in arguments then chances are it's not going to work out so don't marry them. Marriage just multiplies the problems so if you don't have any it's nbd
well if you fuck any waman you get and than have some kids no wonder but if you are in a relationship/marriage and have a "contract" agreement on paper who owns what in germany you can add children care as well ...but many people dont know this or have no money for notary and lawyer and then has the mother the "right"
What a fucking simpleton you are please commit suicide
"Having the basics" is purely subjective. I don't consider having children a basic necessity in my life nor would I assign self worth to it.
dont marry a girl if shes one of the following:
- not a virgin
- has tattoos
- has piercings anywhere other than her ears
- her parents are divorced
- her parents were/are alcoholics/drug addicts
- is pro choice
anything else you can deal with, but those are huge red flags, steer clear from those and you will have a good wife
nice one US guy kek
Personally, because I'm a bog flinging potato nigger.
I'll tell you why people don't have kids: they can't afford them. When boomers had kids, they also had house prices in line with wages. It wasn't cheap, but it certainly wasn't unattainable and a bit of graft would see you in a decent place to provide your family with the most important thing of all: security.
House prices have inflated 5 times beyond wages now. Couple that with rising populations, stagnated wages, the demand of usually totally unnecessary third level degrees by employers to do monkey work, and the utterly unpredictable and badly organised rental market and having kids suddenly seems like the absolute last thing on your mind and an extremely bad idea. If you have enough money, good on you. If you don't, you're fucked. And if you do have them anyway, they're fucked because you won't be able to afford a good future for them.
So yeah, being alive for no reason. Might as well enjoy the party.
Someone seems fucking mad. Get bent Marriage fag.
>im special and immune to the odds
have fun with ur future divorce you uneducated cuck.
oh look a mgtow faggot. probably a fat unprincipled fat neckbeard
why wimminz go with da bad boi im so much better because reasons
This is true for any person that got fooled in any situation.
The careless deserve to suffer in life.
It isn't subjective.
I know you're a moral relativist sad sacks usually are. Its a great coping mechanism for failing
That's assuming it's purely random and I have no influence over the outcome of my marriage.
>But adding a second income to your household is the smartest thing you can do.
this shit... This shit right here is what fucked America. Allowing women into the work force and homes now having two incomes fucked up our economy. You think Jews ain't wise to this shit? Homes now have 2+ incomes and now we can jack up the prices of homes, rent, cars, food... Not to mention all the women/feminism shit we have to deal with in society today.
Women's rights movement was the single biggest fuck up to happen to America. Allowing women to have a voice destroyed this country.
that guy's pretty stupid but if you had even the most remote clue as to what you're talking about you'd know our education system is far more advanced and comprehensive than yours. In terms you might understand, they teach much more maths than in the US.