Any Immigrants here raised in the west? Born in Afghanistan but grew up in Canada since 2001

Any Immigrants here raised in the west? Born in Afghanistan but grew up in Canada since 2001.
Are things starting to feel weird for you? I've reached a point where I'm thinking about my future and having a small identity crisis.

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Whats your problem m8?

what is the big fucking deal? Try to be a better person, don't be a fucking retard, let people be, and live out a decent life? I'm sure plenty of the most fucking afghan person fail at that miserably.

>he didn't have an identity crisis like ten years ago
Young'uns I swear

Another Afghan raised in the West here.

feels weird being in a country with all kinds of people. I don't know why I'm just now getting these thoughts. I want to live in my homeland but it's in a terrible state atm.

>feels weird being in a country with all kinds of people.
Where I live there are vietnamese, portuguese, columbians, mexicans, poles, greeks, chinese, blacks, indians, arabs etc, etc.

You get over it.

Does it really matter what your 'identity' is? You live a comfortable life in leafland. Fuck hookers, drink beer and enjoy life.

You want to live in a country where Polio is still at epidemic levels?

Afghanistan is an irredeemable shithole that will remain shit during your lifetime, your children's lifetime and your children's children's lifetime. Let go. Count your blessings that you escaped that horrible country, and start seeing yourself as a Canadian.

Also be glad that you live in Canada, where civic nationalism is the norm, unlike in Europe.

Never had that feel tbhwyf

you live in the new world, your background/heritage = wgaf

>You want to live in a country where Polio is still at epidemic levels?
And that's why I said it's in a terrible state. There is no chance at peace, people are in a crazed state, air is polluted with gunpowder and bombs. Any attempts at modernizing the country are destroyed.

This is due to the culture you claim to want to live in. Be thankful you live in a secular, western democracy.

Culture is not problem. Me and my family still practice Afghan culture. The problem is that Afghanistan has been destabilized beyond recovery. The same thing is happening to Iraq and Syria. We are a weapons testing ground and heroin creating facility.

Maybe you're right. I see Asians who have assimilated completely and they live good lives.

The problem is Islam. That's why there are constant terror attacks, and why the country has been unable to end Polio. Because terrorists fucking shoot anyone that tries to vaccinate against it.

Why not move to one of the Gulf states? They're more modernized.

>We are a weapons testing ground and heroin creating facility.
Okay go make it a better place (good fucking luck what that) and most likely get killed or stop giving a fuck?

Your parents seemed to have made a choice already when they left it.

Something must happen to modernize Afghanistan. I want to see it at least become Tajikistan-tier.

Culture is the main problem of these shitholes

>Something must happen to modernize Afghanistan.
Yup, but if it didn't happened in your father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and so fucking from when alexander the great tried to rule that place, chances are it is not going to happen in your life time.

Just ask your mother and father why they left, shit isn't going to change in your lifetime.

Be glad of the opportunities they gave you, im sure some kid hiding in some cave in afghanastan would love to trade places with you and not give a single fuck about the country.

So what should Afghans do? Whore out their daughters? Get drunk? Eat Pork? Lose virginity before marriage? adopt pets instead having children? Culture is not problem. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you'd like but American government is at fault for destabilizing the Middle East and creating the refugee crisis.

It's normal, that's the symptoms that every singe uprooted man feels.
Also it's the biggest reason Europe is moving toward civil war, this psycho manlet norwegian explains it very well:

As an Afghan I can definitely tell you that culture is the problem. Afghan culture is savage. You just don't know because you probably left as a baby or small kid.

You should stop caring about others so much

Your comment is the main readon why is afghasnistan shithole

Pretty sure the Russians are responsible for destabilizing Afghanistan, mate.

As for your other points

Whore out their daughters = they already do that. Child marriage is commonplace in Afghanistan
Eat pork = yes
Lose virginity = yes
get drunk = yes

I agree on somethings like making animals fight is wrong. Bachabazi is also wrong but I don't consider this heinous thing to be culture. Many other things are because of poverty such as making children work.

>Child marriage is commonplace in Afghanistan
I agree with you but I don't agree with western age of consent being 18.

zitto animale

Isn't it like 15 in Sweden?

yeah it is

>American government is at fault for destabilizing the Middle East and creating the refugee crisis.
Yea the cia started the whole thing by forcing some kid in tunisia set himself on fire and start a shitload of protests in arab dictatorships.

Everyone seems to forget the whole sunni/shia fighting each other for influence with saudies/iran, russia and us and whatever else pass for a government in those places.

The only thing it is true is iraq, what a fucking massive blunder that dumb fuck bush was. No fucking business where needed there.

Doesn't stop paki/afghan/turk/miscMENA families from arranging marriages from their daughters are tiny and importing the husband and performing official weddings when they are of age. It's something nobody except barbarians want, but it's hard to stamp out, because it's done in places with no intel, and little to no working government.

Re: your ID crisis, I think that's something of a sign you're growing up nicely in a western culture. Used to be you grew up to be a man, not because of age or even sex really, but because you grew into work from an early age. You could of course switch employment if famine or economic distress caused it, but for the most part you'd remain at your post till you had taught your own kids how to make shoes and then fucked off and died.

Women never had that problem, they stayed at home or took small part time jobs, just like now, only they take several part time jobs. We are expected to discard the teachings of our forefathers, and accept the state of our women today with no fight given. I don't think that's fair or reasonable, because I grew up in a culture that says something different. But I don't think I can demand something from the world either, and so I'm left in crisis. Welcome aboard, user. Good luck. Don't become a statstic.

Age of consent in Australia is 16, mate. That said, I had jury duty a few weeks ago and sent some 50 year old pedo to jail for molesting a bunch of 13 year olds.

Assad protects minorities and he's secular. Trump is backing Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
>Yea the cia started the whole thing by forcing some kid in tunisia set himself on fire
That's BS propaganda. The U.S had planned for years to destabilize the middle east.

go back to your country, you dont belong in the west

why aren't you glad you are not living over there in the first place? Go there and ask anyone your age if they would want to trade places with you and i guarantee you they would love to do it and call your misgivings total horse shit.

Even if you don't, your parents thought so.

Wesley clark meme


I'm a Moroccan dude raised in the west. Born in 1996. Yeah I feel a little weird but that's normal because I'm a minority.

Your duty is to make at least 10 little mohammeds

of course its a fucking dutch flag

its either that or germany/france

Look I like living in Canada but if my country was as peaceful and stable as Canada, I would move.


Manlet? I mean he ain't 6' but he's not short by any means. Other than that he is right, it's just that he doesn't have the proper philosophical and sociological tools to prove it. That is why his wife, who does, is writing the books. If only she would translate them to English already.

Why don't you go back to Afghanistan and help take back the country from the foreigners and their lapdogs?

I come from China :)

Make the best life for you and your family regardless of what geographical boundary you find yourself in m8head, identity crisis is practically pointless

And how do you think peace and stability will be achieved?

Hopefully, you are the target of discrimination and harassment

I come from space ayyy lmao

I'm from the North China :D

Oh thanks for solidifying my purpose. I felt kinda lost.
Belgium has a large Moroccan population tho.
Brudi are you Turkish?

>Brudi are you Turkish?

no, you shitskin. You have to go back

Maybe if I was Ghandi

>The only thing it is true is iraq

Afghanistan even before Iraq, Pakistan stays shit because those retards don't know what you're doing there.

你好吗?:D Chinese love Finn Land! Moomin and Licorice very tasty.

This applies to me Brudi.

Afghani Kings were very progressive and were doing a good job of modernising the country. If it wasn't for foreign intervention, Afghanistan would've been a decent place today.

Tell me some secrets about Chinese

>but if my country was as peaceful and stable as Canada, I would move.

But it isn't. Life is not always fair. You deal with and make the best of it. Your family did, your father/mother grew up over there, you think it was easy for it in the first place since they knew the country better than you did.

I think this guy was on the right path but Communists came and killed him and his family.

>namefag attentionwhore
Literally mentally ill.
The ones who tried to modernise the country were usually killed and their rule was very limited.

Afghan + Islamic culture is awful.


i heard new zealanders are racists as fuck unless you're living in a capital city of the country

I was born in Canada and have been bullied here my whole life. I hope to return to my homeland someday.


How'd you end up in USA m8?

No I'm OP


The country was still heading in the right direction, though.
I just think it's very unfortunate how things turned out. The cold war faggotry completely fucked over a nation that had done nothing wrong.

They are not so bad, really but I live in Auckland. They get angry at Chinese buying houses, but Chinese only buys what they sell.

brought here as an orphan during the great maple syrup civil war by a wounded moose.

>Are things starting to feel weird for you? I've reached a point where I'm thinking about my future and having a small identity crisis.
oh oh

>Whore out their daughters? Get drunk? Lose virginity before marriage? adopt pets instead having children?


Anyhow, you've got only your parents to blame for migrating to countries with incompatible cultures.

>They are not so bad, really but I live in Auckland. They get angry at Chinese buying houses, but Chinese only buys what they sell.
lmao that meme exist here as well

come on OP, have some military training in the glorious Canadian forces and then come back to Afghanistan and become a warlord.

I have cousins in Canada. I went to Hockey Game of Maple Leafs. Really Cool! Canadians are very friendly.

you should embrace leafland because afghan isn't getting good anytime soon

>Are things starting to feel weird for you? I've reached a point where I'm thinking about my future and having a small identity crisis.

good god, find a girlfriend before you start having terrorist thoughts

Kek, i was thinking the same.

It's going to be weird telling people I'm Canadian if go on tourism.

>I've reached a point where I'm thinking about my future and having a small identity crisis.
If you go full blown durka, can you do at a starbucks, fucking hate the hipsters there.

I'm sure you will survive. Can't say for the kids living in afghanistan though. They got bigger worries than that.

>you go full blown durka, can you do at a starbucks, fucking hate the hipsters there.
I've never stepped a foot inside one. Timmies for life.

>Western age of consent is 18

Not here. 16 here for everybody.14 year olds can fuck each other legally too gray zone for adults.

It's just something that you will have to live with. Europeans built Canada and it is a white nation. That is a fact. Some people will never accept you as a "true" Canadian. But honestly - you should just stop caring about these things. Nationality, religion, tribalism - these are all man-made constructs. Granted, there is biological influence that causes people to coalesce together, but in this day and age, and especially in a civilised nation like Canada, you can ignore it. You don't have to define your identity through your nationality or ethnicity. Seek satisfaction through other, productive means.


>you should just stop caring about these things. Nationality, religion, tribalism - these are all man-made constructs

well we live in times where it's getting increasingly important, people are more aware of this

>14 year olds can fuck each other legally too gray zone for adults.
According to my research it's really not in the slightest. Almost no sentencing. Most of them simply wouldn't want an adult.

that's a non-issue

Ok bhai, but what do you think about the 1.1 million Indians here?

good post. doesn't work for all people though, unfortunately

you speak very good english for an indian. must be from rich community.

are you still making visual novels by the way?

Are you talking to my flag? Visual Novels? Like Unteralterbach?

Almost no sentencing is still more than none. Still grayzone, light gray but gray.

Almost no sentencing throughout the whole thing, this means no sentencing at all for most. I'm not sure how common it is though, insect might be somewhat, no clue about strangers.

and I'd like to had that it's stupid to say it's a "man-made construct" ; of course it's a man-made construct, we are men, it's made to regulate relationships with other humans. even the "love, tolerance for all", hippie bs is a man-made construct, see what I mean ?

OP there are stable middle eastern and central asian countries you can visit or move back to. I would suggest Tunisia or something.