>SJW marxists think they've won
Why did nobody tell me about this absolute madman?
>SJW marxists think they've won
Why did nobody tell me about this absolute madman?
Other urls found in this thread:
countries behind the iron curtain were shielded from cultural marxism. It was export ideology. For that reason things that are happening in sweden or germany sounds completely ridiculous for to people in the east.
that being said, the tide is turning. Western propaganda is going strong, especially amongst youngsters and university students
>SJW marxists think they've won
They did, my friend from the Middle Earth. Slavic developers are only a handful, western ones develop over 90% of popular games and they're all neo-Marxist anti-white faggots.
What's the game called? I'm buying 4 copies
Looks solid, nothing too special, tho.
Yet the goty 2015 had literally 0 dark skinned characters and was loaded with sexist, misogynist dialogue.
>Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an upcoming role-playing video game developed by Warhorse Studios. It is set in the medieval Kingdom of Bohemia, an Imperial State of the Holy Roman Empire, with a focus on historically accurate and realistic content. The game is scheduled for a Q3/Q4 release in 2016 for Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux. PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions have been confirmed as well for a later date.
>ironically using "red pill"
It looks fucking dope. Like a modern mount and blade
I'm gonna play the fuck out of this game
That was just one game, bruv.
>was loaded with sexist, misogynist dialogue.
..... where?
Good man. Wish more devs were like that instead of like the swecucks over at DICE pushing the WE WUZ DOUGHBOYS narrative.
Didn't Germany have African colonies?
Pretty much as soon as it was released it was under attack from prominent womyn activists such as anita sarjewsian complaining about it's depiction and treatment of females and the problematic misogynistic protagonist.
why didn't the devs just...ignore it? sjws get their powers from attention.
They did though as far as i know.
Germans was black, man!!!! When Trump wins they come back to study for free and make Germany reich again
A dude youd want to have a beer with.
No they get power from the large number of radical leftists in both game development and journalism. Ignoring them doesn't help. That would be just giving up the cultural narrative to them and letting them have their way with everything.
If we don't purge the elites of society in media, academia, politics, etc. who promote this stuff then it will continue leaking further into the culture and never go away.
He's arguing with strangers on Twitter. That's as blue pilled and retarded as you can get.
>if u ignore retards they will go away.
>if u ignore degeneray it will go away
>you can make other people change their views by preaching directly opposite views to them
I correct myself, you are as blue pilled as it gets, arguing on Twitter is the next thing.
>you are as blue pilled as it gets
>tfw his sister went missing
>no internet news sites wanted to report it because the suspect is anti gamergate and knew his private information about American Mcgee and his sister
The guy that is a suspect admitted that he used to be a bouncer at a club American and his sister used to go to and mesmerized their personal information... The same guy also sent threats to American threatening him and his family months before his sister disappeared.
Japanese developers
They make games for the boobs
I bought Witcher 2. Not really my cup of tea (I didn't dig the combat system) but boy am I glad I gave him my money.
And on top of that, he releases Linux versions of his games now.
I think I'm gonna buy Witcher 3 just to support this guy like I did with the ISIS Defense game.
You sound like a fucking coward. It's not about changing their opinions, it's about making them look like retards.
I want that t-shirt that he's wearing
it's almost as if you have no idea what you're talking about
>caring about videogames
ITT: nu-males
That's a different developer. The Witcher is from CD Projekt.
Oh right, I feel silly now.
They did, but they fought in East Africa which was an amazing campaign if you haven't read about it commanded by this guy. The person on the cover isn't an Askari in East Africa though.
They are also redpilled though (standing up against sjws).
Yes goy, only the true alpha male aryan™ has no interest in video games, you want to be one don't you? Just ignore games completely as they have have literally 0 influence on the younger generation and will have even less in the future.
We give them the red pills, and tell them to take them if they want to see the world how it really is.
They always refuse at first. Eventually the propagandists will label them "problematic," and they'll take the pill out of desperation to survive in a world that has suddenly, for no rational reason they can see, declared total war upon them.
For most it's already too late, and they pull an Ian Murdock. The survivors consider this an evolutionary filter, that screens out those that would turn traitor to return to their blue-pilled "reality."
Yeah, I thought I heard some stuff about them being good.
>trying to use the jew maymay when he literally fell for the biggest jewish propaganda ever
it's ok my dude, you'll grow up, eventually
Wait, does he say there weren't literally any of black people in the medieval central europe?
Not enough to justify adding them in games. Sure there might have been a few individual monks or traders who made their way there but that was so uncommon that it would be retarded to put them in the games.
Just because there were a few individuals doesn't mean they have to be represented in games. There were no black settlements or minority populations like the libtards try to argue. That it would somehow be normal and established.
They still haven't found her?
Seems logical, but a guy in the right part of picture tried to argue and said there should be some blacks in the gigantic landmass, and dev guy denied this.
Anyway, when it came to the point where devs are being tortured for the lack of diversity?
There were many near-medieval games without nigs before, and nobody said shit.
Yeah he gets a bit bogged down in absolutes which is a bit stupid because he's factually incorrect even though he's right in principle. The fact that moors existed isn't proof that there were lots of black people all over europe but saying that zero ever made their way to bavaria is probably false.
Honestly don't know when the diversity cancer hit, i haven't really played games in a few years to be honest. But it's maybe the last 3-5 years ago this shit started to gain social media traction. I think there was some noise about it when Witcher 2 came out but recently it has exploded.
lol you got this from the gamergate reddit
fuck off faggoht