Why does Sup Forums fall so heavily into the "neckbeard" category?
Why does Sup Forums fall so heavily into the "neckbeard" category?
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Actually that is anti-white chart made by the JIDF shills.
forgot religion but thats another point for le gentleman
I'm more of a everyman, in that the people around me are much more "interesting", yet I still manage to be the keystone and/or moral epicenter of whatever social circle I'm with. People rely on me for advice, but also have told me I'm too much of an idealist/optimist at times. I'm popular, not like a football captain or celebrity, but like a bartender/barber. I'll probably be some sagely old man someday.
This is a flawed chart, a large portion of Sup Forums is well into their late 20s and early 30s. This was obviously created by a child. I've been on this website since the mid 00s, long enough to finish university, start a career, and get married.
>2 Chad
>2 Nu-Male
>3 Gentleman
>3 Neckbeard
>3 Black Man
Call me Cyborg
>Dnt disagree wit liberalism or ur a ugly nekbeerd xD
What am I?
fuck i'm a chad.
>Not apolitical as fuck
>Not usually considered right-wing on a social level
Early 30's here
I don't fall into any of those categories. Just a guy in his office getting cheap laughs off Sup Forums while at work. Pretty boring white dude otherwise.
The only thing even remotely fun that I do is going to the range and shoot.
Geez, I wonder who is behind this pic
Chads are pro trump
>some literal cuck actually took the time to make this
Exactly. Fucking little kids get off my Sup Forums REEE!
the memes are true
Roling for next door normie