Is Skyler White the most unlikeable character ever written for a tv series?

Is Skyler White the most unlikeable character ever written for a tv series?

Pro-tip: The answer is yes

she's supposed to be unlikeable.
if she were likeable you would have hated walter white.

Most people on the internet like her though

Marie and Walter Jr were way more unlikeable desu

skylar did nothing wrong. if you could critically think you would hate walt.

just because walter was worse doesn't make her a saint
fucked ted
gave away money to ted that was for 'my family' etc etc

Walt did bad things in order to provide for his family
Skyler is just selfish

inb4 skyler vs carmela image macro

Peggy Hill


Also Skyler did nothing wrong. Objecting to your husband becoming a homicidal, emotionally vacant drug kingpin is not an unlikable characteristic.

Tried to blackmail him
Has no problem protecting Ted but can't do the same for her husband
Even though Walt has cancer, she makes the entire situation about herself

She almost made me want to not watch the series tbqh

Nope, Mikey from ray Donovan is.

Jesse was less likeable.
Sure Skyler was annoying because she kept Walter from doing awesome gangster shit, but ultimately she had a point especially in the later seasons.
Jesse was just a whiny little shit who had to fuck up at every opportunity.

>he tries to bring back Skyler hate threads

Janice was a level higher

But muh Brock

"Man, I don’t see it that way at all. We’ve been at events and had all our actors up onstage, and people ask Anna Gunn, “Why is your character such a bitch?” And with the risk of painting with too broad a brush, I think the people who have these issues with the wives being too bitchy on Breaking Bad are misogynists, plain and simple. I like Skyler a little less now that she’s succumbed to Walt’s machinations, but in the early days she was the voice of morality on the show. She was the one telling him, “You can’t cook crystal meth.” She’s got a tough job being married to this asshole. And this, by the way, is why I should avoid the Internet at all costs. People are griping about Skyler White being too much of a killjoy to her meth-cooking, murdering husband? She’s telling him not to be a murderer and a guy who cooks drugs for kids. How could you have a problem with that?"
-Vince Gilligan, after being asked why Skyler is such a bitch


Carmella and Joffrey come damn close.

the black kid from Stranger Things

I can't think of a show with more unlikable characters than Breaking Bad. Literally everyone on that show ranged from "mildly annoying" to "holy fuck shut up before I stab you in the eye".

She wasn't even unlikeable.

No she wasn't. Vince was clearly surprised by the hate she got because he thought her reactions were perfectly rational.

big bang theory

The only reason to hate Skylar is her acting choices .

Joffrey was fun to hate though. He stole every scene.

Not that I was ever a fan of his to begin with, but Jesse becomes insufferable on repeat viewings

She's just a cunt, from start to finish. I might be biased though because I hate women.

>Vince was clearly surprised by the hate she got because he thought her reactions were perfectly rational
That just means that Vince has a very weird definition of rational behavior



I guess, but I've never seen it outside of Sup Forums's shitposting.

Really brings me back

Funny that THIS used to be the worst Sup Forums got

What did she do that was irrational?

my sister made me watch a episode, worst thing i've ever seen

I have a feeling she's not a very good actress and that's where alot of the hate comes from. Can't say for sure because I've never seen her in anything outside of BB.

>implying your partner becoming an emotionally unavailable near rapist would drive you to take comfort in someone more familiar

This board really is autistic isn't it? Even after Walt straight up admits that it wasn't for his family but his own ego you still defend his actions? The whole point was that he broke bad. Bad in every sense of the word


remove the third panel and this image would actually be relevant to the thread

>near rapist
Are you retarded

I'm not even defending Walt. He's a piece of shit, obviously.
But at least he doesn't come across as an asshole.


Piper from Orange is the New Black.

He gave Ted the money to save herself and her family you fucking morons. Did you even watch the show

She was named as a reference to I Claudius, right?

This, the sopranos takes the Cake with Livia an Janice

>post an entire list of points
>calls out one thing and calls us morons
Even if she did, it wasn't her money to begin with. Still, I'll let this slide. Now go ahead and white-knight yourself through the rest of the list

>well you know thats why Tony burned your restaurant down

Why do you think it's a reference to the movie specifically and not the actual person


But just that she's the same kind of antagonizing, scheming character.

>Tried to blackmail him
What precisely does this refer to
>Has no problem protecting Ted but can't do the same for her husband
He protects Ted from the IRS to protect her family. And he does protect Walt by not going to the cops immediately.
>Even though Walt has cancer, she makes the entire situation about herself
Walt's cancer is irrelevant compared to his deeds.
>fucked ted
They were separated at that point

I hated her when I started watching the show, but as I kept watching I started to like her even more. Most, not all, but most of her actions and reactions are justified.

Walter literally melted a kid down in acid. There's no going back after that.

I still love him though. My favorite character overall.

I think skyler's pretty well written to be honest.

She reacts like your pretty typical woman would in the situation, trying to make everything about herself and all that shit.

I don't think she's written as unlikable, just most neckbears dislike women in general and can't empathise with her character.

I dislike Skyler just for her affair and how she always makes everything about herself but I think apart from that she's pretty reasonable.

why do you keep saying he?

this, i was genuinely relieved when she bowed out

I'm retarded

>What precisely does this refer to
"Stay away from your children or I'll rat you out"
>He protects Ted from the IRS to protect her family. And he does protect Walt by not going to the cops immediately
How is protecting Ted helping her family?
She obviously doesn't rat Walt out to use this as leverage
>Walt's cancer is irrelevant compared to his deeds.
She doesn't know about his deeds at that point.
>They were separated at that point
They were still married

Then again, I agree with these guys
I can't stand women in general


Nah, you're just as misogyneeeest

I shall fall back into my cuckshed immediately

>"Stay away from your children or I'll rat you out"
That's perfectly rational blackmail though.
>How is protecting Ted helping her family
Did you watch the show motherfucker? If she didn't help Ted the IRS would've started investigating her
>She doesn't know about his deeds at that point.
She knows he is being dishonest and keeps being dishonest. That's enough reason to be upset.
>They were still married
Who cares, she made it clear it's over

oh man, how i enjoyed rewatching brba while skipping every part where this cunt and the retard appeared
drugs/dea and shopliftingfu only

>If she didn't help Ted the IRS would've started investigating her
Not when she first noticed
>That's perfectly rational blackmail though.
>moral relativism
>She knows he is being dishonest and keeps being dishonest. That's enough reason to be upset.
No, it obviously isn't. Frankly, dishonesty is normal in cancer patients.
>Who cares, she made it clear it's over
Marriage is a sacred bond, dumbass.

Fact is, if Skyler's character was male, everyone would despise him.

>attempted to overthrow the entirety of western civilization

Did the ISIS caliph get a show or something? What did the picture mean by this?

>Not when she first noticed
Oh, that. So she didn't become a whistleblower in her company. Is everyone who doesn't become a whistleblower ethically in the wrong?
>moral relativism
Do you even know what you're talking about, kiddo? What's wrong with saying "blackmail is not always ethically wrong". That statement is just a rejection of the categorical imperative in regards to blackmail.
>No, it obviously isn't. Frankly, dishonesty is normal in cancer patients.
The relationship can't work that way.
>Marriage is a sacred bond, dumbass.
Get the fuck out of here with that meaningless bullshit.

> Literally everyone on that show ranged from "mildly annoying" to "holy fuck shut up before I stab you in the eye".

not true. saul, mike, gus, jesse's friends, krazy 8 and gale were all very likeable. it's just the main cast that is kind of a pain to watch sometimes

can we all agree that Hank did nothing wrong?

In my experience, most women hate Skylar far fucking more than the average guy.

I bet he brews tasty beer

>Get the fuck out of here with that meaningless bullshit.
Kek, now I know that you're a complete moron.
Thanks, now I can disregard anything you say

yes, people are getting "poorly written" character confused with "poorly executed" character. I rematch the show recently and realized Skylar is actually a pretty well crafted character with an identity, flaws and personality. she was just played by a really horrible actress with an annoying, punchable face.

cop out answer

You would have had a point there if Walt and Skyler were religious because then she'd at least be violating her own morals. But as it stands you're just a faggot grasping at straws.

>You would have had a point there if Walt and Skyler were religious
Doesn't matter, God doesn't care if you believe in him, buddy ;)

This BITCH. Vic Mackey's wife from The Shield

she has a point tho. Mac cheated her so many times

>you didn't know Tony is the one who started the fire in your restaurant
My fury was through the roof

You realize if ted didn't pay the IRS they would have investigated her for being the book keeper which in turn would lead to them finding out about walts unclaimed drug money right? She did it to protect Walt and the family. The only thing Skyler did "wrong" was fuck ted which she admitted was to try and get Walt to divorce her but he had no problem being a cuck. She thought maybe the big drug kingpin might have a bit more balls but no

Hank and Pete Campbell from Mad Men have the same problem; they're better characters than the unreal power fantasy lead. Hank is the man.

I think you Skyler defenders are getting likeability and morality confused. Who cares if she was morally right? Her unlikeability being justified doesn't make her not unlikeable.

Corrine was fine. It was Marla that was the horrid cunt demon.

Vince is a faggot

If you aren't a child who roots for Walt the whole time, she's pretty sympathetic.

Sympathetic doesn't equal likeable though

My friend who has watched the series twice now says he actually felt sympathy for Skylar after seeing it again.

Came here to post this or Janice from Sopranos.

>the most unlikeable character ever written for a tv series?

I re-watched BrBa recently and I liked her a lot more, the only things she did wrong were sleeping with Ted & smoking while pregnant.

i used to hate her but rewatching the show she really didnt do anything awful

I hate her. Fuck all the contrarians ITT

>"You have cancer Walt, but why aren't you thinking of me!!"
>Oh it's okay if I give this man I just fucked, my husband's drug money. Nothing can possibly go wrong with this, but I'll become a paranoid bitch if my husband decides to buy a bottle of wine for us one night.

Skylar played the crazy controlling housewife well. Her actions and behavior were not even close to justified, especially in the earlier seasons when she didn't know about Walter's secret.

Walter is somehow even less likeable. Only the cop brother in law was likeable

Oh dear, it's an awful show, isn't it? Absolute dogshit - for mongoloids!

Eh, Skylar is your typical naggin hausfrau, people pick up on that and that why she is unlikable.

I bet if Walt was trying to make a legitimate business profitable before he died, she probably would be on his ass for not being around enough.

The show doesn't go into it, but who knows why Walt gave up his stake at the company he was working on. If I were to guess it was because of Skylar.

>Oh it's okay if I give this man I just fucked, my husband's drug money.

Why are you retards still whining about this? If she didn't bail Ted out both Skylar and Walt would've probably gone to jail

>If I were to guess it was because of Skylar.

Did you ever think it MIGHT have something to do with Gretchen? You know, his previous romantic interest? Moron.

Yeah, but Skylar didn't help either, dickhead.

the show does tell why he left the company. the woman that worked there was dating him but dumped him for the other man. walt gets assblasted, quits los alamos and married the first girl that looks at him.

this is a major backstory to his character. it shows he is hot tempered, selfish, egotistical, and shows a reason for him to resent his present life. he would have been rich if it wasn't for that bad decision.

I swear to god you plebs only watched the epic gun fights.

But she's a woman

I almost stopped watching because of her

I legit don't know how people don't pick up on this shit. I bet Sup Forums thought Inception was confusing

The fuck? He didn't even know Skylar back then.

Yep, my point still stands the only reason people are white knightin for Skylar is cuz Walt is really bad in comparison.

Though, if was resentful of alpha chick I'm surprised he just gave up and didn't try to ruin her.

The protagonist of Orange is the New Black

N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no... it-s t-t-t-t-t-t-the retarded-d-d-d-d son.

she was both, like in real life