Meanwhile, half the prairies burns to the ground.

Come home white man.

Canada: home of the C U C K S


this can't be real i refuse to believe it

Burning forests are still a minority in Canada! YOU MUST NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINTS THEM!

There's no way that tweet can be real...


Is this how FInnish memes are made?

is that tweet real? if yes that is based as fuck because it trivializes feminism


That tweet can't be real.

He would never suggest anything in the world could possibly be worse than a world without feminism even as a joke. Feminists hate jokes about feminism.



I can't be the only one but this guy reminds me of Owen Wilson in Zoolander for some reason

I know you Americans are heavily armed. Can one of you make a trip across the border today to shoot me?

I'd really appreciate it

It's missing the bear and vodka but yeah

>gypsy still assblasted from last thread

it's not on his twitter, thankfully.

I want to laugh, but the same future will come to America if Hillary wins.



My aunt has an acquaintance that lives in Canada, he emigrated from Poland in the 80's. And she's been telling me that this dude told her that Canadians in reality are conservative people! Just like the Poles! It's only the media and the establishment that is lefty!

One big pile of bullshit. Looks like Canada is about to share the fate of the USA, Australia will join

The Canadians are as SJW as the rest of the degenerate West


I honestly feel bad for you canadabro 3.5 more years of this shit. Just hope you won't be forcefully culturally enriched by then

>their leader takes faggot photos like a middle schooler

By letting women vote

Wait... This is shopped right?

I hope he flaps his head into a ceiling fan


I hope all Canadians do this, by the way

thousands of people with no homes or cars to live in might be worse.

Why dont you throw molotovs at his sports car or something? let the fire rise

>whines about air conditioning
>while part of the country he leads is engulfed in flames
i should be laughing about this but instead i am sad
my sympathies to you and your arboreal bretheren, leaf

As real as my uncontainable disdain
for this left wing liberal cuck-stain.

slavs will inherit the world

Dutch are white


I guess his PR team was like "hey actually I know you're trying to milk the feminists again but now they're angry cause you're comparing feminism to air conditioning and they want your blood"

How fucking stupid can you be, Justy.

Your PM is a fucking tard. You know that right? He may actually have shit in his skull instead of brains.

Is that actually real? Somebody post a link to this tweet

Canada is burning and Weedman is tweeting.

I'm sorry Nero is your Prime Minister, leafbro.

So thinks an actual tweet from the Premier of your country?

I'm starting to wonder if this is even his final form...

>3.5 more years of this shit
You know that the prime minister of Canada doesn't have a fixed term, right? He remains in office until he resigns or dies.

That's pretty sad if that'd be the only concern of his right now

Nice time quints, can someone shop this to a photo of canada on fire?

send this faggot pictures of the fire.


Trips of truth when ya didn't even need em.

Yeah, he's a drama teacher for fuck sakes, we're well aware he's an idiot.

This guy LITERALLY hates Canada, mocks Canada and they love him.

Was Canada founded by the dregs of white society?

It's fake

Is this guy serious?



>our leader is some gigantic faggot

What can we do about this nonsense?

>Feminists hate jokes about feminism.
You should try getting out of your echo-chambers some time.

Keep a lookout for any brown stuff coming out of his ears or nose.


>So hot.
Is he talking about the fires?

You know what to do.

No, he's the end result of liberalism and letting women vote.

Women will do anything for a pretty bad boy that hates them, and their liberal cuck knights will flagellate themselves in hopes of getting a whiff of their farts.

End result? 60% of your country will vote for something that will destroy them.

Train hard.

Your mind better be as sharper than your bayonet.

ITT: a bunch of idiots who can't be bothered to check if the tweet is even real

this is the 'alt-right', ladies and gentlemen. High class intellectuals.

>its the future you chose

It's rather fitting really. A faggot leading a burning pile of refuse for a country.


Sup Forums is such shit.

Infinite Chan is much better

If we extinguish the fires, they win!

[spoiler]save me, please[/spoiler]

>Turkish Nazis
Somehow don't feel ok with this picture

>tfw you realize women voted him in just because they think he's "hot"

These cucks have dug their own graves, let the west burn. After western society and civilization fall it will act in the future as a martyr and the lesson is: Never ever let women have any form of power.

Canadians who know history, is he probably the worst leader you've ever had?

The budgets will balance themselves.

The fires in Alberta will extinguish themselves.

How is he a "bad boy"? He is a beta cuck.

They make more sense then Cuckåld Nazis.

so, when is canada gonna have a revolution

It's pretty obvious and I'm sure most people have noticed it. Still funny though, especially re-watching the movie.

>the people that worship this man are concerned that Trump won't act presidential


I'd rather live in turkey than Canada to be honest

I can't believe the most powerful man in Canada is a Twitter SJW

This can't be real mate, he just surpassed the meme horizon.

The guy hates his country.

I can't find this tweet.

Are you ready for K*rd genocide?

>JUSTin Trudeau keeps talking about feminism while the country is literally burning to the ground
It's like pottery


Men or Women aren't the problem. The problem is that retards and mentally ill people are also allowed to vote. Bring an IQ requirement and no prior history of major mental illnesses(Like Feminism or Transgender) before voting

You're a fucking retard

Justin is like a white knight, Machiavellian with regard to the Canadian people. Most especially pol will never understand

If you listen to he speeches closely he has let out a hint as to why he does the things most Canadians feel ashamed for having him as their representative

>if you hate your constituents, they win

He's a hero.

Is this real life?

>telling people how to fuck is fascism!
>fight it by fucking how we tell you to!

Do you guys have to fight?
Plus I'm pretty sure since I'm an American I'm supposed to suck Kurdish cock while trying to still be friends with you

I don't get the appeal of Trudeau. He's not handsome, not intelligent, not an eloquent speaker, and not business savvy.

I must be immune from whatever alien or illuminati mindcontrol drug he used on people.

he's SO hot right now...


Yeah the website that works 1 out of the 10 times you use it and whose userbase is smaller now than a furry group on Deviant Art. Real class act that shithole is.

>so hot
>le funny face XD
Your fucking country is burning m8, I think you need some help

But if you kill your enenmies, they win?
Do you want Trudeau to win?

What's yfw Turkey indirectly supports Kurds because we are puppets of USA? Most people don't know about this, lel.

He's not Harper. Canadians don't vote people in, they vote people out.

Not that I had any problem with Harper.

It's fake, faggots. We've been duped by Poe's Law.

It's fake, faggots. We've been duped by Poe's Law.

It's fake, faggots. We've been duped by Poe's Law.

it's the end times, isn't it? Please tell me it is.

>"Women aren't the problem"

Nope, western society is finished. the migrant crisis is the cause of females being the ministers of defense. Literally every cucked western European country has a female minister of defense. Yet every single based eastern European country does not.

Trudeau should kill himself, since it would be a flawless victory for him personally.

How fast do you think the SJW's would be bitching about the lack of tact in making a joke about A/C after a devastating fire? Between our head of state and the shitposters I come across here, I feel sorrow for my nation.

Real or not, what's most hilarious to me is that this guy is so damn stupid that you actually have to wonder if it is legit.

Since he has said stupid things like this in the past, it's very likely it could well be real.

I just scoured his twitter, he never tweeted this. Where do you live OP I have something to give to you in real life for making this waste of a time cancer thread
