Is it possible for an atheist to be redpilled and non cucked? I don't really think so.
Is it possible for an atheist to be redpilled and non cucked? I don't really think so
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I think I'm both but idk lad.
>pic related
What does non cucked mean?
you need the lord to be fully saved and redpilled
You must have a really steady hand to draw this small in Paint.
Fedoras BTFOd
""""""""""Atheists"""""""""" are blue pilled morons to begin with, but that has nothing to do with a lack of belief in higher powers
Your post makes me want to kill myself.
How does one redpill an atheist? Atheism is the definition of redpill.
How exactly is believing in a magical sky wizard relevant to being brainwashed into some other cult? Oh right it helps pave the way because you are used to being told how to think.
I was an atheist for a few weeks when I was sixteen years old. I quickly saw how gay and anti-White it was, and decided to not call myself one. Now, I am a Cosmotheist
[spoiler]I still attend a Christian Church frequently, and have attended one for all my life.[/spoiler]
Only if you're an ex-Muslim Indian, like me.
But I don't call myself atheist, thanks to all your stupid atheist tag teams.
Dude dont even kid this fuck is the most degenerate fagolo to date.gtfo fanfagboi
You are pretty retarded if you consider God to be a magical sky wizard, just shows how wrong your conception of God really is. I'd say you are very shallow, as are atheists.
Atheist here.
Believe in religion has nothing to do with social issues. I assume you faggots think all atheists are lgbt allies or niglivesmatter allies. Not true.
If you believe in god then you believe in magic and that's pretty fucking blue pill to me.
me atheist
> wife and one kid
> served and i volunteer for local troops
> job
> vote far right as I can (not globalists or libertarians though)
Ehhh. I'm agnostic and I'm probably more redpilled and uncucked than you are.
>only one kid
You need at least three.
I'm willing to bet that most BLM supporters believe in God.
>relevant to being brainwashed
na senpi, when Lucifer betrayed god and fell to the earth, he controlled the earth at that point. god knew what would happen and wanted to see if people would fall into temptation and sin. you being brainwashed by Lucifer
>still thinking Agnosticism is a middle-man/mutually-exclusive
You're far from redpilled until you correct your error.
Why does he need 3? do you have a white kid fetish?
>worshiping a coward who cried and sweated blood because he had to "die" for 3 days
Jesus is as cucked as you can get, what a faggot
An atheist is by definition already cuck'd.
I wish these threads would stop.
Sup Forums is a Christian board and god is the final redpill.
God bless.
Psalm :144
Again, when you say you imagine God being some magical dude on a cloud it only shows just how damn shallow you are. I do agree that the vast amount of Christians do indeed seem to be a bit lunatic and fanatic, and take everything that is written in the Bible literally. But the thing is that the Bible is written metaphorically. Of course Jesus didn't rise from the dead like some sort of a zombie, it's a metaphor suggesting the eternal life he is now granted with in a way that his spirit and his thoughts will never die out because it's deeds are eternal, for he followed the teachings of God.
As I said, your shallowness is showing. Give Bible a chance.
Because Mehmed and Boyega are having 5+ and one or two kids is below replacement level.
Yes. But Atheists and religious people are equally dumb. How can anyone be sure?
>Start thread supposably asking Atheists a question
>Respond with nothing but fedora memes and bible verses
Ever time
Stop taking the bait faggots.
>worshiping a coward
no need to worship Jesus, the christens are the only ones who need just your acceptance that Jesus is your lord and savior and you will be saved.
nice sermon. right up there with
>only god can be good
>there is good in world
>therefore god exists
His country is 98% white with the majority of the population being finish (if you count the fins as whites) why would he need 3 kids in that scenario?
>cuckstians are literally a branch of judaism
>they raped and killed our ancestor, burned our cities, razed our towns, destroyed our art and literature, oppressed our ancestors and stomped on their rights and liberty
>a bunch of retarded short-sighted cucks on an anime board tip their fedora about how enlightened they are for believing in the same god as kikes
>while the pope wants to rip down all borders and let rapefugees flood our nations and take them over
Explain to me why christians in the US are all fatass gluttons who have a porn shop every other block.
I'm atheist and I never had anal sex with a banana, am I worthy? Pic related is a disgrace, I'm not like him in the slightest. I hate gays because they spread AIDS and are incapable of breeding, not because some old book tells me to.
didn't saran trick adam and eve into eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, hence he gave them something more to life than being another animal in god's petting zoo?
Wouldn't that make him sort of like a Prometheus-esque character? Does it really make him a bad guy?
Jesus said "render unto Caesar that which is Cesars"
He did not say "Steal from others under threat of violence and render unto lazy niggers"
>I don't understand the Bible or Christian teachings
Even supposedly "cucked" Atheists like banana man are usually more anti feminist and anti Islam than the average person, there's plenty of fat fuck abrahamists out there that agree with his other bullshit like hating Trump.
I wish the 14 year olds that don't get the joke would leave Sup Forums and let it go back to the way it was.
believing in any organized religion is the farthest thing from the red pill you can get.
Religion is the ultimate blue pill
>no really, you'll go to paradise when you die if you just act and do as we say for your entire life
no thanks. pic related.
you understand that when Jesus says that he is directly referencing them paying taxes?
>Remove weeds
>14 year olds
Projecting much?
People bought the "Christian board" meme.
No wonder the rest of Sup Forums calls this the low IQ board.
>thinks he is an unquestionable god
>north corea people worship him like a god
communists you can't do anything right
If your primary mode of communication is memes, like the majority of Sup Forums christians, then its not unreasonable to assume you're 14
Yes good goy, atheists are the problem. While you are busy, we'll be flooding your countries with Muslims and niggers.
>Mark 10:21-22Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said, “You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.” When he heard this, he was shocked and went away grieving, for he had many possessions.
Because the birthrates are still shit you nigger. Finland has 1.80 births per woman. It's bellow replacement. A young nation is a healthy nation you kike.
Nice, its the drunken peasants. xddd
If religion is such a good thing, then why were the Middle Ages so cancerous and detrimental to the advancement of society?
God created one specific tree with the fruit you mention, giving Adam explicit orders not To eat from it.
An order Adam passed onto his newly created partner Eve, satan, taking the form of a snake poisoned her mind into eating from it.
Said and done she defied god's trust and so did Adam, after WHich they were sent To earth To redeem their worth in god's eyes.
Should they not have eaten the fruits they would have no knowledge of evil and would live only in good with god.
This is the reason why we live on earth, To regain the trust in god, ashe trusts in us.
I am a niggerican get it right you fedora fag. Unless you do your part to save your trashy race then you are a hypocrite.
Fact: As long as the church exists it will continue to evade taxes, host one of the worlds biggest mafia, deter scientific progress, take money and preach about how you should be humble, while also preaching how you should get rid of your national identity and homogeneity.
Fact: Only dumb sheeple would support that kind of institution.
Therefore religious fags are the most blue pilled.
> Prove me wrong
Way to miss the entire fucking point of that story you fedora clad moron. The Pharisees and the Herodians thought they had Jesus in a trap They thought, whatever He said, that He would be in trouble, either with the Roman authorities or with the people. They thought they were asking a financial and political question. They were wrong.
By turning the focus to the idolatrous nature of the tribute coin and the inscription which called Caesar “divine,” Christ turned it into a question about who is God, who receives worship. No longer is the question to whom you will pay taxes, but to whom you will render worship. The word “render” here means paying an obligation. The story involves paying taxes, but the point has fuck all to do with denarii, idiot.
The entire point of that story is that Caesar can have as many coins as he wants, he will never be god. The story is 100% about learning the difference between what matters in the ethereal world and the physical world.
>People who have 0 fucking knowledge on a subject
>Trying to fedorasplain that subject to anyone else
Atheism leads to moral degeneracy
Just ask the Romans, or any other downed civilizations for that matter. We're seeing a rise in feminism and political correctness today thanks to Atheism
This guy gets it
You're nitpicking your bible as much as a 'moderate' mudslime does.
>Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said, “You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.” When he heard this, he was shocked and went away grieving, for he had many possessions.
-Mark 10:21-22
Amen brother.
>We're seeing a rise in feminism and political correctness today thanks to Atheism
Then why did those things start rising rapidly before Atheism?
>Is it possible for an atheist to be redpilled and non cucked?
No. Atheists are mostly leftists, making them bluepilled and cucked.
For instance, commies (whether from a current or former commie regime) are mostly atheists. Instead, they believe in the teachings of some degenerate Jew, Karl Marx.
Atheists lack moral and ethical guidance that religion often provides. Atheists are more likely to commit degenerate acts like homosexuality, drug use, selfishness, indulging in material pleasures, murder because life isn't sacred to them, and so on.
They must be eradicated.
You are what you are. The popularized image of an atheist being a retarded liberal faggot doesn't have to apply to you. To me, belief or disbelief in a higher power doesn't really translate to intelligence.
> I need a book and a man other then my father to teach me rights from wrongs
Sounds like an excuse for shitty parenting.
Amen To you aswell, brother.
These little high school fedoras can't even understand the most basic biblical ex-genesis. They get all their information from Dick Dorkins and Sam "Curly Haired Kike" Harris.
What you're describing is the Church of Satan which has spawned in this time and age for all of us to see, but that shouldn't be the representation of real Christianity, you will know that very well if you've read any of Jesus's teachings.
>preaching how you should get rid of your national identity and homogeneity
Again, those aren't the real Christian values.
Pročitaj ponešto o Svetosavskom nacionalizmu.
Because of communist subversion and drug use, both of which brought on by a generation of people being raised by single mothers due to so many men dying in the war
Can somebody redpill me on why religion is considered redpilled? Since when it is logical to believe in stories from an old book that say an apple is responsible for all of the world's evils? I thought the red pill was supposed to represent harsh truth, how can it possibly be true that an apple led to the existence of things such as terrorism and cancer?
Tfw ik this guy who is bald and looks exactly like this sperglord
> B-b-but those aren't true christians they don't represent my kind of christianity
> B-b-ut those aren't true muslims they don't represent my kind of islam
I know those Christian countries in Latin America and Africa are so pure and free of degeneracy.
>They must be eradicated.
Remember this later when bitching about atheists always attacking Christians instead of Muslims. Faggots like you are the ones causing them to only focus one direction.
T. Redpilled arheist
Implying having your every action and thought dictated by an ancient book written by sand niggers for sand niggers is redpilled. Implying fearing the imaginary isn't the ultimate form of cuckery. Islam, Christianity, Judaism, it's all the same. It's a bunch of degenerates admitting they need to be told not to do degenerate shit otherwise they'll spiral full into degeneracy. These people have no self-control, no ambition, and no will of their own. Literal cucks for Christ.
>People who CANNOT be redpilled
>Fat people
Factually wrong, atheists have one of the lowest murder rates
>indulging in material pleasures
Nothing wrong with these
>Too stupid to come up with a counter-point after getting rekt
and a *tip* for you, m'good gentle xir
Those guys aren't degenerate because they're atheist, they're atheist because they're degenerate. The Bible was successful at determining that homosexuality, selfishness, drug use and etc. is bad, but do you really need a deity or a book to come to that conclusion?
>Factually wrong, atheists have one of the lowest murder rates
Just ask Stalin and Mao....
Budalo plitka, Bibliju u ruke i malo muć-muć glavom pa onda govori nešto.
Kol'ko shvatih neki si nacionalista, a odbijaš religiju koja je tako bitan čin u istoriji svake nacije. Slagao se ti ili ne sa religijom, na kraju krajeva moraš priznati da je ona sjajan način nacionalnog sjedinjavanja.
Correlation does not imply causation you dumb nigger. We have seen a rise in atheism because it's acceptable now, and you can't be excommunicated from society due to you not believing in the same book of fairy tales.
If you follow an organized religion, you are most definitely a blue pulled cuck.
Znaš šta je još bolji način?
Kada država prestane davat novce ustanovi koja apsolutno nevrača u nikakvim razmjerima, te kada njeni "zaposlenici" uživaju povlastice višeg staleža. Glup si ko kurac ako bi rađe da ti državu kontroliraju popovi, nego pošteni ljudi jakog karaktera.
Religija je bila prihvatljiva kada ljudi nisu mogli obijasniti stvari koje se dešavaju oko njih.
Sada je religija uz politiku najkorumpiranija, te postoji zbog budala poput tebe što svo svoje znanje ne crpe iz vlastite glave nego iz knjige ili iz riječi nekog bradatog majmuna.
And why is it acceptable? Isn't it because of the evident degeneration of society?
I honestly don't understand how one can be religious and consider oneself "red-pilled"
Religion was the original blue-pill/get rich quick scheme
>Just follow these 10 rules and you'll get to go to a magical carnival in sky after you die
Sounds legit
>Being a part of a community
>knitting closely with people around you in the name of god
>actively partaking against degeneracy
>blue pilled
user, Being chrisitian does not mean per definition you are blue-pilled.
May god watch over your life, pray there is still time To redeem yourself.