>300 years ago
>We colonise the Falklands
>300 years later
>Argentina tells us it's theirs
>"But Argentina, you never stepped foot on these islands, it's ours"
>Muh oil supply
>Tell NATO to help them
>Not my problem
>Britian tells NATO if we should make a referendum
>We ask the Falklanders if they want to be British, or Argentinian
>95% want to be British
>It's settled
>Argentina mad as fuck
>U wot m8?
>Retake Falklands
>Argentina pissed to this day
Why is Argentina the worst country in South America?
300 years ago
Other urls found in this thread:
are you still asshurt about this holy shit
I thought it was 99%
It's just a shitty little island who cares?
Why would Argentina want to take a small set of islands?
Argentina care.
Rest was drunk or trolling
Why are british so obsessed with the Falklands?
British territority in SA.
It's always dangerous have anglos near you
Oh man, I might of actually liked Argentina if it wasn't for the butthurt over the Falklands
I theorise that it is their last shred of relevancy, mixed in with a little bit of
>muh empire
It's quite sad and pathetic desu.
Although just for good measure, the Falklands are definitely British.
Oil, lots of oil. Also the fact the people living their wanted to be British.
It's British territory and Argentina invaded. How far into an invasion of Brazil would the Brazilians fight back?
It was about prestige mainly. Britains didn't want to appear weak
Being the shittest country on Earth, any invasion would mean a step up so they wouldn't fight back.
Muh Harriers
there is an argentine family on the falklands who want to be part of the UK but had to vote to ensure Argentina didn't take away their Argentinian citizenship
What about Francos then faggot ?
>brit living in the past
Fresh and exciting
>These islands THOUSANDS of miles away are ours!
>There are 50+ countries geographically closer to them? So what?
Better call Denmark, they best give Greenland to Canada.
i love blissfully ignorant americucks
>all the signs in english
this does not take place in france you dumb nigger
>didn't see the giant LONDON in the bottom right
>not realizing thats what colonial powers do, from an American no less.
Holy shit
If we will not stand on principle, we will stand on nothing at all. Britain showed the world, not just Argentina, that international laws ARE meaningful and WILL be enforced. (Unless you're Israel)
I believe its because of the right to mine the antarctic as any land mass near by gets a claim, therefore Falklands is worth a vast amount
Are you really being proud of being a cuck nigel?
>thousands of miles away
>Just like Hawaii
Thatcher did nothing wrong.
I mean why the average british Sup Forumstarde is so obsessed with Falklands.
I know about the oil, Antarctic and strategy.
Fuck tina
It's almost as if the Norse had managed to hold onto Shetland to this day, and were using that fact to drill 'your' oilfields and fish 'your' stocks in the north sea. I can't imagine that would bother you at all.
I'm not taking their side, you'll need an Argentine to do that. Just saying, I see two sides on this one mate.
>It's almost as if the Norse had managed to hold onto Shetland to this day,
But they didn't, because the English fought, got them back and now own them again.
If Argentina had fucking held onto the islands it might have been different but they fought, they lost and now any claim they might have previously had is fucking gone.
Actually that's not true. You didn't take one swipe and give up. The Scottish Kings fought over them several times, from about 1250 onwards, and only annexed them in 1472.
If we follow that precedent the Argentines can just keep trying until they get it right.
Against that stands the argument that land ceased to transfer via war in 1945, but that precedent is greatly weakened by the example of Israel.
sorry i dont pay to much atention while arguin with a goat fucker XD
is this france?
keep them m8, not that we could even take them back without getting obliterated.
at this rate the falklands will be one of the last white british remains.
Britain is so weak I'm shocked they even still have the Falklands in 2016.
>Lose a war.
>Put what you lost on your currency.
Fucking Argie bastards.
Why is it that whenever I see a Falklands thread the UK is always the one shitposting hoping Argentina will take the bait?
Its the last war they have or ever will, win.