Why do you have to opt in to be a donor? Hospitals should be able to take your organs, hell...

Why do you have to opt in to be a donor? Hospitals should be able to take your organs, hell, they should give your relatives a credit towards their bill for each organ they can use.

But America, we do donate organs, like Kidneys.

I need them for the afterlife you peasant

Because if you are a donor, they give you worse treatment so you die and they get your organs.
>t. Surgeon General

Oh yeah, cause when I die, I want the state to own all my stuff, including my body.

Fuck no you stupid liberal fuck.

>tfw I'm not an organ donor

I hope I dont die before I get to make it known I have specific purposes for my body after death.

I'd love to give the rockerfellers and rothschilds their 10th heart transplant

You don't need your body anymore.

Spoken like a true liberal.
Always after things that aren't theirs.

You havnt died yet and you wouldnt know that.

>actually giving away you body so people can make millions off of your remains.

Unless they give my family the money then no they can fuck off.

Even in death >being this greedy


What the hell is it with libtards and their decision of what other people do and don't "need?"

Comrade, you're not making full use of your body right now! We will help you donate it for greater good!

You're probably so lazy you wouldn't executor a family members estate, and would rather government employees did it all, including harvesting your mothers body to make prosthetic vaginas for prison inmates.

Fuck you dude I don't want to be considered "brain dead" whatever that means just to have my organs harvested.

They don't anesthetize you at all either. Every doctor I've talked to says that a lot of patients react to the harvesting procedure with blood pressure spikes and erratic heart rates. They all said they would request pain meds for their loved ones and yet they don't give it to normalfags.

>spending your last moments on earth in agonizing pain while your organs are taken out of your live body
Yeah... No thanks

Wasting viable organs is pure stupidity.

what's your excuse?

I'm a registered donor.

why aren't you donating organs right now?
did you already donate a kidney?

I can't even donate blood because I'm so underweight.

>tfw i checkmarked "no" when asked if I wanted to be a donor

Is there a way to reverse your status?

>let healthy people die to get organs for wealthy old fucks

what good are your organs going to be if you're not even in good physical health now?

This is exactly the problem. Selling organs is illegal. Donation only. Everyone is walking around with over $100K in them. The people with the best health, can't get due recompense on death. Their family cannot inherit their deceased healths worth.

But no, you want everyone to have to be torn apart by doctors.

If everybody was considered a donor by default, there wouldn't even be a transplant list to begin with, because every natural death would be enough.

Organ donations happen only when the person is dead.

Pointing out another problem with our health system as a reason to not fix another part is kinda backwards.
Would you be in support of it if the family was compensated for the organs taken? (Keeping in mind that the 100k would drop almost immediately due to supply and demand)

Dumb faggot. You do realize you still fucking alive when they cut your heart out right?

Sure they say your brain dead but they don't drug you up to cut your fucking heart out or lungs. Also they have done brain scans of people and told them to think of a object.

Same area in the bring lights up when a normal people does it. 20% of so called brain dead people they tested turned out to be not brain dead

Gonna die anyways, might as well opt out of the probable trauma I've received to be in the situation that leads to being harvested. Saving a few lives at the same time is a plus.

No, look that's exactly the problem with donation/confiscation arguments.

You don't get to say shit about what's backwards. You're wrong. Don't pretend to know the economics of it. You came here wanting every dead persons organs. That's not an economically viable argument.

If you had to purchase replacement organs along with the surgery, maybe to prevent ever needing any of those expensive operations, people take better care of themselves.

You can't just take people's organs and expect things to work out.

But, you don't actually want to know, because you came to Sup Forums trying to change people's minds. Or just to bait.