I finished stranger things a few days ago, have to say it's actually pretty good...

I finished stranger things a few days ago, have to say it's actually pretty good, what's Sup Forums's thoughts on the show?

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Best new show I've seen all year

I really loved it. I'm aware that it's nothing new; motifs used in this show were used in many other films/tv series, and it does allude to old clasics (like Stand by me, for example). CGI effects could be better, too.
But overall I liked it, it was comfy. Maybe setting the show in 80s was a cheap marketing gimmick, but it worked pretty well. Music was really good, the cast (especially Finn and Millie) was really good.

I don't know why Sup Forums hates it so much.

>what's Sup Forums's thoughts on the show?

I don't know. Its never been brought it up before.

Pretty great, but the last episode sucked.

it's very entertaining with probably my new favorite soundtrack of any tv series so far, and I love the goonies meets poltergeist meets chronicle combination.

That said, it's nothing new, all the characters are walking cliches, and the acting/dialogue seems unnatural and cheesy at times.If you don't like 80s movies cliches, I could understand why you won't like it. Everyone I know at my uni loves it so its got the normies vote too.

That one scene where eleven night walks in other dimension after they make the sensory deprivation tank at the school was fucking amazing, and genuinely creeped me the hell out, especially when she started yelling for god.

I give it a 8/10 and I am excited for season 2, which they better fucking make because they set up the final episode for another season.

I assume Sup Forums will hate it for being nothing new and borrowing from a bunch of 1970's/1980's si-fi/horror movies. Another reason why Sup Forums just hates everything that the majority likes. Great show, was on the edge of my seat for a lot of it.

>black kids and latinos in the midwest suburbs
>in the 80's

Cant get into this show its just not believable tbqh famalama

you're petty as fuck. consider rethinking your life and standards.


>has a cute underage girl

Take a guess what Sup Forums's thoughts are

I haven't seen it but I hate it

If Netflix is going to drop whole season packages on the viewers, they need to speed up production and do 2/3 seasons a year and release them every 4 months.

12 months the hype is going to be long gone. Fucking love that netflix is doing their own thing. This is what I was hoping for all through the 90s. Fuck cable in the goat ass.

Split down the middle, a lot of people are hating it to be contrarion.

This is vaild though, the ending was underwhelming as fuck.

>especially when she started yelling for god
Uhhh what? She was yelling "gone", pal...

Anyway, the show was okay.

was it?

well still a cool scene senpai.

Let's find out




Literally leftist propaganda
>Dude, the 80s didn't rock, bad Reagan, bad you

Fuck off Netflix shills

Why did the cop become a complete retard in the last two episodes?
>Walk straight into the heavily fortified enemy base
>No plan other than hope they don't kill him on sight
>Give enemies the location of the girl

>I didn't watch it

Your post in a nutshell

None of that is true though, bitch

>Being this retarded
I genuinely hope this is b8

>Sup Forums is roaming freely across our boards. Unchecked, unchallenged, derailing every thread at will. Sup Forums bearing the red hat of Trump.

Ye I have to say the stupidest thing in the whole fucking series is the fact that they just didn't kill the cop the first time he infiltrated.
I mean, they killed that benny nigga for just meeting the girl, why wouldn't they kill Hopper for seeing an interdimensional gate and uncovering a conspiracy?

Glad he didn't die tho, he's like my favourite character.

>strong independent womyn with shaved head because fuck your social norms
>named 11 because spooky government ran cliche tests on her and has super powahs cliche
>"Let's relive the 80's cus I'm an adult who goes on Reddit and miss my childhood"
>they play dramatic uplifting 80's music at random times at inappropriate moments that kill tension
>Winona is a fucking awful actress
>all characters are retarded
>nobody noticed that a plastic Will stuffed with cotton doesn't weight nearly as much as a real human boy's body
>Nancy/Barb subplot is so boring I skipped through it
>stupid evil dimension stuff such as "The vale of shadows is a dark dimension that echoes our world"
>retarded sci fi bullshit like "You'd have to create some massive amount of energy capable of creating a....tear in time and space"

reddit tier garbage made for fucking plebs. One of the dumbest shows I've ever watched

he's a black suit shill in the end

What I don't get, and what annoys me is the fact that Millie and Winona get all the credit as far as good acting goes. People gush over Millie's genius and flat out ignore Finn, who had probably the most difficult role from among the children, given that he had both a lot of lines and a decent amount of non-verbal scenes and was practically a driving power for Eleven/finding Will subplot. Similarly with Winona, her acting was fine, but Charlie Heaton was much better (or at least as good) but is rarely mentioned.

Fuck, people even go mad over Barb who had maybe 20 lines, but don't give a single damn about really talented actors.

>nobody noticed that a plastic Will stuffed with cotton doesn't weight nearly as much as a real human boy's body
are you retarded? did you even watch the show?

That strong independant woman is bullshit and you know it. For almost all of the fucking show she was cowering and towards the end did she only fucking do anything.
And why the fuck would they notice the weight of the body when nobdoy was allowed to touch it you fucking fuckwad, the only people near the body were fucking people in on it.

>Jumping on the hate bandwagon this hard.
If you dont like the movie thats cool but the point you made were fucking retarded.

every opinion is valid. even asinine ones. that's what Sup Forums is about. you can't downvote it. you can respond or just ignore it.

Agreed brah, I think that Millie and Winona did some really good fucking shit, but no way in hell did they over shadow the other characters.
I mean, in my opinion 11 herself was actually one of the worse characters (Tho not necessarily bad).
I feel like people are just focusing on the wrong things.

It's great, and usually with this kind of show I'd say leave it at one series, but the writers made some really interesting choices with the characters and the actors all played their roles well, so I'm actually looking forward to a second series to see where they go with them next, especially:

>Steve. Managed to navigate the "bad boyfriend" trope without being so obvious that it felt forced. Genuinely enjoyed his comeback in the final episode, and managed to have a complete arc despite being a minor character. Rewatching the series made even his douchier actions have a somewhat sympathetic edge (breaking johnny's camera for pervin, he didn't even seem to get that sick bullying pleasure out of it like his friends did. )

>Hopper. Complete badass. Fav character. Our guy. Didn't expect that after his first episode.

I'm considering watching this with my mother. I have just this week away from college until next semester starts and I wanted to spend some time with her and watch something together since I've been a terrible son lately.

Is it safe? Any sex scenes or awkward moments that shouldn't be seen with your parents or family?

Sup Forums is a board of peace. Not letting them in your board makes you a bigot.

the firefighters that pulled him out of the water and moved him to the autopsy place were in on it too?

Pretty much this, hilarious now that whenever you develop an eye for propaganda you get instantly labeled as Sup Forums regardless if you ever been there.
Its pretty much like Hitler as adjective nowdays, the more they use it the less its worth.

Steve slowly became one of my favourite characters in the series. I'm glad he ended up with the girl.

The first view episodes were indeed great, the cinematography was movie budget quality in a lot of places, but the further it went on it started to drag down. Good presentation can only do so much.

Its safe to watch, there's one teensy scene that has a little bit of sex in it but you see nothing and it wasn't akward to watch at all

Ignoring Hopper being the most based character who pushes the plot for the first 6 episodes

Oddly enough, the more it went on, the nicer I found it. I think it got better towards the end, but it seems people dislike the ending

Hopper is arguably the best character in the show

It might be a little awkward considering their age. Not everyone is Sup Forums levels of pedo.

Agreed, Steve is top tier, he's actually one of the better developed/less shallow characters.

I think it depends on person, to me it as much as for I didn't like first four episodes much, but after then it just got better and better imo.

why do kids riding bikes represent the 80's, do kids not ride bikes anymore?

Even my SJW girl friends agree. Hopper, Steve and Eleven are the three characters I've been hearing cited as favorites most often along them.

I think a lot of people disliked how neatly they were set to tie everything up and ten in the last 10 minutes they went full "HERE'S SOME NEW MYSTERIES ARE YOU HYPED FOR SEASON TWO YET????"

There's nothing really pedo about it, If someone gets turned on by shit like that, where they're literally just laying ontop of eachother, it's pretty sad.

I agree that the part where the kid spits out the parasite thing was a little lame, obviously a set up for season 2, but I still think it's gonna rock,

>why do kids riding bikes represent the 80's

Why would you assume that's why they show kids on bike instead of their main mode of transportation in a small town?

Nope, riding bikes is hella dangerous in and of itself, and when you factor in how far it lets them get from home which is pretty much guaranteed kidnapping in this day and age.

>Liking Steve

Don't get me wrong I loved the guy but I found this hard to believe. He's a bit of a womaniser and if you look at it through a certain lens it's very easy to see him as pressuring skeletor into sex.

Obviously they were in on it, even if it's not mentioned, considering that the firefighters were there before the police.

fucking idiot, spout some more buzzwords why don't you

I think it's less that they like Steve and more that they like the "neckbeard wins a girl over by being creepy" plot being subverted. They all really heavily praise the scene where Nancy says she can date who she want without "trying to be someone else" (which I also thought was a great scene but not so much for SJW reasons as for non-cliche reasons)

I think its because the first part of the series there's still a lot of mystery to whats going on.

After that half people have a good idea of whats going on and the only mystery left is what happens to the characters.

thanks, i was a kid in the 80's and we rode bikes everywhere and were quite mischievous.
never had anyone try to kidnap us on bikes but did when walking to school, fucking pedos

I agree, we must only watch patrician uncucked television such as MDE World Peace, now airing on Adult Swim check your local listings

No... His points were really shitty. I respect an opinion as long as it's justified.

He just finished it so he probably avoided the threads to avoid spoilers you retarded fuck.

OP here. More or less how I did it

You need to learn what propaganda means. A piece of media conceived from a human mind will always express some element of that individual's worldview and values. That doesn't make it propaganda.

>stupid evil dimension stuff such as "The vale of shadows is a dark dimension that echoes our world"
>retarded sci fi bullshit like "You'd have to create some massive amount of energy capable of creating a....tear in time and space"

>comes to a show that is marketed as being a revival of 80s movies and movie tropes
>angry about 80s science and spookiness
what the fuck

>Nancy/Barb subplot is so boring I skipped through it

>literally skipping parts of the show

oh okay I get it, you're a fucking idiot

>these are the people you share a board with

Wasn't Sup Forums literally designed for those faggots?

feels bad man

>taking the most obvious bait

Is this bait

God this show was show mediocre. It doesn't even try to reinvent anything, and it's not as if it stands up to the classics, so I don't see the point.

No wonder 23 companies turned down the pilot. I would too.

I wasn't baiting, this show is garbage

>"You create a doorway"
"Like a gate"
"Sure, like a gate"

Masterful writing

>call her Elle
>Elle is literally "she" in French

Come on now try a little

>all the kids are retarded

Just finished the show yesterday as awell. I'm sure this has been discussed already, but can anyone tell me what Hopper was doing with that food at the end of the last episode?

Before that scene, he went into the car with those government agents, so my guess was that they told him about Eleven now being stuck in the upside down and this is how they feed her or something. But why would they need Hopper to do so?

>No wonder 23 companies turned down the pilot. I would too.

It's one of the highest rated shows of all time and has been immensely successful with fans and critics alike. I'm sure the people responsible for turning down the pilot at those 23 companies have some explaining to do to their higher ups right about now.

>"You create a doorway"
>"Like a gate"
>"Sure, like a gate"
Never played AD&D I guess?


I haven't seen it yet. Did I like it?

"Vader" is Dutch actually

My impression:
>she's still in hiding in our dimension and hopper is helping to take care of her
>she's in the upside down and somehow gets food from this place
>hopper feels guilty and does it as a gesture
I lean towards the first option

This is enraging.

Froggo is the best thing about Stanger things.

>go into a show
>dislike one thing about it
>proceed to comb through the rest of the show for little things you can nitpick rather than enjoying it
>shitpost on Sup Forums about it
>feel superior

What's next for his career?

>bag says Skittles
>is clearly popcorn

Pls come2brasil

i need something else to watch on netflix after this Sup Forums, are marco polo/spartacus any good?

cutting those fucking fingernails jesus christ froggo, you're not a woman

Is that Henry Bowers?


>strong independent womyn with shaved head because fuck your social norms

What? El is a traumatized, insecure, socially crippled girl who is living in Mike's basement. Her whole character is meant to evoke a feeling from the audience of wanting to protect her.


Stranger Things season 2


>spending every day grooming your fingernails into unnecessarily short length
Are you a woman?

Hopefully only wonderful things

What do you want from his fingernails, they are not super long

I thought Stranger Things had really great themes going on through the season. Like the "we could solve this problem in a second if we just communicated" and "remember who your friends are".

One thing I'm pissed is they didn't make the monster/s more aware. On the other hand this makes the monster more sympathetic because it was just trying to survive but on the other Eleven and monster relationship was never used. They even talked about first contact!

All of those movies are from the late 90s and early 2000s you fucking moron

Netflix keeps hitting them out of the park. I can't wait for season 2.

that's literally the point of the show retard

You can tell a show is good when Sup Forums's only complaint is a lack of originality.



tfw steve sings this better than bob seger