What do you guys think about Morrissey?

What do you guys think about Morrissey?

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw I was one of the big gets in the thread
I'll never forget it

First of the gang to die.

I'm glad I at least happened to open the thread to see it minutes before it 404'd.

>On May 19, 2017, his wife announced on Facebook that his cancer had relapsed and two masses on his liver have to be surgically removed.[8] On June 21, his wife posted on Facebook that the cancer has once again metastasized and has reached Stage IV.


did anyone screenshot that shit

looks like we're back at it again boys

it's on reddit

what are you guys talking about


seconding this

I just went to r/Sup Forums for the first time ever to try to figure out what the fuck you people are talking about and holy shit it may be the worst thing I've ever seen on the internet. Is it all ironic?

I too am curious as to the subject of this discussion.

Oh and to add on to this, I still have no idea what you people are talking about.

Best lyricist in the world
>inb4 someone posts some shitty rapper

reddit.com/r/Sup Forums/comments/6jwpqj/mu_saves_robbie_rotten_with_meme_magic/

>this is considered meme magic
this board is so shit these days


blame for ruining the term

but Sup Forums hates Sup Forums

did he die already?

Neck yourself whoever this is

Stewart Lee's let himself go

also the dude who posted the screenshot is a furry, look at his post history

>reddit.com/r/Sup Forums/comments/6jwpqj/mu_saves_robbie_rotten_with_meme_magic/
Come on dude, Sup Forums is slow as shit and any idiot with a script can get dubs.