Does anyone know where I can buy these motherfuckers by the carton? I tried going to their website but they want like 40 dollars in shipping
Does anyone know where I can buy these motherfuckers by the carton...
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Also, someone told me the wide packs have more cigarettes per pack? not sure if its true but they just sell the narrower boxes with 12 per pack around here
lol its like 2$ in my country
go to your town on google maps and type "tobacco"
sorry, I thought I made this clear earlier. I'm looking to buy an entire carton of them. That's not available over any counter, they only sell them buy the pack. that's why I'm looking for an online seller.
they're like 5 dollars a pack here. that's why I'm trying to get them in bulk
they are sold in most gas stations around here but yeah. don't wanna pay dat premium
try tobacco shops around you and their sites, it's your best bet really.
dont you have a wholesale cash and carry. you can get a day licence.
Never heard of that... I'm in florida
They are the most disgusting rank fucking tobacco product in existence.
kys scrub lord
fucking noob
Look closer. The 40 bucks will cover up to like 5 or 6 cartons. If you order 5-6 cartons it comes out to less than normal cigs on a per pack basis. I used to order them this way all the time, and gift them to people who payed me a 5 dollar finders fee.
oh shit... you're right. good call
What do you smoke?
Camels because I am straight and an adult.
Cool. Nice dubs too.
u 2 big boi
let's see 2.50/pack to smoke like a faggot child vs 6-7 and up to 10/pack depending on your state to smoke like a straight adult.
Gaa gaa want sum suk?
alright, so that website offers 25 dollars for shipping and 37.20 per carton. so, 52.20ish. plus 3 months for shipping. even if i'm paying 6 dollars a pack, it's still not worth it getting it from ciggiesworld
Fuck dude, even the cheaper cigarettes in Texas are like $6
god I miss cloves, I can only get the bullshit cigar types now and they are just not the fucking same.
clove cigarettes? for what reason?
Ahem. 100 dollars/4 cartons 2 weeks.
sorry 150
What site is that nugga?
i bought four packs like three days ago for 25$ at my local tobacco store. they have cartons for 60$
>3 months for shipping.
you could windsurf to indonesia in that time
This is what femanons smoked when I first started going to house parties and stoner bars. They smell fucking disgusting and every man I ever knew wanted to smack a bitch when she lit one. They are not cool, they are a blinking neon sign that says "FAG ALERT".
Yeah you stole that shit
Were they the real deal or the 'cigar version' that is the only legal product for sale in the US? but double check against the watermark on the product image in the screencap to be sure
Just FYI, these are not legal to buy here. By law (as of like 2009) the only legal flavoring for cigarettes is menthol. Djarums that are currently sold are "filtered cigarillos" and are not the same as what Djarums used to be and still are in other parts of the world (I picked up a carton in France a couple years back).
Even buying them online is not legal and constitutes smuggling (I think its only illegal for the sellers; I think they are just at risk of getting confiscated by customs). I wouldn't be surprised if some sites did a bait and switch: advertise the cigarettes and send you cigarillos.
Anyway, b buyer beware.
Get djarum reds nigga
sorry shop not store. see what i mean about double checking?
It's harde to get those in XXI century
You are absolutely incorrect. You may not import them for the purpose of reselling them however personal possession and consumption are still perfectly legal.
my nigga
You have a link where I can copyright a mash-up of two common words? Or should I just contact Gene Simmons and his army of common gesture lawyers?
idk i only see the ones like ops pic
Customs doesn't open or really inspect every package. Just because yours didn't get seized doesn't mean others haven't or won't be. See --> clove-addicts livejournal com/162150.html
Where do you get yours though if you've had god luck?
Are you an 80s goth?
The ones legal to sell in the states have to have a certain percentage of cigar tobacco to knock them out of the flavored cigarette category. Cigar tobacco isn't meant to be inhaled so you get a thicker harsher smoke. It also cuts down the clove aromas which is the whole point of cloves.
Clove cigarettes are the fedora of the smoking world.
Customs only bothers with large orders. Matter of fact pretty much all those sites have a notice that if you order over x amount they will break your order down into smaller parcels so customs won't think you're ordering 20 cases to sell. Small, obviously meant for personal consumption, amounts won't get hit. It's the sale of flavored cigarettes that was made illegal, not the purchase or use.
SOAPBOX because Phillip Morris et al were jealous of the slice of their pie taken by nasty nasty competition form dirty dirty foreigners.
so like 50 bucks for shipping
Yeah, the cigarellos suck ass. Thanks Obama. Although you could still order them online, as the ban didn't apply to "gift" shipments (for personal use) from Indonesia.
However, now you can't get them at all in the US. Chump has had customs seize all of them. As far as I know, you can still go to another country, personally buy a few cartons for yourself and carry them back. Wew. Land of the free, baby.
The whole thing was and continues to be both an unconstitutional ban for adult citizens and a corporate money grab to boost sales of domestically produced menthols by driving their largest (foreign) flavored cigarette competitor out of the market.
I am not "absolutely incorrect." I'm correct that the sale was banned (and I'm correct about the "filtered cigars" thing too). The sale into the US is banned, even for these websites. You are receiving the benefit of an illegal transaction. Sure, you didn't do anything illegal, but the US doesn't just let it go on. It's up to Customs to police it. Whether they do, and/or how often, I have no idea. But what I said was at least mostly correct.
i'm correct in that the letter I is a letter therefor i am right
The bill makes no provisions that ban the import of the banned items for personal consumption, only for "sale or distribution". (Division A Title II Section 201)
Literally the only thing you were correct about is the only thing I didn't contradict you on which is the SALE is illegal.
Stick to bird law you faggots
By "import" they mean bring into the country physically. Its illegal to buy them across the border. You buying them on a website and having them sent to you not a loophole. It is still "imported for sale" if the Feds consider it so.
^and I am quite well-versed in bird law, thank you very much
Apparently you and the "Feds" have differing interpretations of "import". It's wonderful that you can apply meaning on their behalf. I have seen no provision in HR idon'tfeellikelookingitupagain that backs your interpretation. Further the simple fact is that your >if the Feds Consider it so opinion would lead any reasonable person to conclude, based on years of experience, that they do not, in fact, see it your way.
so, cash and carry it is.
>clove-addicts livejournal com/162150.html
Dude, people have had their shit seized by customs after buying online. Are you mental?