Post what are regions of Europe according to you

Post what are regions of Europe according to you.

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>Mfw central europe contributed nothing to humanity
Literally white niggers haha

Central and Eastern Poland

Are eastern europe




you shitalian


Austria is central though.

Hope you are talking about geographical placement only, not culture and economics
>contributing to humanity

ugly shitholes with shitty people


Fix'd map


I know but I am Greek


this, basically



*tips fedora*

germans are subhumans

now add north and south



There is no such a thing like Nothern and Southern europe, autists.

>t. East European


look at the map

stop being rude


Lol. Ever thought that the two posts you submitted might offend some poeple? This isn't Sup Forums.


Turkey is part of Europe you retards

retarded shit map

Finland isn't east, remember your casualties?

I find it funny how hard you try to detach from us. I understand well why, but it's still funny to me.

Well, look at my map. This separation partly is from western-eastern roman empires separation, and first-second world at cold war times. North ans South separation is autism.


If you wan't to add us to East you gotta actually make us.

>Ever thought that the two posts you submitted might offend some poeple?

y thank you dear

White - Europe

no its not you eastern european

slavs are not white but ugly subhumans


t. poopooface

>you gotta actually make us.
Not a question, my friend.
Anyway, territorialy you are more at east than at west, perkele.

Because Austrians are German-speaking Slovenes.


I am a Greek you slav subhuman


You're just another slav

Deal. With. It.

>countries so shit not even sandniggers want to visit
finally, a map that makes sense

>Finland and Estonia not in their own separate group

>Rest of baltics not in the same group as russia


>territorialy you are more at east than at west, perkele.

We're pretty center/north. And for the mere existance of our nation we've been either neutral or west.

>I am a brownie
We know

This is almost offensive, coming from an Ahmed. We are the original Slavs, profligate.

I am a Greek you slavic subhuman

you are slavic subhumans

Glad to see a sane person here. These Central/Northern/Southern autism is bretty annoying.

That map is from prefessionals who had no biased reason to include us there. So yeah, but if two posters online know better then it must be so.

I don't get why people always mash up Spain, Portugal and Italy with the Balkans as 'south Europe'. They have way more in common with us


its shit and you are slavic subhumans


>Alsace-lothringen is mitteleurope despite being french.

German banter.

Middle-europe is a meme for sure but north and south isn't. But you seem to force yourself deep into some cold war mentality. If so put us and sweden to neutral/west. Otherwise your oversimplifying it too much.

>this is what toiletcleaners actually think

>Spain with Slovenia, Serbia, Macedonia, etc
I don't get this

Junge, im Ernst, was ist los mit dir?
Wenn du schon nicht weißt, was du Ostern alleine machen sollst, dann geh dich wenigstens betrinken oder ins Kino oder geh spazieren.

ich fick dein ostern du hurensohn

He's a t*rk, I don't think he speaks German.

>that line
And he tries to pretend he isn't a turk.

this map is good but I think Finland should be part of Eastern Europe. it makes more sense that way, they're Finnics and have more in common with Russian than Germanic culture :)

What is so abusively for you to belong at east? Eastern europe is different. Have a common sense.

I am a Greek you slav subhuman

its not good
its shit

Refined taste user.

You just want Finland to be east so you have someone to raise your quality

This honestly, i know it's not accurate but then i thought about it it was exactly this.

Because no one in their right mind anywhere even would think about considering us east.

because people dont know much about finland
or even know about its existence
Turkey f.e. is more european than finland

ur being rly nasty. u need to get along with ppl

gotta love Balkan slags

But i am greek.
You german subhuman

he has mistaken it with hungary

Territorially you are at east, regardless what autists think about it, referring at income/culture/religion or whatever else.

>Territorially you are at east,

North* Period. When a country consists itself in the northernmost parts of the continent it's territorially considered north. I don't care how much this rubs your autism the wrong way since you're blatantly wrong to begin with. Choke on your mamas kompot you smelly slav.


we are culturally really close to Ukrainians

Slovenia detached from the rest of Balkans is because of Catholic/Orthodox division.

I have noticed that polish sweets are the same trash as russian sweets. Same shit quality.

greece is balkan together with sHATEvenia and Grossatia, not one of us


Autist, don't you think then, that Murmansk and Arhangelsk areas are in Nothern europe too?

wut? what about Wedel? I don't say that all Polish sweets are high quality, some are shit but we have some really nice ones aswell

Those are not countries.

We're dealing with whole countries here, not dividing them up into regions.

No, it's because the rest of the Balkans were under the Islamic Caliphate for hundreds of years and adopted many Turkish words and mores.

Actually?, geographically? yes. Culturally and politically? No.

Now let's do the same with Finland

North as it gets
Jag talar svenska också jag ätar köttbullar

Should that be enough of an incentive for you to finally shut up?

dont know
maybe they just sell only the cheap trash here

you wish

I have seen these two, do they still make cooking show?

>Italian thinks he is better.
Long gone are those days.


I heard form someone in /mämmi/ he was invited to the filming of the new season in live audiance. Don't know if he was memeing.

This map is honestly as accurate as it gets.