Why does Bollywqood exist? Why is it so shitty? Why does it get success in the West...

Why does Bollywqood exist? Why is it so shitty? Why does it get success in the West? Why doesn't someone stop this embarassment?

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This is the part where I type "DESIGNATED" and get (You)s, right?

I want to fuck all of those designated female street shitters in the pooper

>Why does it get success in the West?

It does?

>Why does it get success in the West
It does?

Pakistan is trying to

Only among Reddit hipsters senpai.

At the moment you laugh. But It won't be long until Chinks and Indians overrun the US in all possible ways.

They show bollywood flicks in the cinemas here in Fresno.

Go back and watch the really early hollywood films and see how weird they feel. Bollywood is India's primitive movie scene, their first foray into cinema- thus it's going to be largely a weird thing at first. Over time they'll refine their film industry into something more nuanced and enjoyable for everyone.

There are a few Indian movies I enjoy.

Because people outside of America like movies too.

I wouldn't really call that success. People only say they like bollywood because no one actually watches it.

Big Indian populations in certain areas of the US and Canada. I live in Wisconsin and two theaters in my city play Indian movies on a regular basis. Seen plenty of them, they're fun. Plus between Priyanka Chopra in Quantico and Baywatch and Deepika Padukone (pic related) in the new Vin Diesel movie Hollywood is starting to turn to India to try and bring in some of that gigantic audience.

because Indias population is three times the size of Americas and about 99% of them are simple peasants who still stare at the movie screen like its a magical God

Considering how shitty Indian movies are its a wonder they see any international success at all.

>ass is flatter
>calves are literally twigs
>guy's hair looks as if he slept on the side of the road for the past week

>Over time they'll refine their film industry into something more nuanced and enjoyable for everyone.

They already make more than Bollywood-type stuff.

except bollywood is like 20-30 years younger than hollywood and they're still shitting out the same kind of movie every hour

I watched My Name is Khan yesterday. I really liked the premise but it goes to some ridiculous places. it was alright


Gangs of wasseypur is unironically the best gangster movie ever made, I don't watch bollywood but I follow Anurag Kashyap's movies almost religiously

The remake you posted is one of the biggest disasters in Bollywood though

>it goes to some ridiculous places

The stuff at the black church, right?

It's one of those things that's so bad and corny it's kinda funny/good. Plus no LGBT bullshit so it's just comfy entertainment.

I don't understand why all the actresses shave and wax everything when Indian men like hairy armpits so much.

>when Indian men like hairy armpits so much

we don't

Because you get the rare gems like this - youtube.com/watch?v=yysbbPStfWw

Wouldn't see that shit in a western cinema.


I am also a desi but I love saying poo in the loo

Why is every Indian sex story about mother's or aunt's hairy armpits then? And why do you leave comments about armpit stubble on every Bollywood actress video or image?

stfu man , Bollywood is gonna resurrect Brendan's career ( I wish )