>So who's fault is it for the rise of Trump?
Glenn Beck and Tea Party/Birther movement. These people are now voting Trump
>So who's fault is it for the rise of Trump?
Glenn Beck and Tea Party/Birther movement. These people are now voting Trump
Democrats (and Democrats in the US are basically all mainstream parties in Europe) are basically Neo-Con policies + identity politics to offer white men as a scapegoat for everything that goes wrong: unemployment, poverty, police brutality, etc. etc.
And Republicans were basically rootless cosmopolitans who want lower taxes for international corporations with rainbow avatar on twitter, alienating the white working class (today not actually "working" tho but unemployed) and then trying to get the latino vote with "Democrats are the REAL racists!" rhetorics.
> A literal nigger is elected president
> For 4 years civilized humans of the United States are brooding. "How did this nigger win?" "How long until we have to pay reparations for slavery and live under sharia law?"
> After 4 years some moronic Mormon appears to challenge Obama.
> He really doesn't even try that hard to win, so he loses.
> For 4 more years, the civilized U.S. Has to listen to Obama cry about how black lives matter, trayvon dindu nuffin, pray for the refugees.
> we feel like all hope is lost, no real candidate will emerge, just another puppet who pushes the PC agenda. (Rapidly pushing = democrat) (Slowly pushing = republican)
> Suddenly Donald Trump emerges. He could be an insider, but appears to be genuine. He may have quite a few flaws but Jesus Christ at least he seems to have a pulse.
> He actually seems to be a real human being, and he agrees with us, we have been putting up with this bullshit for way too long.
And then morons will ask the collective total of 100,000 hours the same question. "What caused Donald Trump?"
>The door is open to an a--hole like Donald Trump because the Democrats
What a goddamn retard.
Rebublicans are voting Trump, or not at all, because the Party of Lincoln has been hijacked by cucks.
There's more dems voting Trump over Hillary than republicans voting in a heartless, dickless Clinton.
calling Trump a manchild is the absolute best he can do?
This, god damn. Dysfunctional liberal politics and political correctness is what's making people go out and vote Trump. We're all fucking sick of it.
You know, I have my political beliefs and all, but I keep them to myself unless it's appropriate for the conversation. Liberals have spent since 2007 injecting identity politics into EVERYTHING.
I AM SICK OF IT. Trump is the swarm of antibodies to the infection that is Political Correctness and pathological altruism that shuns your countrymen in favor of foreigners. Republicans have lied down like fucking dogs to this shit, and do not represent the people who voted them in.
This tbqh
Having a black president representing us on the world stage is humiliating and infuriating enough
>implying my English is good enough to sense the difference between "effective" and "efficient"
Nailed it
A vote for trump is a vote against the political system and the media in general
>caring about what a washed-up kike comedian has to say
Jon Stewart is such a cuck anyway.
>establishment crybaby yid scared to death of the Donald
Makes sense, considering massive amounts of socialist Bernie-people are going to come into the Republican party during this election.
The main dichotomy in politics has been Capitalism vs Socialism for so long, that the Democrats have had these economically socialist socially libertarian people on their side for so long. These are the people who go to these super-liberal colleges and learn to hate globalization because it is connected with capitalism in the sense of international trade.
Now, however, the main political dichotomy is becoming Nationalism vs Globalism, and is becoming so all over the world. These anti-globalization anti-capitalism socialist Bernie-people are quickly realizing that they are on the wrong side in that dichotomy, and will join the Nationalists and many Libertarians.
Remember kiddies: Modern politics, capitalism vs socialism, is now defunct. Postmodern politics, globalism (cultural-marxism) vs nationalism (cultural-fascism), is here.
>our socialism failed but its because we didn't show it was successful
If they didn't want Donald Trump to be our next president they should have stopped with all the horseshit that we have been dealing with for the past 16 years
>"we need a bigger government"
What a surprise
Works well because the effect is great
Works well because of how little resources it uses to achieve the effect
I want my president to be human. The idea of a leader connecting with the common man seems to have been lost to people.
Oh wow, thank you.
effective = it works
efficient = it works well
The democrats cant consistently do ether of them. The republicans don't believe it's even possible.
What socialism?
Glenn Beck is a never Trump guy
I've tried to explain to a liberal acquaintance (I refuse to call him a friend) that Trump was a direct blowback to the horrible behavior from the left, political correctness, and their incredible intolerance for anyone who disagrees with them. People are angry.
He called all the voters stupid uneducated morons and made some vague comments about Trump being the "violent one."
If I have to kill a liberal, gang initiation style, to get into the Lion's Guard after the Jews make a serious assassination attempt and the war starts... I'm OK with that.
>look at my beard
>I have gravitas
david axelrod that cunt on CNN always taking position against Trump fuck him.
The people that are fair to Trump on CNN are surprisingly jewish such as Dana Bash and Wolf Blitzer they treat him with respect.
They already called him a racist sexist literally Hitler. The Jew doesn't have many insults left. They're down to just whining and Yo Mamma jokes.
I wonder if Glenn Beck is still using incandescent light bulbs
>because the Democrats have shown that government cannot be effective or efficient for the people
ftfy JLeb
>So who's fault is it for the rise of Trump?
Cultural Marxists who overplayed the white guilt anti male card
you're a dipshit. trump sprang from tacit xenophobia from the right and further right, e.g. a "man my life sucks because i'm a worthless moron, but it's easier to blame brown people than take responsibility for why no one will hire me" kind of sentiment.
the republicuck party in the US isn't conservative, it's reactionary. trump is just dropping the curtain and saying fuck it, we're reactionary, and we're proud of it.
this is why his constituency is predominantly underage and/or unemployed and/or unemployable.
on a related note, i look forward to the collective teenage meltdown on Sup Forums in november, it's gonna make 2012 look like child's play. you kids are such faggots.
he is near powerless when he doesn't have a picture in picture to make "lol really how stupid is this amirite" reactionary faces at
same goes for current year man and colbert - the PiP prop is 90% of the act
It was very effective and efficient during the 1940s and 50s. Shit, during ww2 millions of people were directly put to work by government projects from building war machines to carving Mt. Rushmore. But black people had to drink from separate fountains so according to the Democrats America wasn't great back then.
Progressive here.
Clinton-era Democrats are to blame for just about everything. They sat back and allowed the party to go further and further right until there was no balance left. Now, what used to be a two-party system representing businesses vs taxpayers is now a two-party system representing a fraction of businesses. It's truly astounding that so many progressives - largely people with higher-than-average intelligence and knowledge gaining - allowed people like Clinton, Schultz, Pelosi and Obama to hijack the party from people like Ted Kennedey and Dennis Kucinich.
Sure, nobody likes the spineless pussy liberals that people like Nader and Kucinich represent, but look at the result! Pro-Corporate Democrats calling progressives "berniebros" and launching DDOS attacks...it's ridiculous, it's EXACTLY the kind of shit GW Bush supporters did back in the day.
It's appalling. the dems - and the MAJORITY of Dem supporters - have proved Right-wingers correct: the democratic party has just as many ignorant shit-brains as the GOP.
And because of their ignorance, they ignored polls, which led to the rise of Trump. Rather than courting the poor people who make up Trump's base, the DNC treated them like they treat all poor people these days: like garbage.
Fuck em. If Bernie doesn't win the contested convention, this country DESERVES Trump, and I'll fucking vote for him just so the riots will start sooner.
I hope Trump supporters put Hillary supporters to the torch.
>rootless cosmopolitans
Hahah! I'd kill myself if I was him, I vaguely recall watching his show in high school and he just could not stop acting insecure about his height and hands and shit.
What a fucking faggot
John Leibowitz and the Daily Shoah was something else
>further and further right
holy shit
he's right though, shillary would be a bona fide conservacuck in any other civilized country, and only talks "progressive" during campaigns.
ur just saying what blacks say about whites and the gov fukboi
Your post is so stupid that it made my head hurt.
t. brown Trump supporter
Further right on economics. Cutting welfare, busting unions, deregulation of wall street, those kinds of things.
Nailed it
You are a fucking moron if you think dems are switching from hillary to trump.
How do you breathe in that bubble?
western civilization is at a great divide between marxism and patriotism. trump greatly represents the patriot thematic people. various organizations and people whom agree with this matter, helped give steam to the trump train.
>So who's fault is it for the rise of Trump?
I love how it's always a spin that it's a bad thing Trump to be the candidate for the Republicans. The Democrats should be overjoyed that he succeeded against the best efforts of the establishment but instead they want to double down that he's a bad guy. I have no doubt they'd make sure the whole world knew Bernie beat the establishment if he ever won the nomination. Worthless double think faggots.
How does Hillary win without the Bernouts showing up in full force to vote for her?
Do you really think those anti-establishment minded voters will really vote for the ultimate establishment pick in Hillary?
>government can be effective
>government can be efficient
>haven't done enough
Oh they did plenty and that why we hate them.
Great post
The whole "whose fault is Trump" thing is basically the ruling classes saying "where did we go wrong with the brainwashing"
Why is it that everyone and their mother has to "diagnose" the "problem" of Trump as if it's not possible that he reflects popular ideas within American society
you're forgetting the 2008 financial crisis which led to more distrust of the govt
Now he is ,but he was directly responsible for fanning the flames of the race-based anti Obama movement that would eventually turn into Trump's following. These people weren't organized before Glenn Beck came along
The Left play identity politics.
The Right are doing it now, too, and the Left don't like it.
Why are you simpletons so retarded?
And in foreign policy. It doesn't matter the party of the American president because they're always invading some shithole to kill farmers that still use AK-47's and homemade bombs.
Yes, there's only been a fucking progressive shithead running the place for 7 years talking about what this faggot is saying
Holy shit this is like the "COMMUNISM HASN'T BEEN TRIED YET" line
>can be effective for the people
What people are you talking about Jon? It sure isn't white males.
Might as well have a gypsy be head of the EU
Both of these. All we get are neocons, searching for more wars and more corporate welfare. Government can work when the GOP isn't busy sabotaging it. And Hillary is a Republican so there's nobody on that side to vote for either. Would be the greatest mindfuck if Trump picked Bernie; would be an incredible ticket to rustle the rich chickenhawks' jimmies.
PC culture and GOP Establishment. People voting for trump are voting on cultural grounds not political.
I don't support trump but I'm ok with it because he's destroying the establishment and he has a better foreign policy then the neocons and liberal internationalist
Fuck this faggot
He could've come out and been against trump for legitimate reasons
But he uses the same retarded memes being used everywhere already? Tiny hands? Would rather vote for Mr T?
He just wants to virtue signal, rather than calling out the broken society that supports virtue signaling as meaningful
What a pathetic cuck
Stay irrelevant, chump
Jon Stewart is Jewish
Who gives a fuck what he thinks?
>Diaspora Kike
>Hates Donald Trump
What else is new?
>tfw White liberals come after Hillary
Reactionary to what you fucking imbecile? The failed policies and arrogance of the left and the overall failure of of the American instution guarenteeing government by the people for the people.
>Libtards thiking they know the divisions of the right
>implying Pre-Obama Tea Party was the same as the Glenn Beck Tea-Party
Probably because of Ivanka. She's too damn hot.
After trump loses you'd better kill yourself
He won't lose.
And in 16 years, his daughter will be president too.
Pretty sure that's her deepest dream. Pretty sure she will get it real.