At any moment, we could all be killed by any number of threats from outside our planetary environment.
We may or may not be alone in the universe.
One solution to Fermi's paradox is that alien intelligence is here, or closely observing us, or that it exploits resources in our solar system or on our world without our comprehensive and direct awareness. This is a possibility because, as we primitives have stealth tech, highly advanced creatures might have highly advanced stealth tech.
We largely ignore the wider solar system, despite the vast material wealth that even just the moon represents. A global cooperative colonization and development venture on the moon has the potential to revolutionize the human economy.
We can move polluting activities off world. We can collect solar energy in space and on the moon and beam the surplus back home via microwave transmission. The productive possibilities are considerable.
These obvious global solutions do not happen because our thinking is set in a conflict mindset. Many of us here are part of that problem.
Today I challenge you to be part of the solution, knowing fully that many imbeciles and assholes will respond with vitriol.
Those of you who are tired of stupid, I encourage you to speak out. Political movements for space development are forming now. You are not alone.
We can change people's thinking. We can build a grassroots, global movement that demands off world industrial and energy production development, access to opportunity, and reasonably contracted global profit sharing. We can build the future.
Violent revolution is not necessary. We can achieve a better world by bringing interests together to make the capital outlays necessary to reap the benefits. We can establish a global charter that guarantees rights and creates a structured capital flow back to public coffers. But the viability of this idea starts with the people who advocate for it.
Ignore the assholes. Be the change.