If my girlfriend is on birthcontrol and I cum inside her, will I, or will I not be fucked

If my girlfriend is on birthcontrol and I cum inside her, will I, or will I not be fucked

if she IS on birth control, unlikely.
if she is just SAYING she is on it, yes.

You won't be fucked m8, I cum in my gf all the time

She will be fucked.

I know for a fact she is and that she takes it on time and all that, but we've never actually had me cum in her, mainly because I don't know how that shit works

it depends. BC can fail. It's unlikely, and it depends on what type of BC it is, but it can and does happen.

My gf has a bc implant and I've cum in her maybe over 100 times by now. No issue. I'm pretty sure the "99.9% effective" thing is only for liabilities sake so they can't get sued, but the truth is BC doesn't let you ovulate. So that's just it.

odds are you won't be fucked

but i know people who've gotten pregnant through the pill and a condom

statistics mean nothing to the individual. try telling someone the odds of being struck by lightning after they were just struck by lightning

>i have no idea how bc works!
stay in school, kiddo.

When I was younger I used to cum in 3 different chicks all the time, all on birth control. My current girlfriend won't take birth control, so I don't even try. Cheated on her about a year ago with a girl that said she was on birth control and I was shitting myself for 6 months

you cant abort lightening though, not the same.

Well no, that is the point of birth control.

ok asshole, poke holes in the fucking analogy and miss the point entirely.

>literally how hormonal birth control works, fucktard

what do you think the point of birth control is you fucking idiot

the analogy is shit. not my fault. deal with it.

he's kind of fucked if he's going to school in some backwards state like texas though, isn't he?

the point is, however foolproof something is, sometimes it won't be.

shit will happen. OP should be prepared for it.

no because he wont be having sex before marriage so it wont matter if she gets pregnant

Whatever, I cum inside her and she's no preg, who gives a fuck how it works?

if you don't know how it works please remove yourself from the breeding/breathing

how is not getting struck by lightening considered possibly foolproof? it can happen almost anytime no matter what you do.. but you can not do things so that you have 0 chance of getting a girl knocked up.

The analogy is fine, you're just too retarded to understand it. What's wrong with being prepared?

ikr! i wear my lightening condom every day!

I mean things like have sex, for you slow kids itt.

This is your future OP

You're just tearing the point away from the dudes analogy. Boy you sure are retarded. The point of what he is saying is that you need to make sure you are stable enough, because though it may have the same chance as being struck by lightning, it could still happen.

Better let me cum in her first, just to be sure.


it could still happen if you do things that make it more likely to happen. you have a higher chance of getting struck by lightening standing in a field during a thunderstorm

Guys in fedoras who research bc so they're prepared for the day they get to have intercourse with a real human female.

i call 3rds!!!!

i dont waste my time with that shit. im not going to sex a girl.

the odds are so small, it may as well be impossible

the odds of hormonal birth control, properly used, are pretty fucking small too. in the 1-2% range.

does it line up perfectly? no. No analogy does. stop being autistic.

I love 3ds~.

a shitty analogy is still a shitty analogy even is other analogies are also shitty. deal with it, kiddo.

>it's ok to be retarded if other people are retarded also!!

OP can have 4ths

don't you have some wooden blocks or something to organize into repetitive patterns?

no, mommy locks up my toys after din din.

Thc too~.

>im here to argue, not to make sense of things the post
You sound like a massive pain in the ass to be around

not my problem, i dgaf

Depends on how much you trust a woman to actually take the fucking thing on time and not forget.

for example my parents used a condom and my mom was on birth control, she missed One pill, and now im here. you really wanna curse some other poor faggot to this existance?

>because I don't know how that shit works
then you shouldn't be fucking you retarded mongoloid

My girl got that implant. Then she admitted that it wasn't for me but her friends. I hate my life. If it were not for my side action I'd have given up. Since I found out she let's her friends cum inside her I ain't touched her. We are together in only the most mundane sense. Co-depency

Nice, enjoy your sad loney life.

>says the guy arguing with me on Sup Forums

How many friends cum in this girl?

It works through fooling her body into thinking she is pregnant already. It's over 99% effective and if she gets pregnant she was meant to, and there are always abortions. Go ahead and fill her up, she'll like it and so will you

You're fucked

t. dad of two

Is this bukkake rand again~?
If so, I'm out.

I come here mostly for the story threads and to give people advice that need it. Though i will admit i used to be more involved in some of the degeneracy on Sup Forums. Growing up and getting out has made me frequent this site much less. Maybe you should do the same.

nah, trolling newfags like you is too much fun

Pill birth control is rendered ineffective if she has been on antibiotics within 6 weeks. Otherwise, barring a hormonal imbalance, you should be good to go.

We all know the real newfag here is you. Stop trying to damage control. It's pathetic.

3. Two are from her hometown and the new one is her coworker.

you should also use the "calendar method" which is timing it in relation to her periods to further minimize risk op.

fuckin candy ass roodypoo, shut your pie hole.

His next response
> n-no u

The fact you asked this question says you're not ready for sex.


Fuck, do they date or are they just friends that get free pussy? Know how it started?

What is rove?

This happened to me but I love my newborn son. His name is Adcock Sampson Hampton jr. He's going to be a star one day! I've already started blending up buckets of KFC and bottle feeding it to him to strengthen his immune system. Even though he's only 2 months old, he loves chicken.

What the fuck this guy can't be serious lmfao

Of course hes not serious, look where you're at and ask that question again.

I'm not sure if people are misinterpreting what I said or if I just explained myself wrong. I was saying I'm not sure how BC works, like the pill.

The first two are ex's of hers that she can't let go of and her coworker the third one took her on a friends day out kinda thing then she ended up fucking him. She blames me of course. Says our fighting caused this but I seen this behavior before. My dad would fight with my mom and run off to the bars. This is the same way she "gets away" only her vice is dicc.

Shut up stoopid faggot hope you joke no a chlamydic rotting penis after it has just been pulled from the anus of a dead 63 yr old prostitute you bitch

The only thing you need to be carefull is with the week of the pill
If she forgets to take a pill one day, witch is most likely to happen one day or another, you must wait some time (5days) before you cum in again (actually, use a condom for the next 5 days) and , depending on the week of that pill she orgot, if you cummed in her in the past 48 hours, you have high chances of inpregnating her
This happens because the pill keeps women from ovulating, but her body eants to ovulate pretty bad, when you dont put in gormonoes from the pill that keeps her from ovulating, there is a enormous chance of her to ovulate immediately
So i would recoment you to look up the kind of pill she is taking and dont ever cum on her on the most dangerous week, so that if she forgets to take the pill, nothing will happen (its usually the last 7 days of non placebo pills)

Autocorrect? Took me a hard second to figure out da fuq u even said lol

Sorry for mispelling
I hate typing on cellphones
But i hope it helped you in anyway

You expect me to read all that!? Naw but gud advice user.

>it may as well be impossible

>in the 1-2% range.

So if I creampie my girlfriend 100 times with a 1% chance of it failing each time, according to the Bernoulli statistical process thats a 36% percent chance of her birth control failing once.

as far as google says, BC is 99.9% effective as long as she takes it exactly as prescribed. Still, statistically speaking that's 1 nut in a thousand that will get her pregnant.

That's a lot of nuts.
I prefer walnuts, honestly.
Tastes better~.

People misinterpret the 1% statistic. When they say a BC is 99% effective, they mean that if you use it for an entire year, you have a 1% change of getting pregnant. Not a 1% chance every time.


Jesus... If you have any self respect you should cut her loose. Become one of those three guys