Racism, does it even exist?

If race is a social construct, does racism even exist?

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Race is a label for something that exists in biology.

Just some young children playing an innocent game of : Nigger breaks out of jail

So racism is real and we're all different?

Of course it does. People push the argument that because many children aren't racially prejudiced, they must naturally remain so even as they become adults. The thing is, as you grow into the adult you're meant to be, the hormones and chemicals flooding your body give you a sense of urgency to protect your family and people closely related to you. This means that a certain about of mistrust will always extend to every person who isn't closely associated with you. Racism is 100% natural, and is about as much a social construct as learning not to stick your hand into a fire.

Racism is a system of belief. Gods don't exist but religions are real.

My fucking sides

I thought race was a social construct though. Makes your crying unmerited, unless we are different.

>a certain about

amount, rather

I'm a chemical engineer and make leagues more than most on Sup Forums, if not any one person on Sup Forums. I'm black, I have no arrest record, and have never messed with drugs.

I still get profiled/followed at the Apple store by rent-a-cops, cops will still pull me over because they think my AMG S65 is stolen, said cops will still approach my vehicle with guns drawn and said cops will have me exit my vehicle to make sure it isn't stolen or to "search" (read: attempt to plant drugs in my car [thank god for cameras built into my car]) my car for drugs and weapons.

Yes, racism still exists. You'd have to be a complete and utter spaz to honestly think that racism has never or still currently doesn't exist.

>I thought race was a social construct though
Social construct is a buzzword to make things people don't like seem foolish. Law is a social construct, but justice is a virtue of mankind. Education is a social construct, but the desire to learn is an inborn value. Racism, in the modern, scientific sense, might be a social construct, but not trusting outsiders is perfectly normal.

well, maybe if blacks weren't shooting each other, stealing shit, and dealing drugs all day, you wouldn't get profiled

if you get bitten by dogs 10 times you will start avoiding dogs and putting your guard up in their vicinity

Racism only exists if you don't want to live in diversity land

>(read: attempt to plant drugs in my car [thank god for cameras built into my car])
>t. White liberal arts college student shilling on 4chins

>Because cops have never in the history of the US planet drugs on people to make arrests.

please don't tell me you are this retarded.

>doesn't blame the black people who commit crimes at a higher rate than whites

There's your problem

>chemical engineer
>still not smart enough to understand basic logic

So because you happen to be an extremely rare exception in your race, you feel that somehow it's illogical for racial profiling to occur, when 95% of the other people of your race consistently fit the stereotype that they are judged by?

Any verifiable evidence of this? Or is it just a black culture story?

You can't blame the cops for being fearful of you. Blame other niggers for creating that fear. If all niggers were like you and integrated correctly into civilized society, racism wouldn't exist.

>a couple of cases of drugs being planted over the span of a few decades

how did you manage to get that engineering degree?

>Whites make up the largest number of child murderers, rapist, molesters, and kidnappers. Guess we need to start profiling you and watching you while in the vicinity of children.

>Whites make up the largest number of those prone to invade nations rape, pillage, and destroy the land and its people. Better make sure whites never hold a position of power.

This, this is how stupid your argument sounds.

95% i= 26%


>child murderers, rapist, molesters, and kidnappers.

In white countries? What a surprise. Guess who makes up the most of those people in Asian countries, or black countries, or Arab countries. The statistics will shock you. The nigger problem is statistically disproportionate.

>blacks in the usa commit the overwhelming majority of violent crimes such as murder, and fill prisons at alarming rates
>a few hundred white guys fuck some kids
>whites (like everybody else) invaded other countries in the past, but because they aren't stupid niggers they were actually succesfull at it
>still doesn't understand why he gets profiled

affirmative action is a disease




I can keep going.


The question isn't what percent of crimes are committed by each race. The questions is what percent of each race are violent criminals.

Crime is so rare it's easy to make stupid graphs like that when in fact less than 1% of any population are violent criminals. You can't judge millions of people based on a few hundred or a few thousand crimes a year.

Another question would be, why does racial profiling occur then? I'm assuming you believe that police just hate black people and biological and ethnic differences are merely arbitrary and that it also has absolutely nothing to do with regards to their own safety in dealing with specific types of people?

>few thousand
>blacks account for 52% of overall murders
>over 6000 murders per year
>that's just murder and not all the other crimes

Should have added some white girls and a beta cuck on that last panel

>38 million blacks in the US can be judged on the actions of a few thousand.



I.thought no one could be an outsider because we're all the same...

>few thousand

That's like saying not to worry about using some product that makes you 5x more likely to get cancer, because so few people get cancer every year.

No, it's not like that at all because cancer is one of the top killers in the US, while your chances of getting murdered are extremely low.

I find it funny that you marxists refuse to admit or acknowledge the possibility that lower IQ populations are more prone to crime than higher IQ populations.

Police just hate people with brown skin right? That's definitely why they are over represented In prisons right?

Lower IQ or propensity to crime are not things that are genetic or inherent to any population.

Holy shit.


>intelligence isn't genetic

Ok sorry you're wrong.

Hi. You're dumb.


Heart transplant.

Goes carjacking.

Confessions of a liberal public defender.







