Will some nigger turn this thread into a choice thread?

will some nigger turn this thread into a choice thread?

will i ever get laid

Fap time or sleep time? (Yes=Fap) (No=Sleep

Will karen be my girlfriend

Will I finish my thesis rapidly?

Will I present my thesis before bootcamp?

Will I finish everything regarding my thesis before bootcamp?


Am i god?

>Will I finish everything before bootcamp?

Is she worth me moving by myself?

Please i need to know miss Ball !

Please 8 ball. Make my decision for me.


Yeahhhhhh i am god ! How are u doing my fellow creation?

Will I lose my virginity this year?


Will I be the best?

Is my bag to heavy ?

Should I dump it in the lake?

should I ask out my crush tomorrow?

I wanna know this too

Let's try again...
Will I lose my virginity this year?


so should i get some weight off ?


should i do 50 pushups?

Will we start dating this week?

Should I kill myself?


Should I kms

those dubs demand a reroll