Murikeks, why aren't you spending money? What are you fucking poor or something? Don't you realize if you spent your $$$ your economy would finally get better?
Murikeks, why aren't you spending money? What are you fucking poor or something...
Stop duty free shopping in my country maplenigger.
I'm sorry, Keynes, I will not spend myself into debt.
We're helping you poor fucks out. You're welcome.
I have a friend who's brother worked at a walmart in North Dakota.
He complained that Canadians kept coming over the border to shoplift.
At least Mexicans work.
MFW Canadians are literally worse than Mexicans.
MFW Trump is putting the wall on the wrong border.
>why am I not spending anything?
Have most everything I need
Wild game and fish fills my freezer
I brew my own beer
I have my seedlings started for my gardens
Only purchases I foresee this summer are new kayaks for the wife and I and a new ar lower
>he bought into Keynesian economics
You're helping yourselves. My country doesn't have government websites that explain smuggling to its citizens. Keep your Kinder eggs, they're gross and made in Turkey anyway.
Stop coming here for cheaper everything.
The rich are still being considered as ordinary consumers. They are getting INSANELY rich and their impact on the economy as consumers is getting more and more significant, but they don't behave quite as ordinary consumers. They spend off shore, and then spend on luxuries that don't really create jobs. Some call it a "plutonomy".
>not the corruption and rampant waste endemic in the Obama regime
>not the eternal welfare class the State has created
>not all the companies that pay 0 and less than 0 taxes
Yeah, nah, fuck off. It's not our fault, its Obama's fault, directly. He has RUINED our economy, and someone has the fucking balls to say it was US?
>blames sub 3% economic grrowth on American shoppers
Yeah, it has nothing to do with the absurd taxes, or lack of jobs :^)
Noone wants to shop around niggers and spics, when you can order shit online, with home delivery cheaper. Remove the shitskins, and people will go back to the malls to show off, socialise, and wander around carelessly without the threat of getting robbed on the way out.
You're a man's man, user.
>Stop coming here for cheaper everything.
What are you going to do if we don't? Fight us or something? Fucking cuck.
>spend money on consumer goods that are made outside the country
>spend money on consumer goods owned by non-US based companies
>spend money on consumer goods they don't benefit you personally
>spend money on consumer goods that require tens of millions of people also buying to see a positive benefit in the economy
Yeah you're right. We shouldn't save our money to try and invest it in assets that add actual wealth, like property and small businesses. We should just be a slave to the big corporations and poor. It'll totally help.
We can always build a northern wall too. I expect we'll have a lot of refugees from Canada when people realize they don't want to actually live in a communist country.
I just feel that self sustainability is crucial
its almost as if wages have stagnated for decades and half the jobs out there pay shit and are part time
Thanks Obama
>he thinks the rate of transactions in a given year is highly determinant of GDP growth
Son pls its all about utility functions
Build a wall!
>Robert J. Samuelson
>son of Paul A. Samuelson
>Paul A. Samuelson was born in Gary, Indiana, in 1915 to Jewish Parents
>Jewish Parents
EVERY TIME. I'm sure this is just pure coincidence right?
Yes, good goy, go out and spend more! The economy is bad because of you not spending!
Murikeks don't buy shit anywhere whether it's online or in a mall that's what the article talks about.
right? and meanwhile Jews are the biggest penny pinchers out there
>spend money on foreign made products
>wealth transferred to foreign countries, making us poorer
>save money
>wealth stays here and mitigates emergency's, less demand = lower prices = more buying power later
I don't see how not spending isn't a win at the moment.
>if we don't
I thought you were doing me a favor by filling up your gas tank here and buying cartons of cigarettes.
watch and laugh as trudeau gives your millitary bases to the religon of peace and lets your country burn to the ground
>majority of economic recovery money goes to the rich
>"why aren't regular people spending more? They've become stingy I guess "
I wonder how much that fire is gonna cost Canada
Fuck off Keynes, maybe now your bullshit "economics" can die off
>largest GDP in the world
>doesn't buy anything
I bought some Chilean grapes, English cheddar and Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand just this morning.
>mexicans are better
Yeah, no, all foreigners suck and need to get the fuck out. The better foreigner doesn't come here.
When did moosefuckers start getting so uppity?
>Fuck off Keynes, maybe now your bullshit "economics" can die off
you kids need to take some econ
>Samuelson was born in New York City
Sounds like you do, actually. Keynesian is bull shit.
it's what you'll learn in school
have fun in college next year :^)
Good thing I actually understand the basics of economics.
>i posted an infographic i saved last week
>i know about economics now! lol!
pro tip: mention the austrian school in undergrad and you'll get laughed out of the lecture hall
>liberal universities like liberal economic theories
>all universities are liberal besides the four that have programs for my very specific laughed-out-of-the-mainstream form of "economics"
it might be like five schools. out of hundreds.
anyway, you're wrong.
Canada bringing that fort Mac heat
>Austrian economics can predict and explain the economic autism of 1960s-2010s America
>it's wrong
I have moved beyond materialism through the power of Christ.
>see guys, if i just apply things i made up after the fact and apply it to the past
>Austrian economics
Would give us ten thousand years of economic turmoil before it becomes generally efficient (for a few years or so).
Is that fire still burning or is it all extinguished?
No cities are being threatened anymore. There's no stopping it though; we're just waiting for it to die out and keep out of its way.
Because I'm spending all my money on bills and food because all the jobs are garbage and I only get enough to sustain myself at a minimum level + a basic internet connection.
These parasites take and take and take and then whine and say it's our fault when we don't have any money left to buy their junk. If they want us to spend more, maybe they should pay us more.
Saving money invests it in production. This is a far better way to grow the economy than spending.
Spending money frontloads the economy with consumer products. Saving money encourages investment in future production, which means consumption and standards of living will be higher in the future
I'd shop more if I had more money but I don't have more money and I'm not going to borrow money to buy more useless shit.
>Don't you realize if you spent your $$$ your economy would finally get better?
I always thought that maybe if the rich spent their money it would help the economy. But I know it's not like a guy who is worth $100 million has $100 million in cash laying around.