People have often debated what the "good" years of the Simpsons are, so here's my benchmark

People have often debated what the "good" years of the Simpsons are, so here's my benchmark.

Episodes before Beyond Blunderdome = Classic Simpsons
Episodes after Beyond Blunderdome = Zombie Simpsons

There were 5 or 6 episodes in Season 10 that had that Innsmouth Look to them, but as soon as season 11 started you could tell the show was done for. Barney getting sober, Maude dying, spring break with Kid Rock, jockey elves, no more Phil Hartman... it just felt like a totally different show at this point.

seems pretty legit desu
hated that episode


The bar was set on the day Andy Dick sold that cocaine

Yes, I've been marathoning the Simpsons after work and this is an accurate point where things went to shit.

It's simple:

Everything pre-2000 is good.
Everything 2000 is shaky.
Everything post-2000 is bad.

People hate S1 because of how different it was, but it has a nice charm to it.

S7 is the coolest season imo.


We were in third grade when that shit episode came out and even as kids it felt different. Talking on the schoolbus was all about why simpsons was not as funny and different.

Experimental Simpsons - Optional Viewing

Golden-age Simpsons - Mandatory Viewing

Symptom Simpsons - Recommended Viewing

Transitional Simpsons - Go for as long as you can until you can't stands no mores

>whenever the fuck they made the transition to "HD" and beyond
Zombie Simpsons - Avoid Avoid Avoid

>everything pre-2000

every patrician knows 1997 was the cut off point