Trump BTFO. That's it, guys. It's over. But hey he had a good run, right?
Trump BTFO. That's it, guys. It's over. But hey he had a good run, right?
A little context, molsonigger?
Here's a little context.
Wtf I hate Trump now. I'm now team Shillary.
>said for the 1736361726176272477382th time
He's already the President, accept it you Mountie faggots
I farted.
J-just a coincidence!
Does Sup Forums even have a janitor?
>Nigga turned his wifi off
Shoudnt you be helping put out that fire???
I'm sorry, but you have to go back.
Wow, after seeing this post, i'm a #CruzMissile.
thats actually a very good summary. thx
After seeing op's post, I now lube for Rubio
>seventh time
It has to be in the triple digits by now.
Also, wasn't Jennifer Rubin the cunt that was exposed to be nothing but Cheney's puppet who'd publish anything spoonfed to her by him?
I am now part of the Kasich Korps
>I am now part of the Kasich Korps
Enjoy your Aids.
well ive been trump ay one now we know I must make real conservative ecision because trump went too far so #mugabeman now
I farted.
not possible there are posts OP made that were seconds away from like
Damage control. You know they're terrified.
>trump self destructing
>newer polls showing him already tied with shill in the major swing states
Kek wills it