Brigitte Gabriel puts Muslim woman in her place

"Its time we saw less terrorism from the Muslim community and more patriotism."
Brigitte Gabriel puts Muslim in her place.

Most redpilled woman on Muslims ever.

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And she's a black woman so she can't be racist!

Radical Muslims want to kill you.

Moderate Muslims want radical Muslims to kill you.

Yes I know. "You're a racist" mind trick doesn't work on her.

why's she wearing a mexican siesta blanket

>two women arguing


THIS is also good. She crushes them! Keep lining them up so she can knock em down.

>i don't know how to argue and say my piece
>'pls stap yelln pls i dnt no y u r yeln'
>'wow ur so angri y dnt u tlk 2 sum mooslims'

Ugh god was that supposed to be a debate?

Two hysterical chickas that won't let the other get a word in?

Women and politics clearly do not mix

Well although she knows her stuff . Muslim men can't debate Brigitte Gabriel, if they are true Muslims because they can't look at women.
So they send their uneducated women to argue with Brigitte Gabriel. And they fall on their face.
Sometimes she does get a shot at a man it seems.

say what you will about muslim burka wear, that one on the left literally looks like comfy guy.

Lol the muslim woman can't even defend herself just tries to act as a victim when her arguments are defeated.

There's nothing more insufferable than a fat Muslim apologist

>trusting fox
>Listening to someone who literally wants you to die for israel
No thank you

literally all we got at this point, it's shit, but it's less shit than everything else on very specific things

>You and the word truth don't need to be in the same sentence.

>tfw no brigitte to yell at you

Why even life ?

>I trust people who actively seek my destruction
Lol okay

>Jews are bad therefore Muslims are nice.

This meme needs to die.

The mudslide on the left the one that wore that american hijab?

god damn.

>Saba's face

Shes based as fuck

Would BEAN