Potatocraft = amazing

potatocraft = amazing


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surreal, pathetic

>Russians actually think Steven Seagal is cool in 2016

What a sad country

Dictators love him for some reason

he looks like a fucking chinaman

They probably relate to his delusions of grandeur and narcissism

His gown makes him look like a dictator so that makes sense

Seagal is not the issue here dude.

I don't care I don't speak commie

this is belarusan president?


why does he keep doing this shit

look at the way they swoon over steven fucking seagull

that guy was so excited to introduce his son to the seagull. they will probably have an entire wall dedicated to him in their house now that the whole village will be jealous off, and his slightly retarded neighbour will copy the shrine and say he met seagull too

Ah you faggot you didn't get his joke

So what was that video about?

2:48 you can see how Seagal can barely contain himself in front of all that food.

Non-memetically speaking, what is actually going on in the video?

The President of Belarus shows Sensei Seagal the finest export products of Belarus


Thanks user

Did anyone else think that was Ricky Gervais dressed up like Steven Seagal for a second?

It grew back