With all the archeological evidence proving the Bible is correct...

With all the archeological evidence proving the Bible is correct, and all the geological science showing evidence for Noah's flood, and so many Biblical prophecies coming true, why do you still stubbornly reject the simple fact that the Bible is an authoritative social and scientific work?

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the neverending shitpost has evolved

Beacasue in these times Jesus would have been a black but all of the pictures of him he is white but there were no whites in Isreal?

>scientific work

Why the all love and power God, let the people he cares get raped and murdered every day.

As a Methodist, I ask you to please stop this. Stop giving a bad reputation to Christians.

They've portrayed Him with a pale skin because when He resurrected His flesh became glorious and therefore brilliance

Plus, there was and are white israelies though many of them are affected the sun of the desert to change the appareance of their skin

Because he is god and blablabla


People have free-will, you know. Rapists and murderers aren't just NPC's that do their thing, then disappear into the void.

Free will is an excuse, God puts people to suffer in this world without ask if they want, but dont manipulate them, thats bullshit

Allah is the one true God. Allahu Akbar! Also, Moon Child

Because everything youve just claimed has been demonstrated to be false,you simply refuse to believe it.

>Be God
>Wanna make some new guy
>Make him a nigger because lol
>Put him to starve to death in Africa
>Love him

>With all the archeological evidence proving the Bible is correct

The Bible

That's not archaeological evidence

It's none of God's doing that cause us pain. The human race is the device of it's own torment. We don't realize our capabilities until we're killing ourselves.


Open wide, here comes Jesus!

See the documentaries by Lee Strobel.

He was an atheist but has since converted based on the evidence he keeps finding.

>archeological evidence proving the Bible is correct
>geological science showing evidence for Noah's flood
>so many Biblical prophecies coming true
>Bible is an authoritative social and scientific work
it's not

5/7 for making me answer your troll bait

The Human race was made by God,if we are so fuckes up its his fault. Thats not even the point, why did he make us, to laugh at our flaws, point the finger, he got pay-per-view.

so much this

Alright, since this is LITERALLY the first time one of these threads have given me something to engage with, I'll watch some documentaries.

Do you have a brief summary for me before I start? What are the main things he found?


But there is a world of joy and happiness to be had.

Bible is a spiritual work. Its for spiritual development not scientific nor authoritarian work. The stories in the bibles gives us life lessons on character. How we should morally act . the punishments in it does not mean we must punish ourselfs but how you punish yourself when you act immorally. Give me any story of the bible and ill interpret it for you. Bible is for self interpretation of the soul not law nor punisment nor scientific interpretations

kill yourself newfaggot

yer in a den of wolves ms christian
post maybe over at melissa scott?
enter,,no need to wipe your size 5 feets there,these guys are buzzards

Look everyone, he is speaking languages.

While religious tradition makes this claim, the Bible does not. Many misunderstand that Adam and Eve were the first Hebrew people not the first humans ever.

Cain was banished to live among the People of the Land of Nod. So other people.

Two creation stories that have been misunderstood. God creates most of human kind on the third and sixth measures or days then rests, then tells the story of the creation of the Hebrew people, and the garden.

Don't be fooled by traditions and false teachings.

The Bible says religions are the teachings and traditions of man that make void the word of God.

Evidence of various biblical events including the existence of Sodom.

Apparently God gives us free will. Yet he allows murderers and rapists to murder and rape. What about the free will to live of the victims? So, your all loving God cares more about the free will of a murderer and rapist than the lives of the victims? How is that all loving? And if God doesn't interfere with free will, then why did he let plagues occur? Why did he have Mary impregnated? I mean, even if she said no, she would have been. Where would her free will be?

Where were the free wills of the billions killed by him under his "loving conditions." Noah's Ark - every single life form besides 2 of each animal and a FAMILY of humans were killed. How exactly is your God real, and - if he is - how is he all loving?

Oh, okay, so it's not proof that the Bible is Literally True, it's just a documentary linking the events described in the Bible to places in the real world.

Neat, but not conclusive.

This, and goes and goes and goes.
The only answers Christians gives us is "Because he is Batman"

We all agreed to be here. We do not recall it but we existed before our birth, those who are victims agreed to be victims. Those who sin choose to sin. The reason greed and evil are rewarded in this life is so that no evil beings can claim they were not given every opportunity to repent. You choose top harm others you will pay the eternal price.

Fuck off mate. Adam and Eve were first people in Bible. First man and woman. It's there. In Bible. Stop writing bullshit

Speaking of Batman - here's an example I made of God's "love" using Batman and Superman.
Batman: So, the criminals have captured all of the police except Commisioner Gordon. What should I do?
Superman: Okay, you'll need to leave the Earth's atmosphere and come down fast and hit the Ocean. With this, a tsunami will come killing everyone. But leave commisioner Gordon alive so he can repopulate Gotham with his family!

For fucks sake, look at this pile of shit.
Inconclusive answers everytime.

Yes you will only get definitive proof when Anti-Christ arrives. That event will cause many to believe and convert but sadly also to worship the wrong being.

Plausible doubt leaves you the free choice for now.

The choice is yours


So wait. Let's say someone committed a crime and was in court. Let's say the judge - instead of punishing the man - punishes his son and has the son killed. The man does not accept the gift from the judge and instead wants himself to be punished. Well, instead of the judge saying "Can't do that", the judge burns the man forever. Where's the free will in that? Where's the agreement in that?

That's a nice load of bullshit.

"Oh, you'll get the proof, once the legend comes true, which it might not in your lifetime!"

>With all the archeological evidence proving the Bible is correct, and all the geological science showing evidence for Noah's flood
Peer reviewed citation sorely needed.

God loves everyone, except Egyptians, he killed their children for no reason at all.

Hail Satan.

Because you only construe it as proving the bible's validity when all the abrahamic books and religions are in fact plagiarizations and misinterpretations of even older sacred teachings and scriptures that predate all abrahamic religions; What you erroneously think is evidence of your Bibles validity is actually evidence of these ancient beliefs validity, which all abrahamic religions either plagiarized, misconstrued or outright omitted information from. But you're infallible and your books are the word of god right? Whoever wrote them were not belligerent, pretentious, domineering old fools with a minsicule understanding of nature and mankinds place in the divine tapestry of the cosmos, right? They just wanted to save your soul!

You gave up sovereignty of not just your mind and bodies, but ultimately your soul aswell. You worship entities with your only understanding of these entities derived from overtly biased and irrational testimonies of megalomaniacs born at least a century after the subject of their books.

Seems legit.

Day Seven God rests.
Story is then told of the Garden (Day 8?). Why retell the story unless it contains a different plot or different people? Listen Genesis 4:16 makes clear that Cain did not go to love with others of his family.

Sometimes you have to read between the lines.

>God created man.
>it's not his fault how man is though.
This is apologia.

You do not get a scientific step by step manual of life when you are still a little child. You have to grow up to understand adult things.

I m being as specific as I am able.


Vatican recognizes big bang, priests study physics. How is this possible that there are people who take Bible literally, when their spiritual leaders agreed to treat the Bible more in a metaphorical way.

If nothing can come out of nothing (the Big Bang), then how can God come out of nothing? Checkmate, Christians.

Specifically telling things that have no evidence.

You agreed before you were born.

"Before you were in the womb I knew ye."

Jeremiah 1:5

I never preach free will it isn't in the Bible.

I did not say I liked the plan, I am not in charge. I am just the messenger.

He didn't "come out" of anything.

Care to explain?

Its incredible how Christians love to talk about freedom and free will, but still slaves to an invisible master.

Dude. Just abandon thread and let this shit 404. It's not worth feeling the autistic weirdo. Must be autistic or something because he comes in here every fucking day for years trying to spam this bullshit.

I have an easier time believing The Matrix as an origin story.

Also, the Bible had millions enslaved and billions killed. Checkmate.

He's gonna claim God is eternal, which basically means he is outside of our realm of existence, which if you follow that logic would mean he doesn't actually has any influence on our world and by extension isn't god.

Quads of truth.


actually have*

I link to the verses.

It is up to you to seek any proof you may desire.

That there is more than one story of Adam and Eve is right therein the book for you to read. Story of Creation. God rests. Story of the Garden. A-B-C.. You simply have to understand.

But here for further help?

Google 1611 KJV letters to King, and Priests..

The transltors of the bible make clear they have made their best guess at translations of the holy texts and it is up to you to verify their claims.

Certainly you would be forgiven for your doubt and inability to choose a church.

But how you treat others is NOT ambiguous.

If you treat others ion a way YOU WOULD NOT LIKE TO BE TREATED? You are doomed by your own actions.

It is not you adherance to the rules of myself or a pope in a funny hat that God will judge. It is your very own heart and measure.

The standard you live by must be the same standard you apply to others.

This is a bait thread, Mr. Chess King

Prove the soul even exists.

Pro tip: You can't. Because it doesn't.

Dude in 3000 years or so there will be people looking for the remnants of Mordor and the ring and shit.

Just face it, your religion is fakeshit.

Are you fucking retarded?

You're referencing a book that at best is an incomplete history book about a specific culture.
There is no evidence of the more miraculous claims in it at all.

More retarded bullshit.

Because even if we become retarded enough to consider this fairy tale to be true, then we'd rather hang out wit Satan, as the actual being to give humans choice, free will and knowledge, while Bible (as most of other religious texts) teaches you to question nothing, bend over and read the prayer.
So here you go. Following the Bible and its narrative is simply illogical.

>No no guys, lets not do anything to better our collective lives on this planet.
>All of our fates are preordained and we chose to go through shit.
>When someone gets raped and murdered, they chose that before being born.
>Just believe me heaven will be awesome, so just wallow in pain while you are here.
Geeze and nihilists get called depressing.

Yes sometime you have to make up bullshit to keep your stupid fairy tales from crumbling under the weight of their own stupidity.


I can quote comic books too doesn't make any of that shit true.

What if I'm am asshole and I murder people slowly, but that's how I want people to treat me. is that okay?

I said nothing at all like that.

I have faith because of Christs teachings and actions. The hope that they might be true.

I suspect when I die I will dive in to the lake of fire with middle fingers extended to both God and Lucifer.

I think they are both dicks who have dragged us all in to the middle of there cock size dispute.

Still Christ is the example I follow and teach.

God sounds like a dick I look forward to my eternal death especially if it causes God pain and regret.

Men of true faith are not joyful they are full of sorrow and regret.

I do not see a planet where life kills and eats other life to survive as good or perfect.

I preachto atempt to get us all on the same page following the same rules.

But I have doubts to whgich I do not deny.

I try to make sense of what goes on around me.

And I do not think sitting in a pew paying tithes to a funny hat liar are going to save mankind.

Saying the soul doesnt exist is saying the self doesnt exist. You rejecting the soul is rejecting humanity. Because of thaf way of thinking we see others as objects and machines that are easily replaceable. But this is b . many see others as nothing but play things and mindless animals. (Even animals of an awareness of whats around them though)

The problem with religion though is that there are so many of them and they all profess to be the truth while contradicting each other.
If Jesus had been worth his salt, he would have advised people to stop looking to a god for solutions and to start working together on improving things for everyone.
No more my dad can beat you dad, just a well shit this is what we got, lets make the best of it.

Hey you... Out there on the cold, getting lonely, getting old, can you fell me.

Or as with Science we have to allow further study and understanding.

Like when we find out the word translated as rib in Genesis also means helix and in our modern sense the idea that our creator took Adams DNA to Make eve would be slightly more accurate. Electronics manuals from the 1950's are laughable. Why must biblical history remain ignorant and wrong when the truth IS contained there? Bullinger and Strong did the work - now it is time for the liars behind pulpits to actually read about Prophets rather than profits.


You do not want to be harmed.

Every child in the first grade knows right and wrong. As evidenced if you take there candy and give it to another they shout "Hey that's not fair"..

No you can lie and claim you like the way you treat others and that you would be OK with it.

When you stand before your judge he will not be reading a textual account of your life he will be looking right at your own heart and your own thoughts. The standard of Treat others as you wish to be treated is far higher and better then the 10 commandments..

Right and wrong are point of view. In many cultures cannibalism is normal, while in others is prohibited.

“You either have a God who sends child rapists to rape children or you have a God who simply watches it and says, ‘When you’re done, I’m going to punish you.’If I could stop a person from raping a child, I would. That’s the difference between me and your God.”
― Tracie Harris

I have my issues withour Lord too.

Had he wanted to be clear he could have, but instead taught in parable which IMHO is tantamount to a lie.

But again I am not in charge. My goal is to one day die and then bring up all my objections and finally to die again fuck this life and the next.

But I am not going to mislead others when they ask a question.

You are all fools. You all need to bid worship to the one true god: The Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster. Anyone who will not convert will die by my hand, and if I shall die defending his honor, I will be awarded in his Spaghetti Heaven with the 72 meaty virgin whores.

You can make that claim.

But having once spoken to a Maori, he never thought killing other tribes was right. Just that is was their way of life. I don't think our way of life is right.

Yet I am still stuck working and paying taxes that pay rich greedy men to do what ever they want to do and claim they are doing it on my behalf.

HINT they are NOT!

You mean the guy who provides no evidence for anything? That Lee Strobel?

Please provide these proofs of archeological, geological and prophecies that you mention.
I here a lot of talk but no one ever seem to be able to provide any real data, what's up with that?

Makes me think of this scene in South Park:


Please don't say our, he is no lord of mine.
What kind of irks me is how you can use talking points from the bible and claim not to be misleading.
None of us know how the universe came to be, if there even is a god or what religions god is the right one.
Talking with assertiveness about something we don't know about seems like the epitome of misleading to me.

Dude what are you doing here, i mean, we are horrible people, sinking in piles of cp, traps and etc, while you seems to be a nice guy, i dont believe in the same things you do but i can see that you are not the kind of men who usually belong here, so i ask again, what are you doing here?


HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh, you're serious. Cunt

Cuz this is obviously bait and so is the bible.

the pictures were painted in the renaissance which is that time was mostly white so they painted him with human features that they knew well its that simple

test test

>free will
>God is omnipotent
you can only have one not both sheep.

The temptation I suffer and the reason Iam here certainly do not qualify me as a good man. In my heart I am the most despicable being you will ever meet. I try to rise above it.

We til the soil where ever we are.

We don't preach in the Vatican unless we are catholic.

TLDR I am exactly the same as you I just read the rules sooner then you did.