She made money off the image of being a weed smoker................Now spreads false information about weed...

She made money off the image of being a weed smoker................Now spreads false information about weed, saying it made her act crazy and be a hoe.....................The weed community needs to stand up and put an end to the spread to lies she spreads about marijuana

God damnit. . you know what i mean

Pot is degenerate.
All it does is suck away poor peoples paychecks and turns them into wasted space on a couch.
I've had many stoner coworkers. They'd come to work high and I'd run laps around them. The loss in productivity is a prime example of why they're a detriment to society.

weed only takes away the ability to work a job that you hate

>the weed community

"The Weed Community?" This is how you wish to identify yourself?

You're making a point, but I don't think it's the one you intended to.

Just a publicity stunt to try and revitalize her career. She's still a degenerate whore.

you could have a mother with a siezing child in her arms, she says it's lies, like those spread by Miley, that prevent her child from getting the medicine that he needs.

>weed community

My friend injected 3 marijuanas and now he joined isis and is gay


Whatever. Trashy Miley was hot as fuck.

>an end to the spread to lies she spreads
are you high?

Hey, look guys. Someone that has no idea that weed affects different people differently.

good, shes 1000x hotter now

I wonder if she regrets those awful tattoos yet.

this. ive never known any weed smokers who weren't lazy, weak-minded leeches on society

Completely disregarding the effects of weed, it's undeniably a retarded way to spend money. And, be honest Sup Forums, if you do smoke it's because you just like getting high, you don't have some nancy pants made up anxiety. You're pathetic, yes, but at least embrace your sadness.

Those armpit hairs.
(Loud tongue click) Nice!

She doesn't care. All of this image stuff is smoke and mirrors. Disney, trashy, country. It's all just a show.

I use it like a cheaper beer that's better for me. I'm a functioning adult in society.

It's becoming an epidemic. Last year over 100,000 died from smoking pot.

tell me about it, i know of at least 4 people from my high school who overdosed just last year alone

Didn't know weed was hated so much here
Lame asses

I believe she does care and regrets how she acted at that time. She'll probably be a completely new person in a few years time to what she is now. But I do agree with you about it being all a show. I guess that's what Hollywood and pop stars are. It's all fake crap. I even remember making a prediction that after all of the crazy, ugly twerking stuff, she'll grow her hair out and start trying to look all pretty and this will be the new thing that shocks people and gets them talking.

Pubes are gross

I have about 90 hours of leave I have to used before January 1,2018 or I lose it... I have so much built up bc I never tak off work... also that job pays me $70k+ a year and I smoke daily... I haven't missed a day in 5 years of smoking...

Again, weed doesn't cause extreme laziness unless you embrace the laziness in which I do not... oh and after I take that 90 hours, I still get to carry 240 hours of leave from year to year... so basically I always have 6 weeks of leave to use and a fat salary and I get baked every night... sorry you guys can't handle your shit

Please tell me of all the stoners who you would rather have high when they're driving your kids school bus or operating on your fathers kidney or changing your tires....

So are pedos


where is the Pro-Marijuana Hate

Weed didn't make her do anything.
Aside from making her impulse control more lax.
Her actions are hers.

Any of her fucking?

Hey look at me. I have a government job where I can leach off the taxpayers teet and not worry about getting fired because muh diversity quoata even though I violate the law daily.

im a biochem PhD candidate in my 4th year, ive smoked every single day for the past 10 years. but only after im done with my day

>im a biochem PhD candidate in my 4th year
I found the larper....

haha thats right

No, fuck your weed community. I don't give a shit what people think about drugs and if you get caught boo hoo.

Can you have a sex orgy scene Larp?

i found the person who blames objects (a plant!) on his failures instead of himself.


well no shit there are people who can function and get high af every day. we're looking at the people who can't even function sober you idiots. when they smoke up and already are on welfare they're basically setting theirselves up to stay there forever/

you think weed is the cause of people on welfare?

you'll make yourself a hell of a lot happier if you dont worry about other people who dont directly affect you user.

> hurr no way she could go grazy from weed
> hurr no way everyone feels the same

which is it, faggot.

You're autistic

>and are already on welfare
reading is hard when you're baked ik but try rereading it a few times feller.

Hey look at me, I'm jealous as fuck... peace bitch, I do good work...

what is your argument?

>we're looking at the people who can't even function sober you idiots. when they smoke up and already are on welfare they're basically setting theirselves up to stay there forever/

so what. i dont give a fuck. im not one of those people. if people want to waste their lives doing drugs it's well within their right as long as they dont harm others in the process.
>but they are on welfare!
so? welfare exists for a reason. if you don't like welfare that's a whole other argument we can have

i want girls to believe marijuana will turn them into whores. it helps give them an excuse to fuck.. "well, you know. i was high at the time"..

ok, i'll spell it out for you then

either you're saying everyone is affected differently, which pretty much everyone accepts

or you're saying she couldnt go crazy and be a hoe from weed.

simple really.

protip: called a false dichotomy

Weed doesn't cause welfare, it's just one of the only enjoyable things to do if you're that much of a fuckup. Especially if you are currently the property of said fuckups because you're not 18 yet, that must really suck.

OP is right, there's nothing about weed that would do anything besides cause you to think more philosophically about the desire to act crazy and be a hoe. Everyone who smokes knows this is just the fact that she's a crazy hoe revealed and everyone knows, smoker or non, that she's just distancing herself from drugs for the sake of her career.

You need a false lobotomy

ITT: Triggered faggots who get butthurt when anybody talks bad about their boo

WEED is DATE Rape !

Nobody gives a shit about what this bitch says weed did to her. She's scapegoating a plant because she made herself look like a trashy slut and is now suddenly unable to deal with it.

weed makes it harder for niggers/ poor to get out of their situation, just like alcohol. No need to rip paragraphs out of your ass and take your triggered ass back in bed

Glad she finally wised up and realized weed is horrible and should remain illegal. You stoners need to grow up and stop looking for excuses to get high.

Weed can lead to psychosis and other mental issues for some people.

There are also a laundry list of issues for people who smoke marijuana everyday and in high quantities.

of course there are a lot of people who smoke lots of weed and are successful. There are also lots of high functioning alcoholics, and coke head who do ok too.

Then you don't know a lot of weed smokers

Barack Obama is a weed smoker

It's not. This one faggot is just shilling and samefagging

you are a dick smoker

and look at what happened to the wtc retard. couldve stopped it with one call but he was too busy in the white house attic

more of this needed in this thread

>weed makes it harder for niggers/ poor to get out of their situation, just like alcohol.
no it doesnt. it makes it harder for weak willed people with no ambition to get out of their situation. and i dont care about helping people who dont want to help themselves. it's a literal waste of time

>No need to rip paragraphs out of your ass and take your triggered ass back in bed
you think that's a paragraph?


stop smoking, you're talking to yourself pal

Who would have guessed that Miley Cyrus was actually just a dumb cunt?
She even claims she smoked more weed than anyone in the world.
That's shit people who never smoke say.


Have to use 5 weeks of leave before year's end. Work one job for $100k and farm for a side line. Fuck off loser.



... my argument is
NO FUCKING SHIT. there are people who can function on weed, even everyday in the morning noon and night. no need to state you are one of them. also im not arguing against you im arguing against this mindset
I have about 90 hours of leave I have to used before January 1,2018 or I lose it... I have so much built up bc I never tak off work... also that job pays me $70k+ a year and I smoke daily... I haven't missed a day in 5 years of smoking...

Again, weed doesn't cause extreme laziness unless you embrace the laziness in which I do not... oh and after I take that 90 hours, I still get to carry 240 hours of leave from year to year... so basically I always have 6 weeks of leave to use and a fat salary and I get baked every night... sorry you guys can't handle your shit

I'm not poor and I dab with the business owner all the time.
Nice stereotyping faggot.

I have noticed this site is over the top against weed.

Hey, look at me, I'm too stupid to get a good job with excellent benefits.

No, you're a lameass for smoking that crap, you are a sick,pervert who should be in jail. MODS!!!!!!

because people normalize it and it's mainstream. The effects are over rated and it's integral to the nigger culture.
That's probably why, look again at your url.

You just don't realize that the productive cannabis smokers are smokers. You have a stereotype in your mind and when you see someone who fits the stereotype, you assume they are the only ones who smoke.
You'd be surprised if you actually knew how many people you know smoke.
They just keep it from you because they know you're an ignorant asshole.

People who smoke pot once a week or so are not that bad. Its just to relax. However, people who smoke it every day become lazy fucks who whine about cops and food

I fucking hate stoners. Literally all of them are retarded. That's not to say all people that smoke weed are stoners though, in the same way that not all people who drink alcohol are alcoholics. There's more misinformation spread by weed supporters than people who oppose it nowadays (no it does not cure cancer).

Way better than beer and other alcohol.
It's way more cost effective, is much safer for your body, and has a milder buzz.
No getting sick the next day or destroying your liver and brain cells, especially if you vape or dab.


You're an idiot with idiotic coworkers.

I want her to sit on my face for an hour.

Medical board of california feels that doctors should not have to recommend marijuana to people. that it should be regulated like tobacco

That's not weed's fault.
I know literally hundreds of successful business owners who smoke weed every day.

Better than beer? That's subjective. Most nights than not I'd prefer to have beer over bud. The buzz is cloudy when you're trying to sleep or concentrate


not a cause but a catalyst for sure. also don't bring up that "thousands of successful people smoke weed every day" card, well because,.. no shit. Only those who never tried weed would argue against that.

i dont think you know how to formulate and argument at all. you're not making a point at all


an* because i know you'll just focus on the typo instead of the point

It's funny how people actually reply to barred out burnt low lives like myself. glad you had the good sense to reply wasting your time arguing about weed over the internet.

just goes to show how desperate and attached you stoners are to your weed, fucking holy shit, gotta prove everyone wrong and HURR DURR CHANGE LE WORLD

I was referring to the comment that weed is a waste of money. Compared to alcohol, it's not. That was my point.

i have time to waste right now...? why do you think im on Sup Forums right now, you think i come on here when im busy?
you're just making yourself look more and more retarded, but that's probably a trend in your life

It's not a catalyst either. Those people had problems before they ever smoked.
Cannabis has nothing to do with it.

>"well, you know. i was high at the time..."
"... I couldn't consent. You raped me!"

Great thinking, user.