How can anyone watch footage of the moon landing and not see the obviousness of it being a movie with the cheapest...

How can anyone watch footage of the moon landing and not see the obviousness of it being a movie with the cheapest special-effects ever?

>Astronauts bouncing up and down via wirework
>Lunar module thrusters ignition being a literal firecracker
>Camera pans up as the lunar module slowly ascends like it's being pulled up by string, swaying all over the place
>Lunar module literally being made of construction paper, tin-foil and gaffer tape

Are Ameriburgers this easily deceived? Fucking episodes of Thunderbirds had more convincing special effects than this.

Other urls found in this thread:–Kruger_effect

how do you explain them putting mirrors on the moon then? which are confirmed to be here.

well done

they sent those there with weatherballoons

lmao okay

That statement is a new level of retarded

>Neil Armstrong was supposedly the first man on the moon
>the camera filming him climb down the ladder is already on the surface

They must think we're complete retards or something

>All those gaps between the sheets of construction paper

Oh yeah, that's going to keep the radiation out.

Nice try Amerifats, but there is a little something called the Van Helsing Radon Belts that stop anyone and anything from leaving the Earth. And even if you could get past those, you don't dare jump on the Moon like they did in that video because you wouldn't ever come back down.

>Van Helsing Radon Belts

couldnt even get the name right

nice b8

i love how people genuinely believe this