Try going Vegan for 30 days

Try going Vegan for 30 days

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Vegetarian here. Close to vegan but I doubt I could do it. It ain't easy being cheese-less.

fuck off fagget kys
yea im the edgiest guy around

They got lotsa fake cheese that takes just like the real thing. Gotta look harder though. Stuff at the big-stores all tastes like melted plastic and felt markers

I'd rather go shoot Bambi in the face then eat him, you do you though. Faggot.

Because then it means I'll actually have to talk to people to tell them I'm a vegan.

Try avocado as a replacement for cheese


Sounds like it tastes horrible and is expensive...ill pass

You know nothing about it look into it and give it a go

Give me $400USD to restock my pantry with vegan foods and I'll do it.

I ain't paying for it out of my pocket.

We didn't spend those millions of years evolving so I can gaze like a dumb sheep. I choose to exercise my status as an apex predator and dine on tasty, tasty animals.

They'd eat me in a heartbeat if they could.

I did, then I got sick. I went to the doctor, told him what was up, he did some tests and apparently my nutrition uptake is so low that being vegan would actually kill me in the long run.

I dont eat a lot of meat because I know it's unhealthy but I wont cut it out of my diet. Im a human not a farm animal

Apes have a greater digestive system to break down cellulose, you retard. No matter how many vegetables you eat, you will still be a skeleton.

plant based diet

I do, ive seen it, no animal products whatsoever? Specialty foods? The means shelling out MORE money for shittier tasting food.


This. Fake cheese is even shittier than fake meat, which is already pretty fucking bad.

Waste of time, if we can't continue to eat meat we won't be able to sustain the planet anyways.

Not only do I enjoy eating meat, I enjoy knowing that the animal that has been killed was treated poorly.

I avoid cruelty free/free-range/whatever else kind of vegan bullshit people try to mark up to sell at inflated prices.

>fake cheese
kys yourself
I'm from Gouda, I'd rather die than eat shitty imitation cheese

Honestly, I think killing and eating meat is OK; that's not the problem. The problem is animals being all fucked up in factories to produce meat. If the fucker has a "normal" life in the wilderness and is too stupid to escape some drunk hick with a rifle, he deserves to die.

Poorly treated animals taste worse though.

Unlikely. I enjoy my diet and I'm going through a bulk phase. Its hard enough to find the protein I need to keep up with the juice and my digestive system is already pitching a fit, I don't need to add points of beans into the equation.

Cruelty is a subtle flavor only true carnivores can appreciate.

How about free range organic farms?
Most farm animals have been changed to the point that they couldn't survive in the wild anyway.
Also a cows concept of heaven is a place with plenty of grass, where they can hang out with their best cow friend, free from predators.
Which is what a free range farm is.

Yea just eat rice and beans like a poor person, it is not complicated or difficult or shocking.

Then how can you taste it?
Carnivore isn't a label you put on, it's a specific way for a body to work.
Are you claiming to be a sentient carnivore, who not only learned english, but also figured out the internet?

this. especially chicken.
they inject chicken with shitloads of water so they can charge more for the same chicken
freerange chicken is the way to go


Free range is a joke. Instead of cages, they're chained up. There is no real difference, other than how they're bound.

That is probably the most surprising response to hunting I've ever gotten out of anyone claiming to be vegan. Usually get nothing but hate for hunting and even fishing. It's kinda refreshing.

Personally I'm planning to cut out as much store bought as I can in favor of meat I hunted or caught and produce I grow myself.


I love when vegans pretend like their substitute foods taste good.

Not trolling; I truly believe veganism is a mental illness. Don't get me wrong, I applaud the commitment to doing something which you think is going to make a difference to the planet.

But there is a fundamental flaw. Humans aren't designed to be vegan. Your body does not want you to be vegan. If you are not listening to your body then you are dissociating from a part of yourself. Just as much as any fat McDonalds diabeetus whale, alcoholic or drug addict.

The planet doesn't need people denying their own nature and their physiological needs, it needs people who can be true to themselves. Because if you can't be true to yourself you're no use to anyone else.

Yeah and freerange chicken breasts are expensive, tiny as fuck, and dry as dirt meat. You forgot to specify that you fucking mongoloid

gorillas eat meat, too

Veganism is a functionally incomplete diet. You are NOT getting the full set of nutrients that you require.

Not without eating enriched food or taking multi-vitamins.

Just google "B12 deficiency". you'll get "pernicious anemia" and vegan shit. One is a medical condition, the other is a mental condition.

If there can be 50+ genders on the internet, then yes, I am a sentient carnivore who speaks English and uses the internet.

I don't see how this is such a hard concept to grasp.

Huh is that how it works where you live?
Free range where I live, entails actual fields, where the cows can move about and graze.
Sounds like you need to tighten up some laws in your country.

But why? It is very unhealthy. Humans wouldn't have evolved with a higher brain capacity if it wasn't for meat. Unless you have digestive issues with all animal biproducts, you are doing something that makes no sense.

Oh so make believe, good to know. Then I can dismiss your opinion.

Sedate animals bodies don't have the kind of physique or build that wild animals have. The cheap meat you eat is cheap for a reason; it's shit. If you're going to act like you're proud of your tastes, don't be retarded and act like the most generic shit is the cream of the crop.

Not me, but someone else thinks it's a mental illness

And I can dismiss yours, as well.

And don't act like gamey, tough meat is the cream, either.

I've done it for longer than that. I always go back. I quit dairy for the estrogenic affects only to learn that soy has worse. When I gained some weight I got a personal trainer who had me eating more meat in a meal than I would in a week otherwise and I can actually see my abs now.

Go right ahead, I'll eat meat that actually tastes good, with no antibiotics and as little cruelty I can get.

Yeah, 'cos in the wild, cows run around all the time, not like the domesticated ones who live in fields and just stand around all day eating.

The cow must be the pinnacle of vegan evolution. Is this what vegans aspire to?

I'd like to counterpoint with veal and foie gras.

Not exactly. The flavor of meat has more to do with diet than activity level. Activity affects texture and marbling, yes, but you don't want an animal that has engaged in serious work for most of it's life because it will be tough and dense. What you really want is a balance. I'm part of a co-op where I essentially buy half a cow a year and know the exact conditions and diet it was raised on.

Dietarily, though, protein is protein. Yes, there are other vitamins and minerals that factory farmed foods lack, but I can (and, due to my lifestyle, do) supplement those as necessary.


The OP said "try going vegan for 30 days". Not "i am vegan and therefore better than you". Yall should chill out and try something new for once, granted maybe not a whole month but maybe a week. Also get off Sup Forums, this, like red meat causes cancer of the brain and ass at an alarming rate.

Are you disregarding the guilt trip in the op picture?
It basically implies that if you don't you're a horrible person that hates the planet.

no thanks

Going vegan for a week or a month isn't "trying something new" its a radical dietary shift. I ate at a vegan restaurant owned by a friend last night and had a kale burger and a really nice garlic roasted cauliflower side. It was a cool change of pace. I'd also already met my protein reqs for the day and had my yogurt so I can shit regularly.

OK, I'll offer OP a similar challenge. Try ignoring the urge to pee for 30 days. Or, try ignoring any emotion you might have.

This is veganism, it's not listening to your physiology.

I believe vegans and vegetarians statistically lead longer lives than the average. If you know what deficiencies are common when you don't eat meat, it's very easy to compensate for that.

Also vitamin b12 is a badass molecule

Gorilla's eat meat my dude. It's okay that you're retarded, it's probably the lack of protein in red meats. It's really good for the brain. Vegetables taste good though, you've got that

I'd rather not be nutritionally deficient

Seems like OP has left, or was just shit stirring. OP, If you are for real, I'd like you to reply to this.

Here's how this will pan out, veganfags.

>campaign to convert everyone slowly succeeds
>more and more land used for vegetables, grain, and soy
>fewer and fewer animals being bred for animal products
>eventually nobody in the world eats meat or uses any animal product
>yay, the vegan dream is a success
>pigs, cows, chickens and sheep are all extinct

Do you imagine cattle are going to be roaming around happily getting pats on the back from humans? Literally, if nobody makes money from breeding these animals, they will be extinct in a hundred years.

oh fucking please, you got a problem with "animals being all fucked up in factories" but you're just fine using a smartphone and a computer

drunk hick with a rifle, yea you're not a bigot at all

like holy shit what the fuck

Avacado's great.

This doesn't answer my point about being in touch with your body. Every mental illness involves compensations; for a vegan these are supplements to help them maintain the illusion in their own minds that they are doing the right thing.

I have to go gluten free and that fucking sucks as it is. A lot of it tastes really flavorless I can't imagine the hellish existence that is being a vegan.

Avocado is great. Its not fucking cheese, though.


Oh god, this must be bait.

but what are we going to do about animals eating other animals? or animals eating insects? insects are alive too, just like plan....

vegan here

i have no problem with people who eat meat if they kill it themselves. what pisses me off is men who eat meat killed for them and claim it makes them manly. like go fuck yourself real men hunt for their food, it's feminine as fuck to eat meat someone has killed and skinned for you

my biggest hate is the people in the article below. i personally don't mind seeing hanging animals because at least people have to think about where it came from. people who eat sausages and don't know it's made from pig shouldn't be allowed to eat meat

any diet that requires supplementation is a dumb diet

I think understanding exactly what your diet entails and knowing how to make sure that you're getting everything you need is a lot more in-touch than just eating everything under the sun and hoping you get the right amounts of what you need. has some good info on it.

Not vegan, but I had cheese made out of cashews that was pretty heckin good

it very rarely does, there are a couple that taste great confirmed by many of my meat eating m8s. vegan butter and linda mccartney sausages are the gold standard, everything else is pointless

the thing is with substitutes is they're like nicotine patches. you use them when you crave meat, and after that stops, you learn a completely new set of tastes and dishes. extremely easy once you're 2 months in

Its awesome that you tried that out and enjoyed but I dont believe if youre already eating fiber rich diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables that cutting meat out for a week is all that radical. Its a legitimate concern if you have a typical western diet of sausage for breakfast, a burger for lunch and steak for dinner but if youre already eating a healthy well rounded diet like anyone should be, eating micronutrient rich wholes foods exculsively for a week wont do anything bad to you.
If its macronutrient ratios that concern you try basing your diet on core foods like lentils or add hempseed to your meals. If youre getting 80g per day of protein nothing bad will happen regardless of how much mass you have.

Tried it, downed 3 chicken legends the moment it ended

it's the opinion of countless medical bodies and experts that it provides full nutrition when properly planned for

You have no idea how hierarchy worked in feudal ages or how the economy works in the modern world if you think it's feminine to eat meat that was prepared for you. Number 1, it's manly to eat meat because it's high in nutrients and so eating a little is really eating a lot. It's manly to eat a lot because it shows how much you must be doing to keep that food from showing in fat. Vegans sit on their ass all day. Try getting a working class job and being vegan. You'll starve you faggot

Why? It's not any better for the planet.

>eating everything under the sun and hoping you get the right amounts of what you need.

Which is exactly not what I'm saying. Our physiologies have a bizarrely accurate way of guiding us to eat properly if we listen to them. Have you ever considered why some people stay a constant weight? Are they thinking about every mouthful and every calorie? Of course not. But like everyone else, if they eat the equivalent of two slices of bread a day too much, they will put on 14lbs in a year. But they don't, because their body knows, and guides food intake.

doesn't require it, is just easier to get it that way

like you can get ripped without protein supplements but it makes it far easier when taking them. that doesn't invalidate the bulking diet

Supplementation doesn't have to be in the form of pills. I don't think most vegetarians *never* eat meat. I knew a whole group of people who ran a vegan restaurant who would semi-occasionally get together and have a cook out with wild game meat.

Which is entirely beside the point and exactly not what I'm saying. You haven't replied to my point at all. I'm not talking about nutritional value. You are either wilfully twisting my meaning or plain stupid.

Why don't I just start sucking cock for a month.

Both will leave me sick and with a bad taste in my mouth.

>I don't think most vegetarians *never* eat meat.
That's pretty much the definition of vegetarian. If you supplement your diet with occasional meat, you're not a vegetarian - you're just a healthy guy who doesn't eat meat that often...

As long as you don't swallow user. Semen ain't vegan.

This is absolutely true. I get hungry after working hard. If I sit on my ass a whole weekend, I generally do live that weekend vegan. Fruit smoothie my nigger. Bet if I didn't work I'd accidentally fall into a mostly vegetarian diet

Stop being such a white knight, you fags couldn't be any more wrong about protecting the planet.

>feudal ages
everyone else was referring to the dawn of man when we were still evolving, not once society had begun
>vegans sit on their ass all day
okay yeah sure buddy nice one, plenty of elite athletes are vegan and there are numerous vegans working physically intensive jobs

>this athlete that focuses completely on diet and exercise for a living can do it!
Are you deliberately retarded?


Good luck

most of these folks lay off bad food and they think that they are healthier because they are not eating meat

well it's not the meat, it's the sugar

sugar is the worst thing you can consume, if you don't drink sodas, or any beverage with sugars added, you're doing it right

lay off the candy, the sweets etc, but stop giving meat a bad rap

Dawn of man still had a hierarchy and I doubt the leader would be doing the dangerous work of hunting. Besides, even if they did, even if we pretend gorilla's don't eat meat, all of your bullshit vegan arguments are am appeal to nature, a huge logical fallacy. Eat meat and the protein will help with your brain you fucking retard

So you're saying vegans are all lazy, and their body is telling them they don't need need protein or vitamins.

animal meat is supplemented with B12, the vitamin that comes from soil.

Therefore your diet, supplemented with b12, is a shitty diet.

True omnivores and carnivores do not get atherosclerosis from consuming animal LDL cholesterol, we do.

Anatomically speaking, we are designed in a similar fashion to herbivorous creatures. Check the science, look more into it. It's a mental illness to eat animal corpses and pretend to have no remorse for your body or the animal killed, that's why children are indoctrinated into to this act from a young age.

After reading that article I can say with certainty that you didn't.

I been a vegan for 8 years