Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): Natalie & moo
Veto: Paul
HoH Nominations: christmas/Vic
Most likely going home: could go either way honestly
Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): Natalie & moo
Veto: Paul
HoH Nominations: christmas/Vic
Most likely going home: could go either way honestly
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't like the days when we don't know the votes.
you troll us
reminder: when you use paul in the OP it makes us look like total tools to the rest of the board
I wanna see reclusive, pearly white meech
Bet she's hot at fuck
this is a family board, the children dont need to see your filth
What possessed Paul to get that thing on his chest?
I get the beard, his emo pics expose his gigantic nose, but the tattoos?
This show is for fucking losers. You are the cancer killing Sup Forums
babby's first big brother? ever seen season 16?