You haven't seen any illegal dubs or trips have you?

You haven't seen any illegal dubs or trips have you?

Other urls found in this thread:

Sure haven't officer.

I'm white officer, i would never have such things on me

Got a warrant?

No officer, now scram this joint isn't going to smoke itself

I have nothing to hide, thank God I'm white.

Am I being detained officer?

I dindu nuffin

Dubs, Trips, why would I have those sir? I'm just a regular law obeying citizen. Just check my singles and they'll prove I'm right.

get out pig, we aint got no dubs, or trips

Shut up you racist cop

i'm holding them for a friend


gtfo cop

if dubs or better i will have a girlfriend soon



lucky bastard

once more, checkem
if dubs or better i will have a girlfriend soon

yeah im real lucky, now i get to go to jail


god you suck

He wuz a good boi, he'd go to church every Sunday. Gotta raise money for them programs.

Stand back

i just got into mexico and now I'm free


Why do you even stop me? Are you carrying any illegal Dubs or Trips I should know about?

No dubs here, no sir

Pfft, no dubs or trips here officer! Heck, I've never even seen dubs or trips !

Rolling for illegals