Should divorce be made illegal? It's pretty degenerate.
Should divorce be made illegal? It's pretty degenerate
Make it illegal for retarded monkeys to have kids
Divorce is a necessity, kids are just caught in the crossfire.
Having kids at an early age should be made illegal.
It was indeed illegal in Italy until a referendum made it legal in 1974.
it was mainly sponsored by the communist party and by a political party that later revealed its ties to neocons and Michael Ledeen. it was opposed by the Vatican and the neofascist party
If you make it illegal all you're gonna see is a lot more people killing their spouses. Modern values wouldn't work well going back to illegal divorce.
its the culture thats fucked up not the law. changing the law won't do anything
people will just seperate without divorcing,what are you going to do force them to stay together with guns?
No, because marriage doesn't mean what it use to anymore. All it is now is a civil union with a fancy ceremony for sake of tradition.
Women now can be self-sufficient and don't have to worry about their reputation thus never being able to marry again. The need to protect women from divorce is no longer necessary so what's the point? If she wants to leave?
Men don't have a shelf life as short as women and you have more chance to spread your dna with other mates. seems like a win-win.
It should be harder to get married
Makes 5 million illegal Hispanics legal US citizens
Creates no fault divorce
Nah, fuck that guy
Just have the kid split in half since it's legally both their property.
if people decide they don't want to be married to someone, why shouldn't they be allowed to separate from them in the eyes of the law?
Having kids past the age of 20 increases the risk of birth defects. After 25, autism rates spike hard.
Most people are not financially capable of having a family at an early age.
Alimoney should be abolished.
Marriage should be rewarded with social beneficials. i.e lifting some fee for grounding tax or house tax. I'm not really sure if you americans have the same wacko house/ground taxes as we Danes have though.
Speaking as a divorced man who's life is in the shitter bcuz of it, "yes"
Property tax is done on the state level.
What I'm trying to say is that divoced people shouldn't own houses and especially not if it's only the woman living in it while the man is paying for it.
Look at the reasons for divorce:
1. Feminism
2. Umm..
can't think of any more reasons.
I think we have three different kind of taxes on housing. I'm pretty sure that our "Top-Tax" is a tax that increases along with the amount of your income .
Alimoney *should* be abolished. It's fucking bonkers to keep giving your ex-wife money because of the life style she's accustomed too.
Oh fugg I'm 24. Does this mean I should marry an 18 year old?
And such is why our children is raised believing that a jobless life isn't a pathetic life.
The horror oh the horror.
marriage in general is bullshit, it was created by the gov to get more money out of the people,in order to fix this problem of female whores, we need to go back to the law of God its simple
>having sex with any other person other than your husband=adultery
>penalty for adultery = death
there we go this would fix the whoredoms problem we have with women and men plus increase birth rates, prove me wrong.
They've find out that the males cum degenerates with age as well.
24 is not bad. I'm 26 and not planning to have kids before next year.
You brake a promis to God by divorce. Can it be more degenerate? Atleast kill the bitch.
Its fuck the childs childhood up but it may be just as bad if the two parents stay and are constantly fighting. For some scenarios divorce should be legal
It's necessary sometimes. People make bad decisions and end-up in shitty marriages. There's no point in trying to keep them together.
Child support always sounded stupid to me too. It should only be a thing if the wealthier party doesn't actually want custody. The wealthier party should get automatic custody because they're in the best position to provide the best life for the kids. I thought we did things "in the best interest of the child" now? Why does it seem like it all works for the best interest of the women?
Divorce? No.
No-Fault Divorce? Maybe.
I feel like you should be required to have a compelling reason to divorce your spouse, especially in the case where there are kids. Something like domestic abuse, child abuse, neglect, yadda yadda yadda.
"I feel like the spark's gone and I fancy the pool boy" isn't justification for tearing apart a family and taking half a man's financial assets.
If that's the case then it's nothing MK-ultras very own Ewen Cameron can't fix.
Nothing ever justifies taking half a man's financial assets. Even if the man had been a shithead, you still don't take his money. People not to learn how to earn their own money.