Why is crossdressing considered morally wrong?
Girls clothes are cheaper anyway, I just bought a pair of girls shorts for the summer and they fit me perfectly
Why is crossdressing considered morally wrong?
nigga u gay
you are gay
>yes good goy! divide and rule keeps you in line!!
Probably JIDF posters
definitely loves cock
Cool meme
Seriously wake the fuck up, girls clothes are cheaper than mens. and most of them are almost the same anyway
so true, this guy is in the cock lovers hall of fame
Pics if you are a woman.
no brits are ugly
I like your meme JIDF
I would post pics but Sup Forums is full of pshychopaths, who knows what people are capable off.
Cool meme JIDF
this a man?
Because God created man and woman and assigned them roles. As part of this God assigned roles for man and woman to take, clothing reflects the role you play in life. Thus it is immoral to dress in the clothes of another gender because it is the abandonment of God's ordained roles in life.
Its a womyn
Because it offends NatSocs, therefore its morally wrong. That is their own definition of what's moral and what's not.
>Because God created man and woman and assigned them roles. As part of this God assigned roles for man and woman to take, clothing reflects the role you play in life. Thus it is immoral to dress in the clothes of another gender because it is the abandonment of God's ordained roles in life.
>Caring about what some ancient Jewish goat herders think
Top fucking goy
> (OP)
>Because God created man and woman and assigned them roles. As part of this God assigned roles for man and woman to take, clothing reflects the role you play in life. Thus it is immoral to dress in the clothes of another gender because it is the abandonment of God's ordained roles in life.
God is a faggot anyway, I'll wear what i want, not because it's what in supposed to do, but because it's what i want to do
You will burn in hellfire for eternity.
>Because God created man and woman
Yeah but he didn't as far as anyone knows.
Yes he did.
How do you know?
>Because it offends NatSocs, therefore its morally wrong. That is their own definition of what's moral and what's not.
>being triggered by other people and how they dress
Bible + prayer.
It doesn't fucking matter. Wear whatever you want.
Also, FPBP.
NO, when I die i will unlock my godlike abilities that we all have.
No, you will burn in hellfire for eternity.
timestamped picof OP in shorts. I bet you look like a faggot
How do you know he Bible is correct? If you're not using a scientific framework and faith is good enough for you, that's fine. But we can't base our society and laws off "faith" alone.
Faith is perfectly valid for developing society and is the only way to do it properly. Secularism destroys morals and results in a decadent society destined to die.
Bible is correct because of God's revelation contained within.
I do not believe in god but I am about to become a god.
>I do not believe in god
Which is why you will burn in hellfire for eternity.
>Worshiping a tyrant in heaven
Flawless logic.
>Worshipping yourself on Earth
>Faith is perfectly valid for developing society
Its not as effective as secularism and lends itself to authoritarianism. Faith is, inherantly, basing your society on denial of facts. Earth goes around the SUn? Heresy! Evolution is conclusively proven to be true? Heresy! Its a complete denial of reality, and that is why Europe leaped in scientific and economic progress during the enlightenment.
>secularism destroys morals and results in a decadent society destined to die.
I can understand why you'd think that given the fact you had the Soviets, but its simply not true. The people of the West are more moral than the rest of the world. Its just so happens however another kind of "secularism" (which is more like a religiois cult with everything except a God) is rising: Communism/Marxism and its offshoots. And only science and empirisism can stop it because Social Justice is a Christian concept. Only a scinetifically minded person can stand up and say "hold, no, you niggers are wrong, patriotism is valid and Capitalism is the only system for us, and here's why...". Christians are doing nothing to oppose Communism and maybe agree with it because Jesus was a Communist.
Everyone is a god
When we die we unlock godlike abilities, I have seen it in my dreams.
i dont get it, i must be too much of a Sup Forums casual to get this meme
I crossdress I own a couple sets of lingerie and dresses/heels I play dress up sometimes and uh its one of those things where we jerk off then you shamefully stuff the hobby in the back of your closet and pretend your not a degenerate.
Authoritarianism is fine. Democracy and liberalism are a cancer on mankind.
>The people of the West are more moral than the rest of the world.
Not true at all. Most of you are hedonists who cannot think past instant gratification and feel-good politics.
That is Satan telling you that.
>not even posting pics
why did you make this thread?
>Why is crossdressing considered morally wrong?
It looks ridiculous and raises all kinds of suspicions. If I saw a man with hairy legs and girl shorts on the street, I'd cross it immediately.
I already answered this question
>not worshiping yourself on Earth
fuck off scum
>Not mentioning that in Russia he won't pass one block before getting attacked.
I wear girls shorts and I shave off my leg hair
That would not answer his question of why though. I explained the why behind the action.
> (You)
>That is Satan telling you that.
Why would satan say ''Dont fear death'' ''Even though i supposedly feed off low vibrational energy like that anyway''
>authritarianism is fine
Its objectively not. Compare the authoritarian civilizations to the democratic and Liberal ones. One one had, we have Britain: jewel of Earth and a nation that was on track to send humanity to the stars before another authoritarian society, Nazi Germany, spooked us into becoming authoritarians to authoritarianism happening. Now, we're a decaying cilvilization where exactly the same authoritarianism that destroyed your country is rising.
>most of you are hedonists
Hedonism is a minor affliction compared to Russia's grave amounts of violence, drug addiction, prostitution and abortion. Hedonism in the West is far less than anywhere else. We just have more resources to spend on it. What, you think those paragons of religious piety ISIS aren't secretely affording themselves every pleasure young hazara boys and their stolen money can give them?
Enjoyment is human nature. And because you cannot except that, it is simply hidden and becomes even worse. Putin stand s there and denigrates every culture but his own, when he surrounded by drug abusing orphans, prostitutes, child trafficking and hooliganism. Everything is hedonist aside from when its the authoritarian doing it.
Because then you are captured.
> One one had, we have Britain
Which is a country enslaved to Muslim rape gangs and Americans.
>Hedonism is a minor affliction compared to Russia's grave amounts of violence, drug addiction, prostitution and abortion.
These are products of secularism which is why secularism must be destroyed to heal Russia.
The real question is if you are a qt trap?
What a cuck.
It's Obama's fault.
>Why is crossdressing considered morally wrong?
I don't think it's morally wrong but it looks gross 90% of the time.
>I just bought a pair of girls shorts for the summer and they fit me perfectly
Aren't girls shorts usually really tight? How can your dick survive them?
If anything you're the JIDF. Stop implying the kikes are trying to oppress gays when they are in fact doing the opposite and enabling them.
Girl's clothes are cheaper? I call bullshit
The Bible. Also you will never find a wife to propagate the white race with dressing like that. Therefore you are useless to us. Degenerate.
>enslaved to muslim rape gangs
It isn't, but even if it was, what is that? Authoritarianism you numb nuts.
I agree, that's because of globalism. Which is bad why? Because of authoritarianism! Your insulting me by claiming I'm oppressed by the very thing you're advocating.
>these are products of secularism
Those are products of having a terrible of economy and corruption. Without secularism, corruption is instituionalized. What do yopu think England was like before secularization? Did you think everyone was skipping through the medows while brave nights sung love poems to fair maidens? No. Filth, war, disease, rape and abuse were institutionalized. Obviously Britain was the best and most moral of the European societies, but even Britain fell prey to such "pious" acts as burning old women and disabled women for being "witches".
>Aren't girls shorts usually really tight? How can your dick survive them?
they fit me fine actually.
Yes they are, Jews are very anti gay
>Those are products of having a terrible of economy and corruption.
No, they are a product of secularism. They did not used to happen before under Stalin and the Tsars.
>It isn't, but even if it was, what is that? Authoritarianism you numb nuts.
Difference is who is authoritarian towards who.
It is, as suicide is morally wrong.
>I shave off my leg hair
Then you're already spending too much time on your appearance for a man. Ultimately, you're just a soon to be tranny. Do it while your bones haven't grown. Then kill yourself. Faggot.
I should mention that under Stalin it was his imitation of Christian morality in order to save Russia from ruin.
Yes but he is not here.
I would be far more concerned with the fact that women's clothing fits you perfectly
You must be an uber manlet
Either they aren't really girls shorts or your dick is tiny. Don't you care about how you look in them, though? How much leg are you showing?
>It's an anglo promoting his degeneracy thread
>girls clothes are cheaper than mens
HOL UP. You know it's a ruse when they say this. Nigger, I am a female and I can reassure your dumb baiting ass that female clothes are expensive as fuck.
>N-no you cant be powerful unless god says so
>Only by listening to me can you avoid invisible hellfire
>Stop disobeying god go- I mean guys
Right and wrongness do not exist in the eyes of the divine, things simply are
I've never heard of women's clothing being chapter than men's clothing ever. Obvious shill.
You can avoid hellfire by listening to God. I am not God.
No, they didn't happen because people were more worried about putting food in their stomachs and avoiding Stalin's imprisonment quotas. Also, Stalin was secular, he just happened to be authoritarian.
>Difference is who is authoritarian towards who.
So using the example of Russians, oppressing Russians is OK if its done by fellow Russians? Because the peasents didn't seem to think so.
>under Stalin it was his imitation of Christian morality
So, you don't need to have faith to have a "good" society (which Russia under Stalin certianly wasn't).
>Either they aren't really girls shorts
I bought them in the female section
>Don't you care about how you look in them,
I feel fantastic in them
>How much leg are you showing?
A few inches above my knees
It's not morally wrong, it's evidence of mental illness.
God is in you, as god is in all things.
You are part god dummy
>i self sacrifice for my wife to be fulfilled
>my wife self sacrifices her dignity so Tyrone can be happy
post a picture you faggot
you too
>So, you don't need to have faith to have a "good" society (which Russia under Stalin certianly wasn't).
It was in the ways you mentioned such as drugs, abortion, alcohol use. It was not a good society though.
>Because the peasents didn't seem to think so.
The peasants did not overthrow the Tsar. The Tsar was overthrown by members of the Petrograd (wartime name) liberal political elite and army.
girls clothes are not cheaper
you are a fucking reatard
Drugs, abortion and alcohol use are products of a myriad of problems, mostly poor economic systems and culture. Britain has always had a drinking culture because prior to the production of mass clean drinking water, alcohol was the preferred drink because it was sterile. Simplifying it to "secularism caused it" is wrong, because societies like Japan don't have these problems in large amounts yet are secular.
>liberal political elite and army.
And authoritarians as Lenin proved, with the support of peasent gibmedats who thought Lenin would give them free shit when in reality, he just worked them even harded than the Tsar had. Anyway, I'm off, got work in the morning.
Japan has these problems. Gays are legal, they have drinking problems, they do not see their wives, they do not marry or have children. It is a dead society.
>And authoritarians as Lenin proved, with the support of peasent gibmedats who thought Lenin would give them free shit when in reality, he just worked them even harded than the Tsar had. Anyway, I'm off, got work in the morning.
Wrong revolution. Lenin overthrew the Provisional Kerensky government not the Tsar. Lenin also used factory workers and soldiers not peasants.
Hey 4chin first time posting in 5 months due to ban, how ye doing?