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Ask a redpilled truck driver anything
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What do you eat on the road?
do you understand how hard that profession is going to go down in the near term future?
What do you transport in your truck and what's the longest journey you ever went on?
I try to avoid truck stop food (McDonald's, Subway, etc.) because it's
1. Unhealthy: when you sit for nearly 11 hours a day, you can get a lot of weight.
2. Expensive: The $6 breakfast, $7 lunch and $5 dinner start to add up.
I mostly hit up Wal-Mart and restock enough food for a week (I have a small fridge in the truck).
Would you run over a liberal?
Automated trucks will never fully replace us. Trains aren't even fully automated yet.
I work for a mega company and I have a reefer, so mostly fresh produce to grocery stores. The longest trip was from California to Maryland with my trainer (when you begin as a trucker, you have to stay with an official company trainer in his truck for a certain amount of time until he deems you ready).
Do you have a comfy cabin? Pics?
Sometimes I'd love to. It's always that little Prius with a Bernie sticker that cuts me off.
Did you fuck up on your drive time and have to take a cooldown, hence the thread?
How many prostitutes have you murdered?
Kek, John boy has us niggers trucking.
1) what would you say is the most epic / beautiful part of America to drive through
2) have you figured out all of life's problems over the course of your many long journeys
I've always thought about becoming a truck driver. Did it take you long to get a good feel for the truck? What's it like when you have to drive through heavily populated areas?
what line of work are you going to look for since the truck driver is going extinct once self driving cars become a thing
>self driving cars
not even OP but those won't be commercially ready for at least 10 years
In that case how do you cook? Do you have a little stove/hotplate/microwave in your truck? or do you use other facilities? or is all your food ready to eat?
do u like trucks
Were are the good parking lot lizards?
Any good stories about them?
How often do you cook your logbook?
You got your thumper?
>"red pilled"
>accelerating the warming of the planet and contributing to global warming
>which is driving the mass exodus from Africa and the mid eat to Europe and America
yeah, nah.
Is it anything like in that truck driver simulator game? You think buying the game is worth it?
Cunt , beat me to it.
how many rest stop hookers have offered you their teenage daughter instead of themselves
Nice trips!
What do you know about an organization called NOFIT?
Are you aware that you're going to lose your job to a robot in at least 5 years?
Have you murdered any prostitutes lately?
And do you have one arm that's so white it's almost see through and another blacker than the ace of spades?
Are these bots?
the job probably won't exist pretty soon due to self driving trucks
Would you use some sort of navigation/communication or convoy type phone application if I made one?
Oh wow, a semi that can only drive itself down a highway, won't pass a car or change lanes and needs to revert to manual control any time a lane marking gets obscured or it goes off the interstate. What an innovation!
From the article
>The Freightliner Inspiration offers a rather limited version of autonomy: It will take control only on the highway, maintaining a safe distance from other vehicles and staying in its lane. It won’t pass slower vehicles on its own. If the truck encounters a situation it can’t confidently handle, like heavy snow that covers lane lines, it will alert the human that it’s time for him to take over, via beeps and icons in the dashboard. If the driver doesn’t respond within about five seconds, the truck will slow down gradually, then stop.
>The Freightliner is still very much a test vehicle.
> But the automaker needs a few million more test miles on the books, in a wide variety of locales and conditions (snow, rain, extreme temperatures), before it’s ready to offer even this very limited autonomous capability to any customers. That’ll take a decade.
Read the article potato, hard to believe we are distantly related
How do you stay in shape?
I've been driving for seven years. I drive a 2015 Peterbuilt. It's a good job because I don't like being around people or having a boss watching everything I do. Fucking DOT cops are useless.
>How do you stay in shape?
Round is a shape
Do you avoid nigger infested shitholes so you don't wind up like Reginald Denny?
Do you visit /r9k/?
please stop liquid shitting in those 2 gallon milk containers.
please stop sold shitting in suit cases.
I have to clean that shit up. Normal people just throw bags and wrappers on the ground.
Trucks ONLY throw feces.