What is the weirdest thread you've ever been on Sup Forums

What is the weirdest thread you've ever been on Sup Forums
remember that glowing vein guy?


86 was pretty cool the other day and then the poor maddi in the basement was not fun

story on glowing veins?

yeh this guy injected glow stick fluid in his veins

Yes! That was fucked. But this got me

Yeah, I remember that one... I might have it. Give me a few.
Yeah, I do t have it. Sorry. Enjoy this.

Not weird, but like a year maybe 2 ago some faggot skinny white kid went to walmart and bought a shotgun and was going to kill himself on stream. I think maybe we got the cops to find him or something. I wonder if the kid ever did it, wonder what he's doing these days

Jesus Christ bumper stickers are the cringiest thing ever. Especially the gay shit you see in Florida like Salt life and "Flogrown"

I remember that, it went on for a few days, iirc. Every night he leaked more and more about who he was and when someone figured it out, they called the local police. Never saw or heard anything after that.

I don't have the screenshot but this one guy found a bigass dobbenfly and set a get to decide what to do with

>cut its head off with sphincter

OP delivered. Shit was cash





At this point I am indiscriminately posting my best ofs








heroine addict

10 fucking 10