Stop discrimination against trans now

North Carolina house bill 2 must be repealed

It has made the state a joke and the fact that the federal government allows it makes it a worldwide joke

When will we finally evolve...

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I thought the SC just said it was unconstitutional? Maybe they haven't seen the case yet, and I had just misheard the information.

Fuck you. Transgendism is a fraud. Gender confusion is a mental disorder and should be treated as such.

>knowing damn well this is considered degenerate

Gender Dysphoria is a MENTAL ILLNESS.

Well, this board's purpose is to host a giant reactionary circlejerk against the world moving away from a white fantasy utopia, so evolving seems out of the question.


When will it end? Beastiality? Pedophilia? Necrophilia? Transgender people need psychiatric treatment. Affirmation of their deviant actions will only cause them harm.

A dude saying he's a girl isn't the same as a dude fucking a dead body. How is that even remotely the same issue? Stop picking tomatoes and calling them apples simply because they're red you stupid fuck.

Yes it is and the best treatment we have is to allow them to become the gender of their choice

Slippery slope fallacy

transfag detected

It's a disorder of the mind and should be treated as such.

I voted Trump you stupid nigger. Stop thinking like a liberal and using your slippery slope conspiracy and stick to facts. One is a dude that chooses to be a girl. The other is a dude who digs up dead bodies and sticks his dick in it. They're 2 different things.

So is PTSD, but you don't bitch about soldiers using the same bathroom as you. Why? Because they're not fucking related.

That's not a very good comparison. But since you brought it up, people with PTSD seek treatment for it. I'm willing to be supportive of a transgender individual seeking treatment, but I refuse to pretend that there's nothing wrong with them.

>That's not a very good comparison
You literally just said being transgender is a disorder or the mind. What do you think PTSD is? I'll give you a hint, it's a disorder of the mind. Now tell me how they're not the same? Also, there are thousands of veterans every single year who kill themselves without seeking treatment for their PTSD. Did you forget about them?

Posting this picture should be an autoban.

No, 7.62mm is proven the best Treatment. Are you even American you fucking Dillweed ?

go back to killing yourself because you know youre a disease to this planet you transfag scum


boudda fukkat boipussy son

Transgender individuals have a much higher suicide rate than the average as well; even post-op. It's not as simple as letting them be who they want to be.

Photo in the OP is a Jew.

So? What's your point? I didn't say Transgender people didn't kill themselves. I was telling you that you're wrong. Not every person with PTSD seeks treatment for it. You tried to throw a general blanket statement to prove your point, and you're objectively wrong.

Someone make this into a webm please.

There's a picture that's posted from time to time on pol which is of some kind of human being (if that) that's in a coffee shop and pretends it's a baby's mother by sitting closer to the child or something like that. Anyways, gender dysphoria is a disease and it's not just about having them become whatever they want to cure the dysphoria, eventually they'll start wanting that uterus transplant or that sperm production and all this stuff. It's not just about chopping the penis off or closing the vagina and attaching a sausage its a mental disorder that isn't being treated as such, they've only been given an "aspirin" if you will to cure the defective neuronal pathways.
Don't really know where this will lead or what will be in 20yrs, but certainly you'll always have that XX or XY no matter what kind of fairy they think they are

Granted, not everyone does. But my point was that people who recognize that they do seek treatment. They don't demand people let them sperg out whenever they want.

Again, there are thousands of veterans who come home, knowing full well they have PTSD and do not seek treatment for it. Stop using blanket statements, you're getting just as bad as the liberals. However, I don't really see how taking a piss is a "sperg out", I think it's a pretty natural thing that everybody does. If you sperg out every time you piss, then you may actually have autism. If you give a shit who takes a piss in which bathroom, you may actually have autism. It all goes to the same place, it doesn't fucking matter. Some dude in a dress isn't going to touch your kid as he's taking a piss, and if he does that isn't because he's a transgender person, it's because he's a pedophile, which is illegal. Choosing to be a woman isn't illegal.

Honestly, the whole bathroom deal doesn't concern me. It's the acceptance of mental disorders as normal that bothers me.

There are hundreds of mental disorders afflicting people that are a lot more dangerous that letting some dude put a dress on telling everyone he's a girl and pissing sitting down. We should be spending our time fixing those than worrying about what people identify as. Grow up. It doesn't affect you. Why do you even give a shit?

Gender Identity Disorder is a mental illness that needs treatment not enablement. Treating GID with Sexual Reassignment Surgery is like treating depression with suicide.

>being so far removed from reality that you think you're the exact opposite of what you are isn't dangerous
And Schizos and Psychopaths equally removed from reality aren't dangerous either, right?

I'm trans

Are you a Nazi?

Does it make you question your sexuality?

I didn't say they weren't dangerous. However, there are varying degrees of mental disabilities. ADD is a mental disorder, but they don't need to be removed from society. Are you so removed from reality that you think all mental illnesses are the same? You can't possibly be that dumb right? You can't possibly think that someone with Schizophrenic tendencies are the same as some kid who has to take ritalin to control himself, or some dude who feels more comfortable in a dress? You really aren't that dumb right? Idiots in America like you are much more of a threat than some dude in a dress. Also, your attempt to be condescending didn't work, you're fucking dumb.

Nice false equivalence, retard.

Considering they're using their feelings to make seeeping legislations and trying to make thought police, they are the biggest threat to free society right now.

It's a mental disorder, just like transgenderism. You want to bitch about false equivalance? Here, how about this post ? Is Transgenderism the same as Schizophrenia? Or is that a false equivalence? How about this post is Transgenderism the same as Bestiality? Pedophilia? Necrophilia? Or is that false equivalence? I just took his argument, and used it to show him that it's not the same thing. That's what I was arguing about. He wanted to use "mental disorders" to throw a giant blanket over all disorders and rope them together. They're not the same, and that's my point. I know it's a false equivalence, that's why I told him they're not the same thing.

I'm not going to argue that a lot of their stuff isn't stupid. I agree, some of it is batshit insane. However, the choice to piss wherever they want is not insane. I'm a straight white male, and I've pissed in the women's bathroom. Doesn't mean I'm going to touch the next child that walks in.

> pander to 0.02% of population by enforcing laws on everyone else
> evolve

Choose only one.

Tbh, I agree on the bathroom thing. A shitter is a shitter. I don't make eye contacg enough in a bathroom to identify other people in there. Why they don't yse the Brown v. Board of Education case as precident really shows the stupidity of the left.

That being said, you can do with your body what you want, but don't force people to accept it as normal. Especially when only 0.3% of people at most suffer from Gender Identity Disorder. I especially don't support enablement of mental illnesses. However, I support treatment 100%.

Does she get random boners which press against her cute panties?

Also would you? Regardless of her being 14

those feets are huge

I'm not saying it's normal, I'm saying I don't give a shit. I'll call you her/she if you want, it doesn't make any difference to me. A rose by any other name etc.. I just don't get why other people get so flustered about it. We shouldn't need a law to protect Transgender people, because we shouldn't treat them any different than any other person. It's literally nothing more than another man with a penis who wanted to wear makeup and put on women's clothing. Who gives a flying fuck? Why does that offend people. If that dude had put jeans on instead of a bra and panties no one would have thought twice about it. I live in a conservative state, so maybe I'm sheltered because I haven't dealt with too many liberals, but I just don't see the big deal everyone is making about Transgender people.

From humans to monsters. Not bad.

That's the thing though, they want special treatment and call equal treatment transphobic. You can call a man that wants to cut off his arm because he identifies as one armed insane, but you can't call a man that wants to cut off his dick because he wants to cut off his dick insane. This is where your argument falls flat, buddy. You're not treating them the same.

a little boy is still a little boy. You pedos can't alter reality and claim its anything otherwise.

Its a girl now.