Enlightenment and tipping aside, is something inherently wrong with following the teachings of Jesus? Understandably the stories being told by a spectator, not himself, but talking about the message. All other religious rituals and church practices/bullshit nothwithstanding.
Enlightenment and tipping aside, is something inherently wrong with following the teachings of Jesus...
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if you don't turn the cheek they win
This, it encourages cuck values.
Depends on how you want to live your life, but if all you want is some general guidance on how not to be an asshole, I recommend you pick up a copy of the Jefferson Bible. Best version of the bible there is, and it will serve you well.
your answer is contingent on your understanding of the message of god
Christianity is cool and Jesus was based a.f
The whole thing with Jesus being a Jew and origins of the religion in the desert turns me off. I mean, I am White European Slavic person living in the cold environment. Why would I worship something created in a desert by different Jews? Which follows life of Jews and their journey. I can't relate to it.
This to be honest. I also would feel like a submissive bitch adopting some other culture as my ultimate truth and belief system.
Try being agnostic
Ecclesiastes 3:8
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.
Cuck values? it says when necessary, not just random violence you retards
He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.”
—Luke 22:36, NIV
>grab your purses, lads
christians everyone
>atheism and agnosticism are mutually exclusive
when will this meme die?
All depends on which Jesus you mean user.
Being united is what matters most and also having strong leaders. If some european country went back its pagan roots, they would be strong as fuck.
It has to do with culture, not religion. Same 90% of Catholics are dtf ladies and "I'm surely will smoke some with you" lads.
culture and religion influence each other
that quip on atheism has more fallacies than WORDS
not same meaning
not feminine
dont shitbait
Not an argument
You find some nice cuck lore in every religion. It shoild all be abolished.
purses were manlier back then
russia is based af
neither is the quip, by virtue of being 100 fallacious
they are equal, both not arguments
it meant "very small bag"
we would say "pouch" to refer to what they had then
our equivalent is just your wallet
Exactly, it's encourages weakness. Christians avoid conflict and are too soft to make hard choices and do what needs to be done.
seeOpinions are not an argument
What's with Christians always quoting bible verses? No one cares what your big book of faggotry says.
>muh correlation
fallacies are neither
or to go further:
that quote about atheism and everything in it is actually also subjective
says the guy who probably jacks off to traps and is a spawn of a faggot dad and lesbian mother
>give everything you have to poor people
damn, is your rectum all quivering with rage there bud?
>wouldnt you love to know fag
no, the line just sounds funny
thanks tho
Not seeing an argument
damn, is your rectum all quivering with rage there bud?
>wouldnt you love to know fag
no, the line just sounds funny
and it makes it funnier that youre mad
thanks tho
fallacies are not arguments
nor is that quote up there spreading opinions as facts, as you point out with that image
lmao get another draft ready before you try speak to me kiddo
>fallacies are not arguments
nor is that quote up there spreading opinions as facts
So you agree what atheism is?
Glad we agree
>So you agree what atheism is?
thats not what "fallacy"/"opinion" means
nice cop out
So you agree atheism is a fallacy?
Glad we agree
>literally ignoring centuries of history saying otherwise
we covered that:
"thats not"
"not" meaning opposite of true/correct
just please dont be shitbaiting
>It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God
being a poor cuck is better than being rich and successful :^)
You have yet to provide anything but your opinion, fallacies and rhetoric
You aren't helping your case
Joseph was LITERALLY a cuck who took care of a child he wasn't the biological father of
ah yes, as opposed to you, who have done that same
You mean admit I know nothing and not try to claim I'm right about knowing nothing?
almost missed this bonus of yours:
>shifting the burden of proof
Why do you have to prove that God exist? You stated it, it's your obligition to give proof. I can state that Trump rapes black toddlers. Wouldn't it be my problem to prove it with evidence?
you missed your question begging epithet
no i dont mean that
i mean exactly what i say
i have made no argument
but neither have you
you have provided fallacies and opinions
i have merely identified them as being such
neither are arguments, we remain at square one
If there is no God what’s the point of an atheist?
An atheist’s very existence depends upon the very God the try to discredit. And the irony is, this god is all they talk about…
if there is a god, whats the point of that then?
>An atheist’s very existence depends upon the very God the try to discredit.
this is specious in the absolute
This. Athiests are total fags. Your options are agnostic or full blown retard
Your first reply to me was my pic of rhetoric and what plato said about it
Must have struck a nerve if it got you this far
But thanks for admitting you have nor had an argument
>if there is a god, whats the point of that then?
Religion duh
To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.
Thomas Aquinas
Seems somebody does not know the difference between belief and knowledge, it’s like what separates atheist from agnostic.
>Your first reply to me was my pic of rhetoric and what plato said about it
yes, this would have been unknowable to anyone trying to read the thread while legally blind
>Must have struck a nerve if it got you this far
tit for tat, but you are "different", in post-for-post count being the same
>But thanks for admitting you have nor had an argument
yes, quite different from your empty posting
but stick with this yarn of a tale for your cop out, it should suffice
so the point is...?????
One the thing's is that "teachings of Jesus" is not really a unified thing. Jesus's teachings are different depending on who the writer is.
For a dramatic view look at Mathew vs Paul. Is every Old Testament teaching down to the last letter still part of his teachings as Mathew wants or is the Old Testament Law a prison that Jesus is freeing you from?
Do we "love your enemies" and "turn the other cheek" or seek revenge against them by hoping a vindictive "final judgement" will torture them?
In order to get Jesus's teachings you'd have to separate the original from the corruption. Do you accept that Paul received secret messages from Jesus and his idea that you should try not to get married, and if you do never have children a good idea? Or was just adding in his own ideas and saying Jesus told him that?
>To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary
no, because they dont care about evidence, only ego
>To one without faith, no explanation is possible.
just as a child cant convince adults santa is real "because"
its non falsifiable
"cant prove it untrue"
same with any comic super hero/fantasy characters
We have been over this
A question begging epithet isn't an argument
Neither is you argument of stone fallacy
The point is you have no argument and use your feelings and rhetoric as justification for your belief system
Not a very scientific outlook to have
>only ego
why ego
Fallacies already?
see Can you prove your assertions with facts and sources and not a question begging epithet?
ego is the source of the pride that clings to non-falsifiable claims or any sort, religious dogma or otherwise, same with every religion/cult based on beliefs that cannot be proven either way
the ego is what holds onto notions despite sanity dictating differently
"i know its true because i know its true"
Derivative Christian literature (Like Tolkien) can be beautiful, and the New Testament actually is one of the best stories underpinning any religious tradition on earth--it really is the greatest story over told in the sense that it is an archetype, like the Illiad, or the Odyssey, for future story telling. The story of Jesus is perhaps the best literary invention of all time--Tolkien was right when he evaluated it simply as a story, and concluded it was perfect. It is THE perfect story. Perhaps if it had not attempted to reach so far in its universality, it could be more dispassionately appreciated as beautiful mythology rather than religious cosmology.
Nietzsche was right though. Christianity is infected with slave morality--it's probably the Achilles heel of the whole religion, and why Christianity will survive as philosophy and mythology, but not as a religion in the sense that it was 1500 years ago.
If you hate Christianity, I would argue you fundamentally don't understand it, but I am not a Christian because I cannot accept the moral virtue of weakness. That is not the nature of existence. Strength, survival, dominance--that is what life is, and I believe religions should affirm life in this world.
no fallacies
unless you care to be first human every to substantiate the super-natural
without that, youre beliefs and claims are not falsifiable
>Can you prove your assertions with facts and sources and not a question begging epithet?
shifting the burden of proof
example: physics
it is entirely falsifiable (can be prove or not)
by these criteria:
all which is not, is equally vain
be is religion or folk tale or fantasy comic book
>theist talking about thinking
"belief" is the refusal to think
its pure emotion/pride
"i read it in a book, that is the proof"
yeah ok
any sikh/taoist/shintois/muslim/hindi/pagan could assert the same thing
but theyre all "right" because they "know" they are, which is to say, pie-in-the-sky
but no evidence is required because of..... reasons
namely: inconvnience
>no fallacies
>unless you care to be first human every to substantiate the super-natural
>without that, youre beliefs and claims are not falsifiable
Again you provide your opinions instead of facts or sources to back them up
Not an argument
>shifting the burden of proof
How am I shifting the burden of proof when you are the one that made the accusations?
You already know I said I don't know then turn around and set up a strawman in an attempt at grasping at straws
isnt everything emotion/pride?
dont atheist think they are smart for reading that pedo's dude book?
Agnostic and you know it
But continue thinking you are somehow better than the theist
Religion teaches cult mentality and willing and/or self imposed denial of reality. It's toxic to human development and societal progression. Christianity is a lesser evil to be sure, but its toxicity through the year has bore fruit we see even today.
Core values as human beings do not need and never has needed religious intervention to exist. We simply dont and never have needed those archaic caveman books.
>Again you provide your opinions instead of facts or sources to back them up
no, those are facts
physics is demonstrably factual
faith is not
>How am I shifting the burden of proof when you are the one that made the accusations?
physics/math is provable
nothing super natural has ever been proven
you stand on the side of the unsubstantiated and nonsubstantiable
Did I upset you so much you replied to my post two times?
Still not seeing any argument or facts anywhere
But pls continue on with your rhetoric
There is no god but there religious fags who constantly spread their religion shit everywhere. Thats the fucking point. Because being non religious these days doesnt mean one does not believe in god. A new fucking word and even philosophy had to be constructed just to prove religion fags that there is no god. Clearly it hasnt worked, maybe because religionists are simply retarded and cannot be reasoned with.
physics is not emotion
i know things, believe nothing
theists "know" that which cannot be substantiated
yeah, but having no delusions of fantasy isnt better at all
i bet if i hit you with a shovel you will feel pain
i said "bonus" in second when i thought of something more
nice ad hom tho
>Still not seeing any argument or facts anywhere
>physics is not fact
>the math of logic is not fact
stay classy
and tell me what differentiates you from these other religions which also know better:
Yeah but eventually you will get bored and have to pick a religion. I suggest Catholic because it's the one that Jesus founded on Peter.
>no, those are facts
>physics is demonstrably factual
>faith is not
Surely you have some sources and facts to back up these claims?
Because all i'm seeing is your learned opinions
>physics/math is provable
nothing super natural has ever been proven
So you cant prove anything and attempt to say your lack of belief in nothing proves you right?
What did I say about presenting your opinions as fact?
>you stand on the side of the unsubstantiated and nonsubstantiable
Sorry I don't subscribe to you atheistic dogma and instead am willing to question everything
Nice use of your rhetoric though
ambiguity fallacy
different contextual use of "emotion"
unrelated scenario
false equivalence
physical pain !=emotional pain
cuck jew religion that belongs in the desert, not up here.
>Here is a starter, nord
>anglo, these translations always suck ass
this fedoras
Wait, wait... you're saying a dude who literally stood up so hard for what was right, spoke so much truth to power, that he was literally crucified for it, is an exemplar of "cuck" values? Are we reading the same book?
Jesus was cool.
my main beef with Christianity as a whole is that it is taken too seriously by people here in 'murica. Like people think they have a personal two way relationship with Jesus and God will give them free stuff if they pray and shit.
Also when they teach that their way is the only way. It is a mind virus that propagates like a dank meme because it offers the dankest rewards and defends itself when called on it's bullshit by obfuscation and misdirection.
This said the core message of not being a dick is fine, but they end up being pretentious assholes about it.
Christianity is why we had glorious European culture, science and reason.
Then the jews fucked it all up.
wikipedia has thousands and thousand of sourced science/physics pages, to say nothing of millions on the rest of the internet
please dont be shitbaiting, pls
>So you cant prove anything
physics is provable by testability by reproducibility
> and attempt to say your lack of belief in nothing proves you right?
no, ive said exactly what ive said
i stand on what is provable by verifiability
"verify" anything supernatural or of faith
>Sorry I don't subscribe to you atheistic dogma and instead am willing to question everything
you question sanity by accepting fantasy as knowledge and proof/provable
""In truth, there was only one Christian, and he died on the cross" - Nietzche
>I said bonus
And this means you replied to one of my post twice becuse of this?
>nice ad hom tho
Explain how ad hominem was used
This should be good
>physics is not fact
>the math of logic is not fact
False attribution?
Can you point out where I said these are not fact?
>stay classy
>and tell me what differentiates you from these other religions which also know better:
Better yet provide an argument with facts and sources instead of your opinions and rhetoric
So far you have provided nothing
>this anti-intellectualism
It's impossible to follow the teachings of Jesus, because Jesus was teaching people that it is impossible to make yourself holy, justified, righteous and glorified.
You need Jesus to do that, which He will, with your consent. (Rom. 10:9-10)
You didn't have culture, science, and reason before Christianity? I'll alert the Romans and the Greeks!
Christianity was great because Europeans were great. It hasn't done shit for Africa, or Polynesia.
*tip* M'lady
don't trigger me bro