Why are Christians such cucks ?
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How catholics deal with muslims*
Because they worship the a desert wizard and his bastard child.
>Christian, Muslim, Jew, and athiest walk into a bar
>Muslim blows up bar with a bomb
>Christian is killed by the bomb
>atheist is also killed by the bomb but blames the Christian and Muslim equally
>Jew supplied the Muslim with the bomb and steals the money from the cash register
The soviets were atheist
the fuck did you mean by that
>Humans with morality
The image of the helicopter killing muslims represents a soviet helicopter
>The most secular parts of the west are importing refugees like madmen
>The more Catholic countries like Italy, Poland, Hungary are extremely against it
>Italians are forced to by cuck secular Germany and France
Based Serbia
Except we don't import as much refugees as Italy
>being this retarded
any catholic in their right mind would put a bullet in that imposter's head for the sake of their own dignity. hes just a cultural marxist wearing a catholic costume
do you realy believe someone listen to what hollande has to say ?
Why do atheists have such thin skin?
That's because they're already French citizens, just ones 'returning home' from African shitholes.
That fucking jew Pope
meanwhile in reality
>implying I'm atheist.
Slow to want to go to war, pretty based when they do to defend themselves.
Isn't that the kind of thing you would WANT?
Remember this.. even when muslims had conquered much of christian lands before the christians even decided to react.. they did push them all out.
When christians finally decide to fight back.. well.. the wicked flee when none pursueth but the righteous are bold as lions come to mind..
Christians do not seek conflict in general.. and tries to avoid it but push too far, they will defend themselves verociously and without mercy.
Again.. that's what you would want in a civilized society.
Muslims seek fight always first.. mock the christians for not fighting back.. christians fight back.. muslims cry in despair.. "MUH CRUSADES YOU CHRISTIANS ARE EVIL"..
>Christians pushed out Muslims
no, Christians invaded Palestine to help defend pilgrims, which was a major industry. If Christians were really saying 'oh dear, it looks like the Muslims have conquered our lands, time to reclaim them' then you'd have Istanbul.
Keep crying mushrik, you didn't fight Islam 1000 years ago you won't fight it now.
>muh revisionistic crusades
>christians never did fight islam
Ok achmed. Time to stop crying about the crusades then, never want to hear anything about it again from you.
That meme doesn't make any sense though.
You can prove that apples grow on trees.
have you ever actually witnessed an apple growing on a tree?
or have you just heard about it from textbooks, the media and other people
No one cries about the crusades besides liberals and mushriks like you that think you actually defeated Islam, while we Muslims remember and praise Salahudin every single day.
Really? muslims cry about the crusades all the time.
The byzantine emperor asked the pope for help btw. And the pope at the time and the byzantine emperor did NOT get along.. This is why christians have not reclaimed constantinople, unlike you muslims, when you invade a place, christians don't feel that it all of a sudden belongs to them for eternally simply because they have invaded it in the past.
But muslims definately were kicked out of spain for invading and illegally occuping it for hundreds of years as they failed to invade france, and was kicked out during the inquisition.
And please cry me a river about the illegal occupation of palestine aswell when muslims invaded and occupied spain for several hundreds of years..
Muslims were the ones who invaded the ancient hebrew lands of israel and buillt the dome of the rock there, and now act like it always belonged to you, same as you do with constantinople and haga sophia..
Your argument and reasoning is simply irrational and wrong.
He's talking about the top image you fucking cuck.
It's a woman's religion. It emphasizes monagamy, pacifism, and family life over strength and ambition. It lacks the resolve to do what is necessary, and that weakness is what is dooming the West.
And you will be kicked out of europe, i will guarantee you that, it might be bloody or maybe it won't even be that, but islam will never rule europe.
Right now the honeymoon period is about to be over and people are getting rather annoyed with the muslims continual attempts to turn europe islamic.. when it finally hits critical mass.. you will see something..
What you don't get is right now you think you are meeting resistance.. there's like 0.0005% resistance.. when you get 10% it will be very uncomfortable for you 25% you'd wish you had never been there, over that.. (and it will happen fast when it goes from nothing to 10 to 25 etc.) you'll seek greener pastures back in your homelands.. Muslims are full of hubris and they always underestimate.
You've never talked to Muslims then because we don't bitch about the past like Sup Forums does 24/7.
Wow, citing a war that took you 800 years as a victory? What a loser.
Lol, look at you, crying about Istanbul just like I said you do. Don't you have something better to do like make sure your girlfriend doesn't leave you for an Arab Hans? She might as well seeing as you're a pussy.
aren't the ruskies orthodox Christian?
what movie is the bottom picture from senpai? It doesn't look like 9th company.
You can't even see that you're the savage ursurper, it's quite incredible. The very reason why 10.000 in the clouds are the ones that will put people like you down.. Settle the dispute.
>you're crying about istanbul like i said you would
I'm not crying about (istanbul) Constantinople.. i was just pointing out the bullshit you were saying about it and explaining to you why it wasn't reclaimed.
What you don't realize Hans is that we're already getting ready for the prophesied war with Rome. You're so stupid you actually think we don't know what's going on, you actually have to think if this is the invasion whereas we Muslims know this isn't the invasion, we're not even close to victory over Europe yet.
But that's ok Hans, because I'm so sure fighting a bunch of fag lovers is going to be so difficult. It's obvious who's being played by Satan and who isn't.
>Wow, citing a war that took you 800 years as a victory? What a loser.
We are slow to react because unlike you we are not ursurpers, but when we do the shit hits the fan.
Keep kindling the fire achmed.
I've actually seen it. Checkmate, faggot.
The war lasted 800 years, not how long it took you to declare war.
Don't they teach history in schools Hans or only how to help you become a faggot?
Yes.. you are.
Enjoy praying towards satans symbolic prison.
A few related videos.
Islam destroyed of legitimacy.
This webm is simultaneously confusing, hilarious, and horrifying.
apples don't exist because everything outside your own mind doesn't exist you can't prove me wrong anything you consider evidence doesn't exist
It's not the one who laughs first, it's the one who has the last laugh.. You think you've already won.. the truth is not on your side.
This is true. Agnostics are the undecided voters of the world, which is the most retarded block of voters.
0/10 bait
>what you don't realize
I'm well aware of the dabiq prophecy and of syria/damascus and these things..
I'm well versed in islamic texts, you're barking up the wrong tree here.
But are you aware that the bible warned about this false gospel you follow and said it comes from arabia and involves damascus, before mohammad was even born..
"7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.
8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
9 As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed."
Muhammad did this with help of the "angel" "jibriel" which was really satan.
Where does he go immediately after saying this.. that there was warning of this false gospel being preached, he goes to warn in the place where it is to be preached..
"15 But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace,
16 To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood:
17 Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus."
No refuting it I know
>Listening to David Wood and Sam Shamoun
Wow, a fat neckbeard who got rejected by a Muslim girl as a teen and David Wood the self proclaimed understander of Satanists because of a phase he went through as a kid and admits to dressing up as women for fun.
You truly are lost Hans, try reading a book some time.
We've been promised victory from Allah, so yes, we win faggot.
I'm talking about conquest of Rome not Dabiq, but I don't expect an idiot who listens to crossdressers and Arab rejects to know about Islam.
Oh, try not to spend too much time crying about Istanbul Hans, I've got to pray now. Do try not to suck too many dicks, I know it's hard for your Europeans to not be utter faggots.
>I can feel he exists
That is not theism. It's not about "feeling" for something.
i know the feeling.
The first time i saw it, i was scared.
Then i had a boner...
Why are Muslims such pedophiles?
(cont) so who do you think is going to ultimately win oh muslim. you and your evil "god" or the ones that knew his plan before he made his move, and knew his plan before you even did.
I'll give you a hint.. NOT YOU!
I haven't seen that picture in a long time. A fellow clan member from Empire Earth had that as his avatar.
Where are you, The Drunken Dead, where are you?
Read the bible.
A very wise man once said if you kill your enemy then they win.
How is your picture any worse than being a christcuck?
Those who live by the sword will die by the sword.
What do you think god meant by that oh muslim..
You're the one who lives by the sword (jihad and sharia law) and you represent the false religion that god himself is going to come to destroy.. and wipe out permanently.. And your revived caliphate is the beast that suffered a mortal headwound that is then revived and exists only briefly trying to conquer the world.. and then is DESTROYED AND NEVER SEEN AGAIN FOREVER.
maybe on west christians=cucks
Here Christians are racists, fascists desu complete opposite
Did you just dare criticizing the Pope ? You know it's forbidden by cucktholicism, right ? Go back licking Muhammed's feet
The only true morality where you look to the betterment of your society and not the arbitrary wishes of your imaginary space wizard friend.
(cont) you went around like a roaring lion seeking whom you might devour.. for 1400 years during your caliphates, the ottomans were dismantled.. after the armenian genocide in an effort to get into allah's graces, if he could help them keep their empire.. but allah can't help you..
Then it comes back.. to be completely destroyed by a cloud army 10.000 strong. This is your fate, unless you repent, there is still time to stop the key from turning for you.. But will you take the opportunity, i have given you the key if you look at the links.. will you pick it up. That is the choice for you. Either way.. for muslims.. it is checkmate eventually.
When your mahdi arrives and you begin your assault, the timer starts till they arrive to destroy you.. and then usher in the kingdom after judging the remnant nations.. heed the warning.. or go into destruction.
The Soviet government, in theory, maybe. The vast majority of soldiers were and still are Orthodox Christian.
(cont) unlike you oh muslim, christians do not believe that they should decide who lives and who dies.. our god will do that for us.. This is why we are taught not to murder, whilst your "allah" tells you to murder everyone who do not follow your ways..
You are the one who is tricked by the devil.. Not me.
When they return on the day of visitation.. the door is shut and the judgement commences and the time for mercy and grace is over. You still have time now, make good use of that time and repent and leave islam.
Bettering a society requires imagination.
Atheism isn't in conflict with imagination. Rather than allow millennia-old texts tell you what to do based on the interests of a few old men, you should adapt to your present situation.
>Implying the majority of atheists aren't left-leaning anti-war faggots
>implying the majority of enlistees aren't Christians
lol try harder toad.
How french catholics deal with muslims :
How french atheists deal with muslims :
Now our country is atheist and we are cucked :)
Yes, it's Republican Christians who support the importing of millions of third worlders and who tend to lead degeneracy. lol
Atheists and muslims will be gone very soon. They will understand this pic when it becomes too late.
Both are the same, except agnosticism adds "I don't know" at the end.
Really no biggie.
I've never seen a militant agnostic tbqhwybbq
That has nothing to do with their religion or lack thereof, but rather their whole ideology and the interests of a particular few seeking to destabilize Western regions.
Japanese are atheists and massively xenophobic.
freemasons are muslims agents.. the mahdi is the order out of chaos agent.
Freemason square and compass the square is the kaaba, the g is the kaaba stone (the mahdi) the 33rd degrees is allegiance to the mahdi.. order out of chaos (because he emerges to unify islam after a muslim civil war with 3 wouldbe caliphs hence order out of chaos) and the compass is the crescent spire over mecca.. they left their secret societies inside the western christian world since they were unable to defeat the christian west via conventional warfare.
Atheists and muslims will be gone eventually.. but for very different reasons than you think.
70% of atheists are at least left-leaning
Agnostics are more like crossfitters.
They like to brag, they don't like to fight with other opinions.
It is, you are having issues with me imagining utopias and shit.
>"They like to discuss opinions, but stay away from bragging because we understand we dont know everything"
This is my problem with atheists. The fact that they can't even fathom how they could POSSIBLY be wrong. They're so emotionally invested into their lack of belief.
Pretty much the mahdi hymn youtube.com
And islam is the beast empire, as the obtuse little muslim has pointed out whilst mocking the christians, they took the byzantine empire and constantinople.. under mohammat II so indeed the beast empire is the revival of all the beast empires in the past including the roman empire.. but the romans moved their capital to constantinople before the fall of rome. So islam is the continuation of this all the way from ancient egypt.. and all the nations destroyed on the day of the lord are nations that are part of previous beast empires of the past.. and all of the muslim today and all of them middle eastern and north african.
Here's a few, iraq, syria, afghanistan, turkey, sudan, somalia, libya, saudi arabia, yemen, (teman to dedan the house of the cube, the edomites, god really hates that place) and many others, all mentioned directly in the bible which ones are destroyed, same shit different day, trying to rise again but this time god himself is going to finish them off.
The albert pike meme is very wrong.. You should realize this. It's very deceptive.
Jeg tror du har lidt mentale problemer hans mate.
Wow what a u-turn. First you say all wars are created by religions and atheist would never harm a fly. Now you're saying that atheists have a higher kill rate and are better because of it. This is why I stopped caring what atheists think or say. You have no position because you believe nothing and so the goal posts are always moving to where you need them. Sickening.
>"They like to discuss opinions, but stay away from bragging because despite seeing an overwhelming about of rational arguments against the concept of god, I still can't shake the fear of sky dad being upset with me"
Friendly reminder that the Pope does not serve God.
Nej du, prov at undersog det lidt.. det virker vildt men det checker ud 100%
go to 50-52 onward.
Burden against arabia, even christ comes to fight in arabia.. When is it discussed.. never.
Correlation, not causation.
Then we're in disagreement.
If anything, the relative morality of a religion is most dangerous. You easily argument against Islam by these means, but Christianity possesses the same faults: no objective, empirical or tangible compass as to be able to define said morality.
Perhaps not everyone is mentally ready to follow a secular consensus as to what improves society, and this is why you might argue that religion is needed to shackle peoples minds into the right path. Does not make these beliefs true, though. People only act "correctly" because they believe a higher power told them so and consequences will ensue if they fail.
If a million ppl believe I'm the Queen of Sweden,that doesn't make me the Queen of Sweden.
Russians are orthodox Christians