Why have recent presidents


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The Jews did this.

>muh 5 million illegal Hispanics he made legal US citizens
>muh no fault divorce

>muh nafta
>muh best of both worlds kinda guy XD

>muh Jesus telling me to start a war
>muh needless Russian Lockheed Martin aggression

>le Obama first black president
>muh Hispanics
>muh Muslims
>muh I hate whites even though I'm half white
>muh debt

Can someone please explain how we have consistently had bad presidents?

Females got the right to vote and affirmative action in general have made it harder for good people to get to the top.

i'll explain when i'm done fapping to these pictures

liked and subscribed keep posting hotties

Backing on to this. Large republics rewards nepotism or those who are despicable enough to scheme to the top. This country is simply too large to run well at a federal level. How do you manage that many people especially when you make them diverse? Let people handle their own shit. Federation when?

You forgot all the fun control

I didn't think about that

Have we had a good president since females got the right to vote?

>belly-button ring

boner lost

the hallmark of a filthy stupid whore

No president is good, some of the earlier ones sure but they are mostly all statist fuckheads.

Late-stage democracy.


who is she?

Actually no not really. Started with Harding. Nixon was based But other than that....


What will cause a late state democracy to change for the better? And when


carter was just weak.

reagan was god except for Iran-Contra and cocaine and war on drugs.

bush was same thing. he beat hussein to a pulp and that was the only time the world feared us. those camel jockeys got beat to a pulp. read jarhead and hear swafford's account of how the iraqis were smiling and running into american custody.

clinton was ok. things were peachy with him but mostly because of the internet starting its boom.

bush was kinna bad only because of his two wars that he didn't finish. and the lying part...

Obama is normal above average. If you think not, you have never taken a good week to spend a few hours every day reading about the mess he inherited and what little changes he made (some good, some bad). The only reason people go after him is because they want his job. He's probably in the top 20 presidents for me, but def not top 15. He never gets credit for capping those Somalian pirates. Bush expanded and overspent govt when he was in office, but the Tea Party was nonexistant until my nigga Obama got elected, because that's how retarded old white baby boomers are

But honestly, do people like you think Jackson was a good president? What about Adams Jr? Grant was pretty awful and so was Pierce.

please post more porn

>calling someone "weak"

Auto neocon alert

>god tier
>muh gun control

because Trump was never a former president

No fault divorce was good?
5 million illegals were good?

This is all written as if the US has been going up this whole time. But it hasn't. Things have been getting steadily worse.

Clinton was peachy until he was impeachy

>Who is Eisenhower

because you've been alive during them and experienced first-hand the effects of their policies unlike the presidents who you've only read books about

Carter just didn't act normally under Iran's revolution. He shouldn't have even sided with the Shah. Either be for the revolution or be against it, but don't play the fence because you're a pussy.

But he didn't know what to do, so it was the bay of pigs all over again. He let the Shah in and then kicked him out. Weak.

>gun control

who cares? that's the dumbest issue in America. go to /k/ or stop being a nigger. also, timestamp with your piece right now and show me you honestly care about gun control. I'm waiting, faggot

You're comparing 2016 problems (illegal immigration) with 1980 problems (Cold War). I don't even like Reagan, but man did he drive one hell of a nail into the Soviet Union's coffin. He's a god.


Stick to things they did as president.
Saying Reagan did something bad as gov in 1970 whatever isn't a sign he was a shitty president

Operation Wetback

Your last "true" president was JFK
After he wanted to go after the arms industry and the federal reserve he got murdered because he would've succeeded in freeing America due to mass support.
After that it were all business people, payed actors who came to power.

>No fault divorce was good?

are you a fucking Christian or something? who cares if someone gets a divorce? dumb fag

>that hair curl

cheezus christ

This is another thing I hate about the US presidents. Not only are they all extremely rich and connected (but hey I guess that's pretty unavoidable), but most of them served twice or were Vice Presidents (which is totally avoidable and should have been avoided).

What's the point of having a "democracy", when it's the same families becoming president over and over again?

>gun control
>who cares?
>your "piece"

Kill yourself stupid nigger neocon

Bumping with sexy one piece swimsuits

You won't post a picture because you don't have a gun because you're a neckbeard on Sup Forums who just talks about things now get off my Sup Forums

America 1970
>Hispanic population: 4 million


America 2016
>Hispanic population: 55 million

>wow. It's like thos 5million Reagan illegals had tons of babies. Who would've guess?

Fopa made guns vastly more accessible to the public in exchange for putting full auto weapons off the market.
Seriously, look it up. It was pro gun rights, just not as pro as possible.

Fine you stupid fuck give me a second. Only getting out the bolt action as it's easiest to get ahold of.

Then kill yourself. "Your Sup Forums" isn't a thing and you statists fucking nigger faggots should off yourselves.

Someone post the cake compromise image

This shit isn't acceptable

you've never taken college math obviously, your response was so littered and distorted I'm just not going to respond. get an education or suicide tonight pls

>it's not my job to educate you

Not an argument

The last good President.

>>No fault divorce was good?
>are you a fucking Christian or something? who cares if someone gets a divorce? dumb fag

HAHAHAHA Jesus fucking Christ kill yourself

No fault divorce is put in place

>divorces goes up
>suicides goes up
>childhood unhappiness, depression, and use of medication go up
>adult use of medication goes up
>less children are being born

No I'm not a Christian you disgusting rat. I'm someone who cares for the wellbeing of my fellow citizens

need her as my waifu

>actually not half bad
>muh whiskey rebellion?

>muh alien and sedition acts
>muh francofag bribes

>muh firing everybody i don't like
>barbary pirates kicking our ass
>muh injuns

>muh national bank
>muh britbong war

Presidents have always been shit, it's just that we always view historical presidents through rose-tinted glasses.

Want to cummy in mummy

Globalist agenda.

Nationalism in politics is dead.

>posting facts with no correlation, number one sign of "I FOUND THIS ON THE INTERNET" and made no attempt to come up with a rational thought


Super mario also came out in the 80s! I guess we can blame nintendo for illegal immigration! You want a correlation? Oh I just thought I could post two facts and that somehow they would magically be connected

seriously, consider suicide

>this perfect-looking specimen was or is going to get blacked

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

That's a weird picture of Richard Nixon.

NAFTA was bush

Name one American President that was better than King George III.

>I'm someone who cares for the wellbeing of my fellow citizens

Nancy state faggot. I don't give a fuck what you care about, you don't have any right to boss people around because of your views. If someone wants to leave their spouse, they should be able to leave. Go back to your outdated book dumb nigger

>completed the cucking of the US treasury to the Fed
>single handedly responsible for Iran's situation today
No thanks

>contracts should be honoured or else they are meaningless


>Dwight D. Eisenhower
This motherfucker sat by and did nothing while McCarthy tore the nation apart in his hunt for communists. Fuck that fucker.

Bailey Rayne

oh suck my dick and swallow the mustard colored semen you aren't even married and you never will be. Quit trying to blend in with trumpers and be a conservative because NONE of you are, you're just dumb trolls trying to push a movement and you think that somehow Sup Forums is going to be the reason Trump gets elected. If he wins it, it will have NOTHING to do with your dumb ass

is this real?


Because you can't answer

there was ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to make them legal citizens. NO REASON WHATSOEVER.

it was a huge "fuck you" to the citizens of America.

And what do you do? You defend it.

Like I said in another post, hang yourself rat.


that has nothing to do with it. you didn't even post the negative effects of these supposed 5 million because you have NO idea what you're talking about. you're just trying to bash reagan because you're a troll and a pussy

Filthy commie detected


and you know it

This is why I come here, I love seeing people like you

That's because there were communists everywhere.

hang yourself

You forgot Reagan's ridiculous expansion of military intervention and massively increasing spending while cutting taxes

Television was invented. JFK was the first of an unbroken string of shitty elected presidents who got the job because they were charismatic and looked presidential.

>there's nothing wrong with open borders
heh. no one takes you seriously.

Is this you?
Does this look like you?


best swimsuitheaven girl

Because you didn't vote for Martin O malley. I didn't cause he dropped out, I voted for the 3rd best option, John Kasich.

>Tfw when Malley dropped out.

by tear the nation apart you mean Hollywood right? the whole McCarthyism thing only got huge because of he targeted people in entertainment which would generate headlines the average american to this day is too stupid and too rich to be of any help to any foreign nation. the only reason people remember this was because the people in academia and entertainment who were targeted did movies and books on the subject matter which painted an Orwellian nightmare to future generations or those who were to young to remember it clearly.

Funny how that Freedom Fighter paedo keeps getting deloited...

he was perfect except for Watergate

Was that even his fault? Didn't someone in his group do it without his knowledge.

but i weigh 180 :/

nah he was part of it and that's all it took for everything to blow up when it was uncovered. He should have blamed other people and denied involvement.

Wait, are you a shill?

Obama pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan when he did is probably one of the 2nd worst decisions made regarding the conflict. Bush starting it is the 1st. And both times they had popular support. Presidents, more than anything, are a reflection of the republic and it's people.

Wrong. Clinton did Nafta.

taking AMERICANS out of IRAQ is a bad thing?

yea like commies havent weasled their way into congress...oh wait they have

yea because now they are going back instead of being done permanently

Most presidents have had a balance of good and bad, its just that when they're in office or have been out of office for only a few terms we focus on the bad and then later we focus on the good

Bush left office before it was signed into law. It was passed on to Clinton.

Who is that?