Racism is not real, maybe a little bit, but it's not as it is propagated here.
It's called a devils circle!
Mommys mommys mommys mommy was enslaved, hated for being black, considered an monkey, back then just really because of their looks, never got real education provide, was just a slave.
Son of mommy get's mommys mindset of being hated on and never get's the chance to have a real education because mommy doesn't care because shes depressed and drinks all day
Son of mommys son will be the same and it's repeating again and again and again.
Did europeans hate on each other for skincolor or enslaved each other? Maybe a bit, but at least they had known western civilization for a long time, blacks just lived the hut life.
I think race has a little bit influence on the person, but most of it is just really karma, an never ending cycle of dumb parrents, that got dumb because of slavery and racism.
Now racism may not be here anymore, but the effects of years of it are still here.
This is why we should think about something how to brainwash these black kids the nigger mind out.
When they are young, every kid MUST be going into a kindergarten, and if the kid shows any sign of blackness, he must be taken away and put in an whitening center where we wash the black pest mindset out of them.
Racism is really not the answer, it just divides and creates more hate and more fuel for liberal propaganda.
So yes, racists are dumb as fuck.
We should try to break the cycle of blacks being dumb because of their parrents and have some real solutions, because we can never have a genocide again, and everyone who thinks like this should be shot.