Right wing people have lower IQs

A huge number of studies show what we already knew; conservative, racist and right wing people have lower IQs than leftists.





I could go on with the sources but I think this is enough. So, how does it feel to be dumb, Sup Forums?

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>how does it feel to be dumb
its okay. how does it feel to be so white?

Quite good

Too bad they put their High IQ into fields such as gender studies and liberal arts, which results in them wasting their potential and become dulled and dumbed down zombies without their own thought.


> Calling people stupid
> being this fucking retarded

Come on man, ya wanker.

I've no doubt the right attracts alot of idiots but that doesn't make important facets of it wrong.

Studies show that black people have lower IQs than whites.

So how do you want to approach those studies?

Well IQ shows how well someone is able to solve puzzles.

Now what puzzles are needed for governments?

Let me explain how this works. Stupid people are naturally on the right because all they have to work with is their basic instincts. Instincts tell them stuff like "don't trust blacks and muslims" and "take care of your family". If that person recieves some education he becomes indoctrinated by the left and starts going against his instincts. If he can shake off that indoctrination, he goes back to the natural state of being right wing. So in terms of intelligence it goes like this right--left--right. So both the smartest and the silliest people are right wing.

>conservative, racist and right wing people

How about hip ultra-nationalist authoritarians who are only in it for the political aesthetics?

There was also a study done that showed right wingers need to be lobotomized electronically before becoming left wingers. Any animal that shits in its own nest and welcomes predators in to eat its mate and young is not one that we should be praising, yet the Left are that animal.

You're telling me that all of these nogs who vote democrat are actually geniuses who are just too lazy to get jobs?

>studies conducted by mejico intellectuals
>studies conducted by comrade Karl Max intellectuals

You are a bit fucking late there buddy.

Watch this if you want to go against your silly beliefs. Liberalism is only possible in a decadent society, go suck a dick.

I'd rather be alive with my 120 low IQ ass than be a high IQ "liberal" that welcomes it's own cultural and racial annihilation because an academic told him so.

Based Russia reporting in.

The education system is leftist = people who succeed in it have to be leftist
The media is leftist = people who succeed in it have to be leftist
The government is leftist = people who succeed in it have to be leftist

Conservative certainly have a higher iq than all theses liberals fags leftists

If leftards and their propaganda weren't overrepresented in education I'm sure educated people wouldn't be left-leaning

Good. I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, yet I seem to be able to notice when behavior is self destructive - unlike the body acceptance retards, commies and the rapefugees welcome folk.

That's a good point, but you also need to take into account the nature of post-secondary education academies in the west. They're liberal breeding grounds after being infiltrated by the communists (compliments of your fine nation). It tends to be the case that smarter people are the ones going into higher learning, which means they're the ones drinking most of the kool-aid.

That's Stockholm.

135 IQ, far right, racist as fuck.

Among people who I know are red pilled I'm certainly not an exceptional specimen.

Your study is likely done by Jews and on a population base they knew would be low IQ (like Americans).

Means nothing.

When i see a leftist discuss this point ill agree to liberalism.

B-but I thought IQ tests were racist and didn't prove anything...

The studies were commissioned to look solely at the far right, the authors of one of the studys' said they fully expected to find the same of the far left.

>this much buthurt

holy shit, this is worst than a primary school in terms of intelligence

I thought it went something like

Low intelligence - right wing
Average intelligence - mix
Above Average (110) - left
Even more above (120) - right
Still more above (130) - left again
Genius tier - (140) - libertarian (eg all you dumbfucks just piss off and leave me alone)

It depends on what country, in the united states? I would agree. In the Netherlands? not really

All the educated people and rich people vote either VVD or D66, both right-wing liberal parties

Argies are bad at geography. They think the Falklands are part of their country.


>its ok when I do it teehee

And democrats tend to be poor, illegal or criminals. Shocker.

>Stupid people are naturally on the right because all they have to work with is their basic instincts. Instincts tell them stuff like "don't trust blacks and muslims" and "take care of your family".

>low IQ people
>taking care of their families

literally wut. Stupid people are generally the ones with the most broken families.

You're mistaking "poorly educated" with "unintelligent/low IQ"

We don't choose our IQ. Does that mean that right-wingers deserve special treatment since they aren't as privileged as leftists?
Free money pls I feel oppressed.

They never talk about the fact that muslims personally held beliefs lean very far to the right neither. They vote left in secular nations with welfare programs though so I guess its all fine for them.

democrats are right-wing actually

The united states has never had a left-wing government in the slightest
Which makes all these "studies" void

Not geniuses. Just smarter than the white trash on the right. Blacks actually pull down the IQ rating on the left. That's how smart the white people that are on the left are. The right doesn't get to claim this. How sad.

Immigration questions should be included in IQ tests, that way liberals are forced to have lower IQ scores, if they really are in favor of objectively unproductive, criminally inclined migrant material.
Look up Nuremberg trials and the IQ tests.

Daily reminder that muslim have extreme conservative views.

Keep spamming this, maybe one day it will matter.

implying you clinging to the left makes you intelligent


>Source: jewnews articles

LMFAO literally retarded son

>By Stephanie Pappas,

>people responding to bot/bait posts

Racism is not real, maybe a little bit, but it's not as it is propagated here.

It's called a devils circle!

Mommys mommys mommys mommy was enslaved, hated for being black, considered an monkey, back then just really because of their looks, never got real education provide, was just a slave.

Son of mommy get's mommys mindset of being hated on and never get's the chance to have a real education because mommy doesn't care because shes depressed and drinks all day

Son of mommys son will be the same and it's repeating again and again and again.

Did europeans hate on each other for skincolor or enslaved each other? Maybe a bit, but at least they had known western civilization for a long time, blacks just lived the hut life.

I think race has a little bit influence on the person, but most of it is just really karma, an never ending cycle of dumb parrents, that got dumb because of slavery and racism.

Now racism may not be here anymore, but the effects of years of it are still here.

This is why we should think about something how to brainwash these black kids the nigger mind out.

When they are young, every kid MUST be going into a kindergarten, and if the kid shows any sign of blackness, he must be taken away and put in an whitening center where we wash the black pest mindset out of them.

Racism is really not the answer, it just divides and creates more hate and more fuel for liberal propaganda.

So yes, racists are dumb as fuck.

We should try to break the cycle of blacks being dumb because of their parrents and have some real solutions, because we can never have a genocide again, and everyone who thinks like this should be shot.

confirmed for being a fucking retard

Conservatism is not a ideology, conservatism has literally existed for thousands of years. So them being conservatives doesn't make, for example, American conservatives the same as them just because they "conservatives"

Fucking retard

Ah. One of the stupid people on the right. How droll.

>being politically intelligent and aligning with conservatism
>get old; do the same thing over and over in your job
>"conservatives are stupid"


So it's okay to show IQ differences when it promotes their narrative?

But don't African countries have the lowest averages for iqs?

Completely false.
Unlike most euros are system is intentionally made to delay and abate change.

We've had many hard left presidents get little done because of this.
Look at Franklin D. Roosevelt, President during the great depression.

His "new deal" program, which made it illegal to hold gold, demanded business hire at specific union wages and introduced a fair deal of projects which was ruled unconstitutional by the supreme court.

However, the fucking nut job threaten to "pack" the court if they didn't agree with him and let his new bill pass. They conceded and let him do it.
If you look at Obama, LBJ, Peanut Farmer, and FDR, we've had plenty of hard democrats. They are simply forced to compromise, hence the system is working as intended.
You'd be a fool if democrats you think democrats didn't compromise on obama care.

All the educated people in the Netherlands vote for right-wing parties, well most of them do
And all the "stupid" people vote for parties like pvda and sp, both socialist parties. LIKE IT FUCKING SHOULD BE. Workers vote for left-wing parties


>statistician Nate Silver found that 44 per cent of Trump voters have university degrees, compared to the US national average of 29 per cent.

How does it feel to be wrong?

right wing people have higher test.

hahaha oh wow
American actually think Roosevelt was a left-winger? HAHA OH WOW

What if you just hate lefties/hippies?

yeahh, its the jewwsss. 88 IQ pls.

and the others thousand sources including the ones I didn't put on the OP?

what the fuck do you expect from literal Forest Gump tier retards?

I find hindsight to ALWAYS be 20/20.

Black Pigeon Speaks has a full video on this. Just go watch it.

"I love the poorly educated" - Donald Trump

This is actually pretty simple to explain.

Smart people who are racist/right wing/conservative/whatever other buzzword you want to use, are smart enough to know that publicly admitting to being racist will hurt them and their families so they lie about it.

>universtity degrees
>related to IQ
>not viced by the age of the supporters

Modern civilization is right wing. The left are destructive parasites on the right.

The right would prosper without the left, but the left would die without the right.


but non-whites vote primarily liberal/democrat and have 2 digit iqs

where as republicans/conservatives are evil rich white men

something doesn't add up here

Most dont even care that much about politics, they just absorb whats around them, since newspapers and universities tend to be left leaning, this ideology is what the above-average-IQ educated person will adapt.

wow I sure feel enlightened right now

You're wrong user.

While the U.S. has never been under "leftist" rule, a democrat is definitely pushing a left wing agenda.

another interpretation is that stupid people who benefit from leftists- unemployed, lazy, etc. probably get counted as conservative (don't like gays, don't like foreigners) when in reality they should be counted as liberals considering their actions.

But the right wingers keep arguing that IQ is real, while the Left wingers argue that it's a racist "social construct'. If the right wingers are all stupid, and the left wingers are smart, why do the dumb ones know that IQ is valid, meaningful science, while the Left keeps denying it exists? Furthermore, if IQ is a valid science, then the racists are right -- meaning the "nazis" are right.


so because liberals are generally less "racist" have more cognitive capacity.


This is on level with the 1 in 5 (or whatever it is now) women are raped/sexually abused on college campuses.

>What this study and those before it suggest is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based off of averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing. Dr. Brian Nosek explained it for the Huffington Post as follows, “ideologies get rid of the messiness and impose a simple solution. So, it may not be surprising that people with less cognitive capacity will be attracted to simplifying ideologies.”

So now IQ matters but not when talking about whether or not we should allow niggers with an average IQ of 70 into our countries?

I`m nationalist and right wing.

Socialists of all kinds, including nationalistic Socialists, are not really smart on their strategy. I have no data, but I think they are extremely retarded. Because their social intelligence is actually extremely low. They even go so far as to abandon Christianity for jewshit about one-size-fits-all "equality".

>Abandon kike on a stick for jewshit

If it`s induced retardation, it goes like:
(educated, socialists=left) > (uneducated&uneducateable-democrats, right) > (smart people, national republicanism=right).

but libertarians have the highest IQs, so suck it.

Kikes have no relation to herbews.
And Christianity has empirically proven it`s worth.

I have the theoretic background on how it works and how God helps us, but Christianity says I must not cast my gems to swines.

Can you post the actual study? They all seem to be talking about the same study that was done on children.

Good goy

So smart people believe that the races are equal. What evidence do these smart people base their belief on?


If liberals are so smart, then why are they so poor that they always beg government to increase taxes on rich conservatives?

There was a study that showed people with little to no education and low IQ were about as racist as people with high education and IQ; in this case they were both shared more favorable views of other races that people with high IQ and some education. This study essentially tells us that the longer someone stays in education the more they are influenced by and adopt the views of the institution, also dumb people tend to follow the mainstream i.e., they have trouble thinking for themselves. We also see something similar with people who go to military or religious institutions and adopting those views.

do they need to "believe" in something?

> if i don't worship the God, then i'm not a goy and if I insult Jesus, then i'm also extremely smart

That what kikes want people to think.

Exactly this

Conservatives in the UK have the highest IQ numbnuts

The poorly educated deserve a little love.

>follow a 100% jewish made, Semitic religion
>not a good goy

right wing people have a low IQ and are uneducated, I love this meme.
>liberal base mostly shit skins and poor

guess thats where all their intelligence comes from

must be all

Even if these studies are on to something it shouldn't matter. Whose to say intelligence correlates with moral character which is what I base my respect for a person on.

If a retarded farmer that works the land everyday to feed his nation has a lower Iq than a degenerate nu male trans fagget does that really matter.

> I cant even distinguish Herbews from jews, so I`m not a goy.

Also trying to get "smart" points by insulting Christians shows how low your social intelligence actually is.

Actually we can call it "working intelligence", as "intelligence" includes things crucial for working. Especially if we talk about farm works.

>liberal academics conclude conservatives are idiots
Fucking shocking results!