Any right wing muslims here?
I mean non-liberal muslims/muslims that have logic in there head.
*stands by waiting for all the "muslims dont have logic" posts*
Any right wing muslims here?
I mean non-liberal muslims/muslims that have logic in there head.
*stands by waiting for all the "muslims dont have logic" posts*
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I guess I'd somewhat identify as that,but to be honest,you have no interest in revealing your religion In here,how do you do in these trying times brother?
muslims dont have logic
moslim logic revolves around praising alan. if you dont praise alan, you gonna get bombed. if you stop them from praising alan, you gonna get bombed.
I'm here.
good my brother
but here's a grammar kit for your arguments:
1. spaces between commas and the next sentence (that, but)
2. don't capitalise the "I" in "in" unless it's starting a sentence.
I don't mean to insult you. It's just help mang.
I'm Shia. I would say I'm socially conservative. I think free-market capitalism is the best form of economics developed. However, Islam is quite socialistic in nature because charity is a huge thing and scholars consequently interpret this as the role of government having to look after the poor.
*insert nonsensical argument here*
where are you guys from exactly?
Also, what are your opinions on Yemen and Syria?
I am a free-market capitalist as well.
I'm from Chechnya.
Syria and Yemen?
I choose to remain silent in discussions of Yemen and Syria.
I appreciate your help and sincerity.
I must ask you, are you capable of relating to your entourage politically? I presume people see us usually as left wingers because of how they treat muslims.
sufi or salafi?
it doesn't matter what they think
I don't really have an "entourage", so I guess no.
And yes, that is probably the case, but it could also be the behaviour of some people who say, "I'm a muslim and I don't kill people! I'm progressive!" and yadahyadahyadah.
>I presume people see us usually as left wingers because of how they treat muslims.
This annoys me beyond belief, bro.
>Also, what are your opinions on Yemen and Syria?
Yemen - No opinion
Syria - All sides are awful, especially Assad and Daesh
I come from Québec.
The situation of Yemen and Syria are catastrophic, I am alright with refugees getting extracted until a resolution arrives to stop extremist actions, but they will need to earn their place, that Is both the moral and religious choice.
What is your opinion on Islam being used as a political tool by the Left-wing? Do you think islam can find its place in the western world? What do you think should be done about somepne wants to leave islam for a different idealogy?
>What is your opinion on Islam being used as a political tool by the Left-wing?
It sucks.
>Do you think islam can find its place in the western world?
I'm not really sure what that means. Eventually, spotlight will come off of us, and we'll probably be viewed similarly to Jews.
>What do you think should be done about somepne wants to leave islam for a different idealogy?
They should be called back to Islam, but if they refuse, they've made their choice. Hell awaits them.
1. It's pretty annoying seeing that the left keeps on talking about us and our rights, and how sometimes they defend us fanatically with no knowledge of our religion or hate us with no knowledge.
2. Yes, if we adapt to western morals whilst keeping our morals alive, interpret verses correctly, and put on some lotion and nivea (I search up "muslim" on google images and I see ashy people)
3. I'm okay with that.
Kike here ama
Proof pls
I'm at work right now but trust me goy I wouldn't lie to you. I don't have my kippah sorry
Ok then. What's your position on Israel?
n1ce m3m3
I hate it being used by either the Left or Right. But since you asked about the Left. In Australia there was a big issue about asylum seekers coming here by boat. The number was growing exponentially and in the final year there was something like 16000 boats turning up on Australian shores of undocumented illegals claiming to be refugees. Ending this was important because Australia should have control over who comes in. They made the argument that if you're for stopping the boats than you're a racist, which might be true in many cases but that doesn't mean it isn't a smart policy to stop the boats.
What annoys me about the Left is that they only stick up for people they see as weak. Blacks, muslims, homosexuals, transgender etc. If you attack the weak you're a racist, but here in Australia they often say racist stuff about Chinese because 'punching up' is acceptable apparently.
2. Islam adapts to the native culture somewhat. Islam is very diverse and as I see Islam further from my homeland it looks more and more alien to me. In Auburn (muslim populated area of Australia) you will see young muslim girls wearing hijab and showing cleavage in low cut tops. Cultures blend somewhat.
3. I don't care personally but I see this through the perspective of muslims in Australia. You have to understand this from the perspective in the islamic world, abandoning Islam is perceived as abandoning your community for another because society is divided by religions. You will get a community of christians and next door you will get a community of muslims, so someone that is abandoning Islam thus joining another community. People that abandon their families normally have a long history of doing weird shit and have been abrasive and made enemies long beforehand before they actually convert out. The concept of changing faiths in the islamic world is fundamentally interpreted differently than how westerners understand it. this is complicated
He said
"I'm at work right now"
He probably "has no time to talk"
It belongs to the Jews and always has. Plus it wasn't even owned by the Palestines when it was given to the Jews it was owned by Britain
Of course I have time to talk I wouldnt of posted otherwise
You know, I kind of don't understand the Hijab thing.
It says "oh wives of the believers, veil yourselves", which I interpret as "oh wives of the prophets, veil yourselves", because of the verse that says to dress modestly for both genders.
It's sarcasm.
In America, the reputation of Islam is certainly in the shitter. Nevermind the modern refugee crisis, people are still sore about 9/11.
The situation in america regarding immigrants of different cultures is not the same as it is in Europe. America is a land of liberty and opportunity and there are already several areas that are dominated by minority cultures such as Asian or Mormans. I believe that Islam is no different from that. Seeing the reports of the behavior from the islamic brand imigrants in Europe is what is concerning. The dominating left are enabling their criminal behaviour, is that what we can be expecting if they make it to the US? We natives are told to be accepting of other cultures but those invading islamic cultures dont seem to care about accepting us. They will make our homes more dangerous just because they can get away with it and they will use Islam as their moral permission to commit acts of evil.
Is the majority of Islamic even capable governing themselves? Because all i see are animals who refuse to integrate into western culture and perpetuate their violent and primitive tribal culture
Exactly maaaaaaan.
it wasn't originally part of Islamic culture. It became part of it when Islam spread to Persia. In Persia the Zoroastrian aristocracy wore veils as a sign of modesty (it wasn't a common practice among the commoners) and the cultural perception that this was modest behavior slowly spread from there. Persia was very influential on Islamic culture in the early years of Islam because it had all the artists, architects, scholars, etc. A lot of the stuff like dualism, praying 5 times a day, the veil, it was inherited off zoroastrianism
This is the correct answer. Long live Israel!
isn't the way muslims pray also a zoroastrian thing?
How do I seduce a Muslim girl?
I heard that the Hijab/Burka thing was a pagan arab tradition.
Fuck yeah!
No it's a Jew thing.
Search up "Jewish prayer"
i believe israel has a right to exist
Well this thread went to crap pretty quick.
I wish we could have a homogenous nation. Muslims should not be able to live in the state while they are so at odds with our culture.
Thanks you're an alright goy. What do you think about Hamas though?
The Islamic World is a mess right now but it wasn't always this way. The situation of today is the result of a long number of catastrophes over the last 800 years which have been detrimental to the culture and psychology of the region. It needs generations of stability to normalise.
The situation in Europe is different though. They have an extreme brand of Islam that's spreading rapidly through the ghettos and poor communities of diaspora. They're even more radical than the Salafists of the Middle East. They focus on politics and teach isolationism and contempt of the Europeans. These mosques were built by Saudis but the clerics that run them haev little connection to official islamic institutions. they're a parasite on the europeans but because they share the same label as all other muslims people see as all in the same category.
i have a particularly conservative paki muslim friend here in Australia that went to study in England. He used to believe that homosexuals should die and other typically quite extreme beliefs, but this is a result of his upbringing and I've found it easy to talk him out of these ideas. Anyways, he told me that the mosques he visited in England were constantly discussing politics and not faith, and constantly talking about British history in the Middle East (the negative things). He found these mosques too extreme for him and he is the most extreme muslim I had ever met. The consequences of this to british muslims are obvious, I think
I don't mind them living in Gaza and West bank if they'd stop firing fucking rockets and blowing up busses
it was in some polytheist circles, but it wasn't part of Islamic culture until it spread to Persia. In the early years, Islam was just reformed Christianity.
They never will. As long as the community exist there are some that will fight. Their charter called for the destruction of our homeland. It was always ours and we have long been nomadic people with no home, they have no right to it and as long as a majority of the population there wishes for our demise they must be neutralized. We and Iran are the only beacons of light in the middle east.
It is interesting to see an Israeli call Iran a beacon of light
It is but Iran is alright desu
I'm American living in Canada but proud to be of the jewish race. Wasn't into jewish culture until recently where I decided to get more into it. Learning Hebrew atm and I might move to Israel for a year.
I know a lot of Iranians in Vancouver. Most of them are pretty nice but there is certainly a "persian supremacy" in their character. When I say beacon of light I mean in the sense that's it's mostly a developed country. I also think Israel is being a baby with Iran, they've been the aggressor in the regional conflict for many years. There's a lot of issues with Israel but it is the jewish peoples homeland, and for that I am faithful.
My dads friend also lived in a Kabutz and he said it was super nice desu
I'm Iranian I know Iran is alright. The hardliners just cloak iran's real potential and I think a lot of people struggle with this
muslim who pretends to be left wing here :^)
Northern Tehran is like a developed country but the rest of the country has a long way to go. I went back there for the first time in several years and it has made huge economic and cultural progress even despite the harsh sanctions.
I notice people don't throw rubbish on the streets anymore, people drive more safely and people are far more open minded and just want to live their lives.
in terms of economics. everyone has internet and computers now, everyone eats more variety of food and children are growing up with all the opportunities that they didn't have even a decade ago.
When my father was a child his village didn't have roads, school, hospital, police, nobody could read and write except the few kids that were lucky to go to boarding school (he was one of them). Now his village of 400 families has many engineers and doctors around the country and the world (he was a doctor that worked around the world) and there are a number of professors in things like mathematics and physics. The older generation still speak the local dialect and live the old ways like its another century. This is happening all over Iran I can't imagine what the country will look like in 10 years now that the sanctions are lifted
Yes I just hope conflict with Israel can be avoided. Do you think Iran would actually attempt to nuke us if you guys we're able to obtain one?
what is your opinion on hadiths?
Iran was never building a nuke, it was just an excuse to wage economic warfare on Iran while Iran and USA battled over regional hegemony.
The hardliners might be oppressive but they're still smart in other regards. They used Iran's position of being anti-WMD as propaganda to show moral superiority over the West that has used chemical weapons and nuclear weapons before. This is evident in policy too;
>The Shah builds a chem weapon stockpile
>Saddam uses chem weapons on Iranian soldiers and kills 100k
>Khomeini refuses to retaliate with the chem weapons built by the Shah
>Khomeini orders the chem weapons dismantled and destroyed
>Khomeini signs onto the CWC on his own accord
>Khamenei issues a fatwa against all WMD, against building, stockpiling and using them as unIslamic
>30+ years of anti-nuclear weapon narrative
Even if you choose to ignore all this, the nuclear deal in place has complete monitoring over the Iranian nuclear program, from mining uraniam to enriching. The IAEA now has realtime monitoring access to Iranian nuclear sites and the advanced nuclear facilities were concreted about 1-2 months ago. Khamenei fully supported the nuclear deal but the Hardliners didn't want it, so he made a big long bullshit speech that he did it for Iranian interests and that he will never deal with the Americans (after just making a deal with them).
Iran is using Israel and the USA as an external enemy for domestic consumption, this is how tyrannical governments operate. And it was an early Revolutionary strategy to build support among the Arab World because Iran was trying to unite it all. Except it failed because Khomeini was naive to believe the Sunni/Arabs would ever follow their worst enemy Shia/Persians. The rhetoric will continue for awhile but Iran isn't an existential threat to Israel. Iran is empire building in the middle east but this is another thing altogether
There are some that don't apply and some that just need a correct interpretation or a notice.
Even Mohammed (pbuh) said that "some verses will not apply"