Ukraine, please explain

Ukraine, please explain

>Eastern Block
>not degenerate

Other urls found in this thread:

teper ookraine yevropa

It's like Ukraine is being raised by a single mom without a fathee

But Ukraine is progressive European country! A lot of Ukrainians died on Maidan for freedom and european values! Have some respect! People literally die for this.

There are a million people living in Russia with HIV.

your country is literally shit

What does HIV have anything to do with degeneracy?

Russians historically just aren't great at using contraceptives, it's not that their country is filled with fags.

>What does HIV have anything to do with degeneracy?

Gee idk, what does having African country-tier HIV rates have to do with degeneracy... I dunno, help me out here.

by 2030 half the global population will have it.

what now?

I don't know. You tell me?

African countries aren't HIV-riddled because they are degenerate.

They have HIV because they don't have access to contraceptives, don't know how to use them, or don't want to use them. None of those things are technically "degenerate".

Unlike in progressive European Ukraine.

Mh that's good bait potential for future threads.. Mhmh.

>b-b-b-but ukraine is also bad!

We're talking about you right now, retard

Nah, the thread is about Ukraine, you patriotic diaspora cockhole.

>bubutbubutut let's just focus on ukraine because it's convenient

I see you've learned from Putin tbqh. Your country is shit

Sexual promiscuity correlates with increased rates of venereal disease

Needle sharing, with HIV infection

It isn't bait.

HIV doesn't signify degeneracy. It's an infectious disease, not a pair of assless chaps you buy at the store you fucking retard.

>the thread is about Ukraine
>b-but Russia is also bad, kyati moskali
Typical cockhole.

>HIV doesn't signify degeneracy. It's an infectious disease, not a pair of assless chaps you buy at the store you fucking retard

How is HIV commonly transmitted? I'm a little confused on that part, is it airborne?

>some faggot makes a music video
>blame entire country for it

>having sex is degenerated

I think it's enough Sup Forums for you now. Brush you teeth and go to bed. No Wii for you tonight.

But I never said that.

I just asked how HIV was commonly transmitted, I don't know

by sex user.

that would be when a person rub their genitals against another person.

generally they at least appreciate each other.

It's like a wet and dirty hug.

It's that clear now?

>As for anal sex, the most risky sex act in terms of HIV transmission, if an HIV-negative top—the insertive partner—and an HIV-positive bottom have unprotected sex, the chances of the top contracting the virus from a single encounter are 1 in 909 (or 0.11 percent) if he's circumcised and 1 in 161 (or 0.62 percent) if he's uncircumcised. And if an HIV-negative person bottoms for an HIV-positive top who doesn't use any protection but does ejaculate inside, the chances of HIV transmission are, on average, less than 2 percent. Specifically, it is 1.43 percent, or 1 out of 70. If the guy pulls out before ejaculation, then the odds are 1 out of 154.

It would appear that homosexual intercourse and sharing of needles are by far the most common ways of spreading HIV, I agree though. i don't think homosexual intercourse is degenerate but maybe sharing needles isn't such a good idea.

no such country

>anal sex is an homosexual act only



[smack lips]



Furthermore here is a chart showing the approximate rates of contracting HIV from - The center for disease control and prevention (i hope this is not a Jewish shilling organization but I'm unsure of its legitimacy)

>>anal sex is an homosexual act only

It is not but anal intercourse is not nearly as common as vagina intercourse is for Heterosexual couples, I think this is quite a given.

no such country


no such thing

Yeah but you still haven't made your point. In fact you're derailing further from the original point.

What does HIV have anything to do with degeneracy?

wow shit, pop singers must really have a hard time making these lyrical tales of epic artistic measures

>What does HIV have anything to do with degeneracy?

I think that would depend on what you consider to be degeneracy.

For one person degeneracy might mean unprotected anal intercourse between two males(I believe Sup Forums commonly holds this notion) and the sharing of needles used to inject IV drugs.

But for another person homosexuality might not be degenerate

>It would appear that homosexual intercourse ... are by far the most common ways of spreading HIV

You don't understand statistics, clearly. Anal sex may be the activity that is the highest-risk of transmitting HIV, but it is not the "most common way" of transmitting it. Heterosexual vaginal sex, the most common form of sex by far, is the most common way of transmitting HIV through sex.

You're right.

How can we try to educate the people of these countries on proper contraceptive practices in your opinion though?

eille tabarnack tes tu attarder coliss ou tu l'fais fucking exipress coliss

>They have HIV because they don't have access to contraceptives, don't know how to use them, or don't want to use them. None of those things are technically "degenerate".

McFucking kill yourself.

>eille tabarnack tes tu attarder coliss ou tu l'fais fucking exipress coliss

What does that mean?

>i don't think homosexual intercourse is degenerate
Cucknada everyone

>>They have HIV because they don't have access to contraceptives, don't know how to use them, or don't want to use them. None of those things are technically "degenerate".

Define the word Degeneracy then, it would seem that would fit the description.

>verb (used without object), degenerated, degenerating.
>to fall below a normal or desirable level in physical, mental, or moral qualities; deteriorate:
>The morale of the soldiers degenerated, and they were unable to fight.
>to diminish in quality, especially from a former state of coherence, balance, integrity, etc.:

You could make the argument that being unable to figure out how to use a simple instrument such as a condom and allow yourself to be susceptible to a disease that kills millions of people as "falling below a desirable level in mental qualities"

At least their fag music has better production quality and isn't as awful as Bulgarian.

First explain why you are watching fag videos.

Well by posting the dictionary definition using a comdom is greatly degenerated as it seriously diminish the quality of sex.

Do you want to keep this up because I have a bachelor in smug autism come back like you.

>Well by posting the dictionary definition using a comdom is greatly degenerated as it seriously diminish the quality of sex.

Diminishing your chance of living to 50 years old can be considered more degenerate than diminishing the quality of anal sex

HIV reduce your life spawn by 13 years you fucking chuckle fuck. A man lives around 83 of age.

While you google that don't forget that as the american already told you, heterosexual VAGINAL sex is the most common form of transmission.

Your obsessed with gay buttsex idk why

It is degenerate to be too retarded to put on a condom when it's killing so many of your country's people

check em

It's normal to be slightly fag.
When you add two spoons of sugar to cup of tea, it becomes more appetizing.
But when you put more sugar than water with tea in the same cup, it becomes unbearable shit and you probably die.