My wife's son took my laptop. Help a goy out and dump rare merchants?
Rare Merchant Thread
Christianity was literally made up by the Jews as a religion for their slaves.
This is a rare merchant I found on Sup Forums. I can loan it to you.
Anyone have the happy Mexican cowboy rare merchant?
Let the Shoah begin
It's this Mexican version of the happy merchant Jew. He's got a green shirt, sombrero, and a pistol.
And again
>Oven Ready
rare merchant reporting extremely rare one of a kind do not save
This time
this animu top gear is brilliant desu.
Not it, but I'm satisfied. Thanks man.
gas yourself
I know which one you're looking for, but I didn't save it.
Have another rare merchant brah
Thanks for trying to help me though, I appreciate it, Sup Forumsbro.
These threads remind me of old Sup Forums before all the rebbiters arrived.
:3 adorable merchant.
You know i never made the connection of fagin being a sneaky jew.
Any evidence for this besides being a convenient argument?
can someone do this with only the nose sticking out of the blanket please?
I loved this movie
dwarves are based on jews.
>love gold and riches
>shoahd by the dragon
>wandering all over the world since
If that was true, they'd hate Christians a lot less.
Damn I kinda liked the dwarfs too
Is that Ted Cruz's daughter? What a qt.
i actually had to laugh at that.
>My wife's son
>Hating Christians
they dont hate christians they just mock them and think they are retarded