Why do progressives and SJWs love Islam so much? Muslims would gladly have them killed or thrown into jail if they were in charge. Do progressives have some kind of death wish? What's your theory?
Why do progressives and SJWs love Islam so much? Muslims would gladly have them killed or thrown into jail if they were in charge. Do progressives have some kind of death wish? What's your theory?
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Because they are retards
One is a retrograde dangerous ideology that wants the West to die, the other is a retrograde dangerous ideology that wants the West to die.
From a logical point of view, they are ignorant of the real danger of Islam + they are scared of the results of them critcizing them
They reflexively support "the oppressed" without thinking much about it. Muslims are overall minorities in the west therefore they support them
They believe nation-wrecking is a good cause, and Islam has proven to be a very effective agent of nation-wrecking.
They're being used by islam, as it's hitching a ride on their backs to institute sharia type legislation..
Check out this video that explains this process, the muslim orgainzations involved and their link to al ikhwan (muslim brotherhood) and legal instruments passed to the UN and much more.
Something as small as a cartoon will trigger a Muzzie suicide bomber. Meanwhile, faggots publically shove Baby Jesus buttplugs on the streets of San Francisco.
The Westboro Baptist Church, who follows everything in the Bible, is literally as "extremist" as you can get with Christcucks.
It's how dhimmis are made, they actually think if they do what their masters tell them they'll get to live as they did before.. this is obviously not the case but don't underestimate the power of denial.
for the same reason why women who get hit by their husbands tell the cops they walked into a door
>baby jesus buttplugs
Power of words over lazy thought. Tolerance in this case. Don't judge a book by its cover, Yada yada. Basically sentimentality without any basis in reality and logic.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Progressives are the jealous, sour grape losers of Western civilization. They hate everything white het cis Christian men have created due to the paucity of their own ability. Instead of owning up to their own inferiority complexes, they scapegoat white men as 'oppressors' and seek to destroy the very societies that tolerate them.
They hate the white man who will tolerate them, while they romanticize the Islamic man who will murder them.
It's a warped and masochistic disortion of the enemy of my enemy is my friend. They will not only end up destroying the West, but in doing so, they are also signing their suicide pacts.
Once Islam conquers the West, they will be the first to go.
Same reason cuck porn is on the rise.
They do not discriminate based on the color of the penis unless its white.
They're fighting the same enemy
Because western culture is the only culture to consider everyone equal, while all other cultures are blatant supremacists.
cute headscarves :)
>Why do progressives and SJWs love Islam so much?
I don't think they exactly "love" Islam. I think what they want to do is to promote and support Islam so that we'll end up with more religious diversity. In other words, they promote Islam as a way making Islam and Christianity more on par with each other in power.
As an anti-religious advocate, I'm all in favor of maximizing religious diversity. The less any one religion is in control, the better it is for the anti-religious movement. Obviously, it would be better for all religions to decline in power and influence -- but if that's not possible, then at least I want the maximum diversity of religions so they can all fight each other on a more level playing field -- thus legitimizing and normalizing the act of fighting against religions in general.
I'm not a SJW, so I can't speak for them, but it's possible that they are applying similar logic as us anti-religious advocates.
I'm not exactly a "progressive" either (for example, I'm adamantly opposed to the so-called "affirmative action", which disqualifies me from being a "progressive"), but it's possible that progressives might also be applying similar logic as the SJWs on this.
At the end of the day this is all the white mans fault for being so open and tolerant in the first place
In Europe you're largely seeing that Christianity has been dead for decades and Islam is filling an atheist vaccuum.
For instance, Britain had more mosque attendees than churchgoers.
In 2005.
It's gotten considerably more Islamic since then, as you can see with Mayor Khan.
Underrated post. This is literally it. All other explanations are retarded and show that none of you understand leftism. Specially the retards who say that it's because of "fear" like
Progressives truly believe that the solution to islamic terrorism, gethos and the formation of parallel cultures is tolerance. They are sheltered, stupid people who think altruism is the way to go and will always be reciprocated in some way.
>it's not about fear and submission
Tell that to the leftists who actively condemned Charlie Hebdo after they were shot up by Muslims.
Even John Kerry said the shooter's actions were justifiable.
Look up Islamo-leftism. The left hates Western capitalism, Islam hates the West. The left has convinced themselves that they are therefore brothers in arms despite existing at literally opposute ends of the political spectrum.
Alliance of convenence.
Their enemy is white, christian, patriotic and of a national culture. Islam is brown-ish, anti-christian and of a completely different national culture with no patriotism for western countries.
Muslims help weaken the West.
>At the end of the day this is all the white mans fault for being so open and tolerant in the first place
There's nothing wrong with tolerance, as long as you don't carry it too far.
- Getting rid of laws that discriminate against blacks : good.
- Laws that give blacks special advantages : bad.
- Being concerned about abusive policing practices in black neighborhoods : good.
- Calling all cops "racist" and making it hard for them to do their jobs : bad.
For some reason that I'll never understand, huge numbers of people have a hell of hard time finding that obvious center balance. So many people go way overboard, on either one side or the other. It's like they don't understand how a person can be tough-minded and caring at the same time. I care about the plight of blacks, and I genuinely want them to improve. But they also need to follow the rules, and they don't deserve special coddling. Is it really so hard for a person to hold both views simultaneously?
It's a naively optimistic view because you haven't accepted yet that blacks as a whole are incapable of self-improvement.
Black Americans are violent property-destroying rape monkeys, and so are Black Brits, and Black Swedes, and Black Brazilians, and blacks all through the Caribbean, and all of that is ignoring the continent that has 1.1 billion of them and counting.
It's literally impossible to build a "civilization" as you know it with a negro populace and the nightmare is that negro is going to become the single most populous race on the face of the Earth during this century.
Actually, you've got a very good point.
I was speaking from an American perspective, where Christianity still enjoys a crushing domination. In some places, we're still stuck in the 1800s, like with textbooks that deny evolution.
But if the rising Islamic population in Europe is actually starting to take rights away from non-Islamics, then obviously that needs to be stopped. Reducing the influence of Christianity is a good thing -- but only if it can be done without elevating another religion into its place.
Their only frame of "good" is the opposite of what they think the political right believes.
>Why Do Progressives Love Islam So Much?
Both progressives and Muslims want to end white supremacy.
And their arguments for criticizing Charlie Hebdo revolve around the "punching down" concept, even if they don't say so explicitly. Muslims are victims of oppression, so any joke going against them is making those systems of oppression stronger. And since their ideology feeds directly from marxism, a muslim killing a white person is seen as some sort of revolution with the objective of abolishing that unfair system, similar to class warfare.
Progressives hate Christianity. Muslims hate Christianity. It's pretty simple.
>Why do progressives and SJWs love Islam so much? Muslims would gladly have them killed or thrown into jail if they were in charge. Do progressives have some kind of death wish?
That is precisely the source of their obsession with Islam
They hate the white race and culture so much that they want to be conquered and oppressed by that filthy sandnigger cult as revenge for the 'evils' done by whitey in the last millenia.
They are self-immolating on the stake of an old enemy of the West.
It's fucking disgusting.
>It's a naively optimistic view because you haven't accepted yet that blacks as a whole are incapable of self-improvement.
I do have to admit it's natural to ask whether blacks are capable of self-improvement, given so many instances of disappointing results.
But I stand firm. I believe there is an absolute, neutral, objective way to be fair. Basically: You don't discriminate, but don't coddle either. And that's what I want reflected in our laws.
I don't think it's helpful for our laws to be enshrined with the doctrine that blacks are inherently no damn good, and will never be able to improve themselves. I don't see any good coming from that approach.
Instead, I want our laws to be scrupulously neutral. I want our laws to give blacks the freedom to improve themselves -- if they are capable of doing so -- but also to make sure that they are not given more than their fair share, nor that we harm anyone else.
I don't call that "naively optimistic". I call that "moral".
They don't love Islam for Islam, they love it because they see it as a fellow underdog against oppressive whitey.
That they see white men as more of a threat to them than fucking Islam just goes to show the extent of their insanity.
This. I always thought this Anti-Racism = Anti White stuff was a meme but in my experience it's true. They want a brown world no matter the costs.
>I believe there is an absolute, neutral, objective way to be fair. Basically: You don't discriminate, but don't coddle either. And that's what I want reflected in our laws.
You've been trying that since the end of the Civil Rights movement, and all it's led to is the decline of their culture and eventual spiral into the disgrace we see today.
>Progressives hate Christianity.
I'm an atheist and I am a supporter of the anti-religion movement.
But not even I would claim to "hate" Christianity.
And I doubt that most progressives "hate" Christianity either.
Instead, I view Christianity as a political force that must be brought down. I view the abuses of Christianity the same way that I view the abuses of government and corporations. I just want to take their abusive powers away from them. I don't "hate" the government, nor do I "hate" corporations, nor do I "hate" religions. Instead, I am on a cheerful mission to take their abusive powers away from them.
Just because I want to castrate an institution doesn't mean that I hate it. It simply means that performing the castration is a job that needs to be done. And I will sing and whistle merrily while I wield the knife -- without a trace of hatred in my heart.
Bullshit. I've had that conversation with the freaks enough to know it's an issue with what mummy and daddy believed in and everything else gets a pass.
Reading the shit you fanatics write is fascinating in a purely psychological sense.
You are far, far worse than the 'stormniggers' you presume to hate so much.
Say what you will about the christfags who worship a kike on a stick, but your 'cheerful' mission to 'destroy' it makes you sound like a gigantic fucking faggot.
Get a grip
They're just useful idiots and don't even realize how muslims are in total control of them. If only they lived just one year in some nice conservative islamic country, I guarantee you they'd kill themselves for the shame.
As an atheist, this highly triggers me.
>You've been trying that since the end of the Civil Rights movement, and all it's led to is the decline of their culture and eventual spiral into the disgrace we see today.
It's unfortunate that they haven't made any progress since the end of the Civil Rights era. But, since then, they caused the decline of their culture all by themselves.
Enforcing civil rights was the moral thing to do -- it made no sense to keep pressing the boot on their necks, because we knew for a fact that approach didn't work. So we removed the boot. But our removal of the boot was in no way responsible for the decline of their culture.
We did the right thing by removing the boot. They did the wrong thing by not improving their culture. And that's where things currently stand.
I'm not going to advocate putting that boot back on their necks. That's just going to make the problem worse.
I don't have a solution for you. All I can do is act in a way that I believe is moral. My moral stance is firm: You don't hurt people, but you don't coddle them either. (And when I say "coddle" I mean things like the so-called "affirmative action" type of approaches.)
Maybe my stance won't solve the problem, but morally I can't advocate anything else.
They're ass backwards and can't see the plain truth cause their progressive mind just can't accept the reality of things, so they'll side or be more favorable to a death cult ideology that's disguised as a religion, to them it seems normal.
>I've had that conversation with the freaks enough to know it's an issue with what mummy and daddy believed in and everything else gets a pass.
Of course it is. That's the only way religion propagates -- is by parents brainwashing their children.
I couldn't agree with you more.
Because my fellow colleges of male body appreciation have been indoctrinated by the left thanks to the fear of the religious right.
Because previous generations did so well this generation never had to experince war, hunger, suffering. They just can't understand how there are people who are not as progressive and developed as us. When you grow up you think the world is like your part, especially if you are shielded.
It will bite them in the ass later.
they love anything anti western
>You are far, far worse than the 'stormniggers' you presume to hate so much.
It's always nice to hear from a sworn political enemy.
You and I are warriors on opposing sides. We will forever be at war with each other for the rest of our lives.
You hate me with a passion, as your post flamboyantly shows. That's not surprising.
But I'm on the team that doesn't hate. I simply view you as a noble warrior, like I am. I don't hate you -- I respect you. And some day my side will beat yours. And after your loss, I will still not hate you.
So you just keep that hate coming. Spew it at me as hard as you possibly can. It just reminds me of why I enjoy the battle so much.
For now, I'll assume that it's your religion that causes you to hate me so much. But if that's not the case, then please feel free to inform me where your seething hatred comes from. Is it because I'm a smug, arrogant prick? Is that it? Because I'm a troll? Does that make you mad? What is it, exactly, that causes you to shake with anger and hatred?
As far as I am concerned -
They are not afraid of offending muslims because their feelings will be hurt.
I, personal, think they are afraid of offending muslims because they will be killed if they do.
Or, the SJWs and PC are just that empty and stupid. Who fucking knows...
>shake with anger and hatred?
pshaw. You socjus morons give yourself entirely too much credit. You simply disgust me the way that I'm disgusted by any deformed creature.
The irony is that I despise christianity as well, but my disdain comes from the point of view of a white nationalist. I would even love to see it erased from the world. It is responsible for most of the damage to my people that is currently happening. It is the source of the SJW 'morality'.
I just can't stand the way you sound like an insufferable white knight faggot
You sound kind of like a psycho.
Also, don't forget that Christian principles underpin all of Western civilization past the Greeks' and Romans' pagan days. Ideas like legal equality, or true equal application of the law, came from the Bible. Islam, on the other hand, has the jizya tax.
Basically what you are proclaiming in your ignorance is that you want to burn the foundation upon which you stand without knowing (A) what lies beneath, or (B) if anything else can/will take its place.
Humor me here, but did you happen to attend a relatively well-known northeastern liberal arts college and major in some type of humanities?