This was a cover of Time magazine in 1999
Feel old yet?
This was a cover of Time magazine in 1999
Feel old yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
>1999 was 170 years ago
Why was polywog front and center?
Joseph "The Jew" Stalin
Man of the Year
January 1, 1940
>OP feels old
It was probably really, really bad for us desu senpai
Is this a good team to use?
Anyone else watch pokemon still and play the games to feel nostalgic about a time when our presidents were white?
That's Polywhirl. Because it's the best fucking Pokemon there is, that's why. Easily the second most iconic Pokemon after Pikachu, for some reason.
hypnotizing the youth
tfw if you used that team today you'd get creamed
I know I just wanted to emphasize the point.
Also fucked up the link
I actually never got into pokemon because I was in my 20's when it began to air, and I gave no fucks about product-placement type cartoons.
My kids never gave a shit about them either.
>Implying Psyduck can be defeated
Tell me. Why does he wear the gloves?
polywhirl and polywrath were the laziest pokemon evolution of all time don e by the artists. they literally just made polywhirl have mean eyes.
This was the cover of Time magazine not too long ago
Do you feel cucked yet white world
With Blastoise, Charizard and Mewtwo? LOLNO.
rotated the swirl.
You should probably go google "Stalin and jews"
YOU make me feel old.
School seems so worthless now for so many people. You never would have been allowed to pass back before people started coddling lazy kids.
1st gen best gen
the great pokemon panic of the late 90's was a goddamn sight to behold. for months straight there were constant news stories about every possible little negative thing that could be linked to pokemon
some fucking western company really did not want the japs so successful, i'm guessing
These are the new starter Pokemon for Gen 7 just revealed today. Feel old yet?
Haha that would actually make sense too.
I was born in 1998 and I consider myself mature for my age because I listen to Led Zeppelin, Frank Zappa, and Queen rather than Justin Beiber and the Black Eyed Peas and all other garbage music the jews make today.
>second most iconic Pokemon after Pikachu
maybe in the very very early noughties. There's no hype surrounding him currently.
A penguin dog?
good fucking lord you aint bullshitting. these are horrid.
He was a prominent character when there was only the kanto Dex, he's in the original gameboy commercials too
what the fuck are these. why are they so effeminate
clown seal
most hated by far, but i like him. anything but the fucking cat
jesus christ. tard-owl, edgecat, and some kind of seal clown
They all look like shit
Yes, but I'm stuck in the past, user. Pokemon got real stupid, real fast.
What's wrong with the fire cat? Is he a nigger?
Canadians will club the water starter.
So you've never played a Pokemon game in your life?
That owl starter is pretty qt, gotta say.
the legendarys of the new game. the moon one looks retarded as fuck. like someone was high as fuck when they made it.
>An owl, cat, and dog seal
Pokemon modeled after furniture when?
Look at this. A cabage, a snail and a snail turtle. Do these look cute.
Well holy shit.
This is the first time since fucking Bulbasaur one of the starter's (not including evolution lines) had a Secondary. I know who I'm grabbing.
>using 3 water types
I bet you are one of those nostalgia fags that think gen 1&2 are the best and the new ones suck.
Nigga wasn't there a Pokemon that transformed into appliances or am I high?
shame that means its final evo's typing isn't gonna be much of a surprise
The cabbage becomes a dinosaur, the snail becomes a cannon, and the lizard becomes a dragon.
the only constant is change.
1. Gyarados
2. Charizard
3. Victribell
4. Raichu
5. Clefable
6. Pidgeot
Rotom. It's from gen 4, iirc.
The original three legendaries were the best designs desu
zapdos was fucking baller
OP as shiiit
>an ice chicken
That's true. I guess one does not have to be a genius that the Fire is gonna get dark. I think the seal-dog is gonna be pure water though.
Honestly I'm shocked that they haven't broken away once from Fire-Water-Grass ONCE over the course of 20 years.
Why not try a new trio, say, Flying->Fight->Rock?
Poliwhirl is the fucking best
>a fire chicken
fucking pokemon, right
If Trump gets elected, will Ludicolo have to go back?
It's 9 years since The Simpsons Movie came out. Where did that go?
What does this have to do with politics?
yes, along with all grass niggers
what's even the point of grass if you have a water and an electric?
bitch pokemon takes lives every year
gen 1-2 pokemon was the shit.
>anime before it turned into 30 years of the same shit over and over
>gold/silver to look forward to
>99 summer tour fighting against other people
even the art had more style back then, the drawings are so bland now in comparison.
pokemon is just way past its prime. i sort of feel bad for kids who never got to experience it while it was at its highest peak, but only get to play the games they churn out every year instead.
>Owl is okay
>Sealion is just a poor attempt at another Oshawott
But the fucking cat is probably the worst starter in the entire pokémon franchise
>gen 1 was the shit
gen 2 was alright but gen 3 is where things got good imo
Why were Gen 1 and 2 so fucking awesome?
Why did the later gens adopt that awful blocky artstyle?
>having some rando water fucking pokemon front and center
seriously who the fuck cares about your many whirling ass
pick ANY OTHER pokemon
Whos the gibsmedat of pokemon?
I remember buying Pokemon Red in 1998. I went for Charmander and really struggled beating Brox until I realised the importance of type. Good times.
I've actually read that they drew all (or maybe not all but a significant portion of) the 700+ Pokemon _from the beginning_ and just chose 151 of those to be in the first game
Just dug this bad boy out of a box.
Jynx is the most sheboon lookalike - originally was pure blackface but had to change it to purple.
The most nigger would probably Primeape. Literally just goes around chimping out.
Hold the fuck up nigger this is one of my all time favorite Pokemon. You want to fucking fight?
Remember when the only way to get that info on the cover was reading the damn thing?
I think "seal" is the animal you're looking for.
>charizard has no tail flame
How about Slowpoke?
...You had to use a trip didn't you
You just couldn't resist the urge to "Make a name for yourself." On Sup Forums of all places, seriously I thought we were against this special snowflake shit. Honestly, tripfags are some Tumblr tier attention whores, I don't even want to read your post because of your godforsaken trip, you insatiable cum guzzling faggot. I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
gen 1 and 2 had good art, 3 was mostly shit. 4 got better. I haven't played any of them since than but those mega evolutions are pretty gay.
The cat is confirmed fire/dark and the seal water/fairy too
Stalin wasn't Jewish, he was somewhat anti-semitic (though less so by Russian/Georgian standards)
Remember all the adverts for anime all over these things? I'm pretty sure it was still priced in dollars even in UK magazines
What is it, flying/grass, fire/dark, water/psychic?
Well shit time to die
Sinnoh onwards sucked dick dummy
All correct except for water/fairy
You're correct about the owl being grass and flying, but the others just have one type. No idea what secondary types their evolutions will have though since they haven't been revealed yet.
My prediction is Littun will end up Fire/Dark and the water seal clown thing (I've already forgotten its name) will be Water/Ice (or just water like Samurott)
I had a Polywhirl plushie.
You're not.