What can the U.S do to curb racism against Italian Americans? It's been growing and Italians are starting not to feel safe anymore.
How to curb Italian-Racism
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Oh and BTW racism against Italians need not apply in this thread.
And that includes denying it's a problem.
Ayy gabbagool badda bing badda boom take de cannolli don't-a make-a fun-a of my wife's-a moustache
Italian-american genocide when?
I said Italian American racism NEED NOT APPLY
Lead a trail of pepperonis right into a gas chamber
Why would you be against your own people?
I said that's not welcomed here.
>implying we have something in common with those niggers
He's an Arab m8.
They are very proud of you, show some dam respect.
Pass a law that requires their mothers to kick them out of the house
That's what I think.
funny how a degenerate non-existant '"country'" spits on his own founders.
They only live with their mothers because they can't find a job. And they only can't find a job because of racism against them. When you have an Italian sounding name do you know how hard it is to get a job? No one calls back.
maybe its an east coast thing but italians and their billions of pizza/sub shops are awesome. rest of the country doesn't know jack shit about pizza.
>degenerate non-existent country
So Italy?
I have nothing against Italians but the country is shit.
Italians are NOT white, and this is coming from a burger with an Italian grandfather
Oh believe me. Italians are HATED in most parts of America. They are beat up, spit on, and can't find a job. Same with Canada.
Nothing racist about that. It's 2016 (lol I know weedman) being white isn't cool anymore.
Half Italianfag here.
It's sicilians that are the problem.
Somehow convince Italians-Americans not to be oily shifty layabouts with a huge amount of misplaced arrogance
As an Irish-Brit (my family emigrated to England in the 17th century) I feel solidarity with the Italian-Americans. For too long I've been mocked by the native english arabs for enjoying a traditional Irish saturday morning potato and guinness soup wearing my traditional Irish tracksuit in front of my terraced house.
When will the racism end?
Why not just shoot and throw them in caves? Thats what we did
These three posts are interesting. Those with shitty heritage and ancestry are the most racist. Meanwhile with British ancestry is not racist because he's not insecure about his ancestry. However North Italians and Irish are more racist because their ancestors did nothing. I find this interesting, but I'm not saying that Irish-Americans and Italian-Americans are bad, I'm saying their heritage is pretty low.
No one gives a shit about them.
This is what I mean. Shitty countries like Slovenia are REALLY racist while a British person isn't. Brits have every right to be racist because they have a great powerful history, but backwater tinpot Slovenia has nothing to be proud of so they put other people down to feel good.
Unlike other "minority" groups I don't think the world is out to get me. If you really think there's hatred towards some group of people the problem is most likely you and not anyone else.
What's your ancestry, Leaf?
Then why are they treated so bad in America.
British, I never felt insecure about being white and never felt like my ancestors were primitive so I never saw the appeal to racism and neither did my fellow Anglos. I notice it's mostly Irish, Poles, and North Italians that are racist. I have nothing against them but I feel they are trying to compensate for their history.
Start by banning pasta and pizza commercials. Pic related. Dolmio literally objectifying italian women. Makes me sick.
I know. That shit is racist as fuck and why Italians get made fun of.
I know. That shit is racist as fuck and why Italians get made fun of. You make me sick tho for posting it
>a fucking leaf
Did you already fill your daily shitskin dick suckin quota given by weedman?
Funny that Slovenians, N. Italians, and Irish are already freaking out with racism while the Dane and Brit are being tolerant. This is more evidence of my point, nations without history are the most racist. Not to mention Slovenians are what a racist would call a "shitskin".
Not accurate, they are too big, as most of them are manlets. Every time I go to Italy it feel like Lilliput.
No one is falling for it.
Are Italian Americans white Sup Forums?
>What can the U.S do to curb racism against Italian Americans?
Keep making good ass pizzas bitch
pick one and only one
It depends. You are dark tho.
You're a really bad troll, you're getting banned tho.
I'm going to say no because "white" is not a good term anymore.
I know Italians did some nasty things to innocent Slovenians in WW2 and conquered them and were really abusive with their power. So that's probably why you hate them.
I'm not a troll, I can't belive that you care about us unless you are from an italian family or something.
NO one treats Italians badly w/ shitpost them lovingly. Heretic Leftist trying to divide whites….
This!! We aren't a bunch of babies like fucking niggers or some shit. We don't need people's pity!
Have them come to Canada. Fuck the US. Canadians should do everything to encourage racism there (covertly of course) while promoting Canada as it will lead to a population increase here and the savages across the border get to chimp out on minorities as much as they want. Win-win scenario
WHite is slang for European , Fuck off Trudeau KEK.
>italians in america
>cant speak a word of italian
>know nothing about italian history
>have an italian grandparent
>take pride in being "italian"
burgers really are pathetic
>implying i care what racists think of me
I cant be racist, I support partisans and soviets who killed german and italian vermin. But today shitskins are the faschist who want to occupy my motherland like germans wanted, and is my duty to remove them too.
And if danes or brits are such a pussys that they are affraid of being called racist, maybe they deserve to die
Ok I am Italian! I didn't want to be made fun of for it tho.
Well I am pretty sure they can say they are Italian when they are beaten up, spit on, and then thrown into their business windows just for being Italian. You're pathetic.
What in the holy fuck are you talking about, you stupid maplenigger faggot?
madonna pompinara mortacci tua
LOL you are a pussy I hope you have cancer. Slovenians have no history and are shitskin.
I'm from an area filled with Italian-Americans (I'm going to personally apologize for Jersey Shore) and haven't seen much in the way of racism, not nearly as much as towards the hispanics anyways.
Fuck off!
Posting with pizza
>Ok I am Italian! I didn't want to be made fun of for it tho.
Everyone makes fun of foreigners that's a whole board about it on Sup Forums quindi smetti di frignare cagasotto e comportati da uomo.
I dont really hate them. Just love some good bantz. But many Italians really look like shitskins desu.
IS that motherfucking bacon and zucchini?
>not realizing he is a low quality troll
porco dio
What about guys being beaten up in ally ways for being Italian. Notice how Italian businesses have broken class. SPOILER: It's due to racist pricks throwing rocks.
Im whiter then you probably. And at least Im not a manlet.
>have mostly Italian ancestry
>people will never know because I look like I'm Irish
Fuck you racist prick it's not funny my life is living hell because of it.
Germanics never get made fun of.
Enjoy ban troll
STFU tranny prostitute
You're not white, and I'm not a manlet.
I have 1/4 Italian ancestry and it's enough for my life to be living hell. I envy you.
Alright Canada this was fun, now stop trying so hard to be Australia 2.
this thread is getting embarassing
Posting with my toys
Praise kek
>My life has been a living hell because of it
What the hell man is Canada really that bad? Also, I was the one who posted the picture before so it was just a bit of "fun"potsing.
>in b4 gdf
Mama Mia, a fuckin-a pizza! Send all the lasagnas back.
>t. time traveler from 1910
Half-Italian here with Italian name. Never experienced anything. People just think I'm American. The maple syrup nigger is retarded.
My mother had issues growing up because of it. My grandparents immigrated in the...70's I think? If you're having trouble in this day and age, move to NJ or NY dude. You'll be right at home.
I can't find a job because of my Italian name the job people won't respond.
I would be dead if I came from that year.
Fact: Italian's are the most powerful race in the US.
it's probably the autism, not the surname
What do actual Italians think of Jersey shore?
Italian Americans are garbage people
I'm also pretty pale for an Italian, only tell tale mark is my wavy black hair. But often I find myself scared that people will find out. I don't know what to answer when people ask me why I always smell of garlic, and why I'm still living with my mother even in my late twenties. My close friends all know of course but how do you deal with hiding it from co-workers and other acquaintances?
that literally doesnt exist you pizza fucking plumber
Bibitty boppitty boopitty spagheti mozerella!
Say that to my face you fucking bozo.
Also this video explains this thread so well: youtube.com
Italian American here. What racism? Whats growing? I've literally never seen any problems.
Jersey shore is about the worst we have to deal with, because those damn spray tan fools make us look bad. But if people say things like "boppity booptiy make me a spicy meat-a-ball" I find it pretty funny. Why would it hurt my feelings?
>My close friends all know of course but how do you deal with hiding it from co-workers and other acquaintances?
Just hide your meatballs in your pants and everything will be fine.
Ghivutinni mendacci? Mendacci noialtri!
Shut the fuck up, meatball.