Give me 1 reason why you're not living in the principality of sealand.
>100% white
>has its own rugby team and helipad
>0% crime rate
>Cruise in a boat all day if you want
I'm already packing my bags
Looks like it needs repainting.
Definitely needs to be more brown
Did they spend too much of their annual budget on liquor and now can't afford paint? Or do they not possess the technology needed to proceed in painting the country? I don't understand.
Oy vey, I know just what you mean.
100% white? that's not very diverse
they sound like racists to me
Just look at the luxury that awaits you.
When you get bored, take a ride on the sea swing!
looks comfy desu
What's he looking at, Sup Forums?
I have my own country to run
Like the true chavette she is, Princess Chirley rules with an iron clapper.
What if someone actually did try to immigrate there? Would we be accepted?
looks like europe
It got invaded once, look it up, a german and some dutchs conquered it, the king used an hellicopter to get it back, true story
he's looking at the tv you stupid fuck head
Hopefully DIY channels about how to maintain concrete structures in marine environments.
>mah "country" is already past its design life
why did I only hear about sealand yesterday?
It's tripping me out that I have never heard of this before.
Almost like a Bearenstein universe thing.
>Sup Forums starts a country
that pic.
fucking hell.
sealand must learn to be more progressive
>has its own rugby team
But where do they practice?
>Boss, you need to go out on missions to expand motherbase.
On the helipad, duh
holy fucc
they need to have this blasting 24/7 at sealand
like zone music in an rpg
like you arrive there on boat and hear it louder as you come closer
then explore the city with the music
like rpg game
real life rpg
Family Guy did a parody episode of it years ago
is it really nothing but a fucking hut on on old platform
how can a nation consist only of a crumbling single story flat
you dickhead fuckhead
those two pillars it sits on are hollow, full of different housing zones
it's glorious
REALLY? What episode?
No troll pls
Are there any other duly appointed Sea Lords here, or is it all merely unwashed plebeians?
its literally the best attempt when whites try to make a country.
what is her official title? Slag in Chief?
post floorplans pls
Greatest ally
>/pol could get 27 people to join its country
would fuck to gain citizenship through anchor baby
The episode where Peter made Petoria
why does your flag look so weird
>tiny isolated building full of "ironic" commie hipsters
Yeah, I don't really care.
dont have em
just watch the doco they show you everything
part 1:
As an international law student, micronations give me a huge boner.
Drug laws?
Can I bring my cocaine and mephedrone?
when the nuclear hell-fire comes Sealand will be the only safe place
Only the best for mother russia
>ign rated this episode
Kek why? Also its not really sealand related just micronations
The german guy still has a website about it includes nazi ufos and everything all i really remember is him ranting about vril technology dont remember the website name
Wanna make a country in our way?
Why? 99.9% of them have no legitimacy whatsoever, but the local governments just can't be half-assed to go down and fuck with the autistic guy that runs it.
One time they did though. Some sperglord build a tropical island out of sand, said it was a new country, and the neighboring island of niggers invaded it with a boat and took it, kek.
Mfw this is literally Sup Forums's dream country
>gas the jews
>hitler did nothing wrong
That would be the extent of pol island
is that a gun turret?
its a spear gun to catch large fish to eat
next to it is a winch/hoist for lifting
No. That's artillery.
We need to take Sealand over.
They're really a blitzball team
Sealand argues the fact Germany sent a negotiator as germany recognizing their sovereignty
My friend went for that, we started joaning him when we realized he paid $50 for a crude certificate signed by some NEET on a block of concrete.
looks cold and miserable as fuck
Was the anti refugee boat guy ever confirmed legit or honeypot? We could use his boat if legit
Sealand and the Principality of Hutt River pretty much managed to get their old countries to retract their authority over the areas, which gives them some legitimacy. This is quite amazing as it makes them a twilight zone of being a country
Being in the ocean far from land after a nuclear apocalypse would be a slow horrific death. I don't see food growing on that steel thing
This too
I can't stop listening
Sup Forums should set up shop there.
it would be the glorious all-white nation we've dreamed of for years
Someone needs to visit and post on Sup Forums on that barbaric computer from the picture to give everyone the ultimate rare flag
Sealand is not a country
Yep. I believe some British Court judged Britain had no jurisdiction over Sealand as it was founded before the expansion of National Waters.
of course it does
it used to be part of england
its warm, comfy and you can jack off in peace its actually good
you might have that but i have napolitanke
>potato king
It actually doesn't have zero crime rate.
I'd much rather jack off in the woods instead of a desolate shitty abandoned oil rig
What is the GNP of this "sealand" you speak of?
Well, at least is not 25% pedophiles like the Pitcairn Islands.
>Mfw sealand sounds like an amusement park
They claim it's $600,000
Does that give you permission to stop by for a cheeky visit now and then?
sea floor farming lad
>They claim it's $600,000
Selling a shitload of passports, lord certificates and stamps. Gullible people like think they're worth something/cool to have
Its pretty cool tbf
Oh, I know ;_;
>Not wanting to live in comfy paradise
What a fucking slag
How plausible is it that we get all the ex-military from /k/ to overthrow Sealand government for shits and giggles? Does Sealand actually have a bigger country's military to back them up?
Just googled "take over sealand" and found this
Wtf is sealand does big boss live there?
Holy shit, they have a wii.
They don't. Problem is, you'll need to go through British waters to get there, and if their coast guard doesn't stop you, Sealand itself has artillery.
It can be done, but not by a ragtag Sup Forums band of loser.
It exists within UK territory so I'd imagine there's be quite a few upset bongs.