Explain again WHY government college doesn't work? Pro tip:
>You can't
Explain again WHY government college doesn't work? Pro tip:
>You can't
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When everyone is majoring in finger painting and expects the government to cover it, you have a problem.
Why should we pay for one another when we can both pay for ourselves?
Free college does work.
Just look at the USSR. Their economics were fucked in all sorts of ways, but nobody would deny that their (completely public) education system produced some of the world's greatest doctors, scientists, researchers, and artists.
The problem is what Bernie advocates isn't "government college" but just giving out some loans. If you want to have a real socialist higher education system that actually works you're gonna have to make A LOT of changes that most Americans aren't willing to make.
Floods the market with degrees, many of which are irrelevant
Will never net back the taxes to teach Jamal about new wave feminism
College is essentially >free now
In that people who shouldnt go to college are getting checks from banks to fill spots in any college now allowing the prices of the degree to inflate dramatically since unis can sell every seat. Then these tards are shat out with no marketable skills and they default on their loans because they cant find work and become parasitic scum on the system.
>finite number of colleges and professors
>promise guaranteed government money
>expect colleges not to raise prices
>make degrees cost more to obtain and worth less because of how many people can get them
>inevitably just end up lowering college standards to achieve acceptable minority graduate rates
so if it was free only for useful courses you would be up for it?
IQ and overall education has gone down since the government intervened in education in the 20th century.
how do you determine useful courses?
I don't think it doesn't - but it has to be more harsly regulated and based on proven facts, not this social justice gender studies nonsense.
That said I don't think that college should be marketed towards everyone, you don't need a degree to become a car mechanic or a caretaker of elders.
such as?
>such as?
A hefty increase in taxes, which is fine and they shouldn't be forced to adopt the same system as Europe.
>A hefty increase in taxes
Bernstein has that covered.
So is his plan foolproof or?
It would cost trillions of dollars and devalue degrees. Right now our countries high level job market is full and free college work make that situation so much worse.
At most is like 500 billion.
>soft data = hard data
nope. doesn't matter what bernie or however many hundreds of economists who suck him off say, his plan isn't full proof.
I don't think it is at all. But I would like to hear why people on Sup Forums are saying it wouldn't work or why he doesn't understand economics.
Bernie's Socialism is pretty good actually, it just has to be combined with Trump's Nationalism so you'd get some sort of ... err ... Socialist Nationalism.
Let's say his plan works
>I'm not convinced it would
The point that MOST Americans are not willing ot pay those taxes still negates the argument that it should be implemented.
well for one - afaik - he's never worked in the private sector
There's already an increasing student bubble because of easily accessible student loans, but if college was made "free", this bubble would increase at a much faster rate.
>Admissions increase.
>Colleges must hire more faculty/build more facilities to accommodate.
>Cost of tuition increases to pay for it
>Government pays increasingly higher tuitions with taxpayer money.
So now, just by letting anyone go to college for "free", you've got astronomical tuition costs, but also:
>Low-achievers, who otherwise wouldn't go to college if it had a cost, choose schools based on recreation, status, and party reputation over academics.
>Universities compete for this by focusing on extracurricular events, sports, and recreation.
>Tuition rises even more because of these costs.
Now tuitions are up and the academic quality of universities has decreased. Other negative side effects:
>Graduation rates plummet as admissions go up, so tax money is increasingly wasted on failed students.
>Low workforce participation from young people who otherwise get a job after HS.
No, it would not. There are 4,800 colleges in USA in total. The elements to make this funding less than 1 trillion dollars would have to
a make sure there are less colleges. This would make sure that colleges are crowed and make it a chaotic shithole.
b Spend less money on the colleges. Colleges are expensive for a reason and making it "free" will make it's actual value drop.
This would make our education system even worse end of story. look up a average college's revenue and see if a government could afford to maintain 4,800 colleges at that level.
College is a fucking meme. They literally just have you read books and attend lectures.
Just buy the books yourself for fucks sake. If you need extra help hire a tutor.
What if you made getting in difficult? Harder than it is now but without the economic burden? And there would still be private schools.
I'm not asking wether Burgers are willing to fork over cash, I'm asking that hypothetically it could
Long live Israel goyim!
Jk, but I agree. America needs more nationalism and less "diversity". I think Tedddy Roosevelt put it best - when you come to America you act like a god damm AMERICAN.
Then It's called high school grades13-17 and it's worth about as much as a HS diploma...oh except it cost everyone else a shit ton of money.
>No free college
>best higher education in the world
>other countries
>free college
>not best
need I say more?
You're including private colleges. in that. There already is less colleges than you supposed with your first number.
I agree with the value part. I'm just asking and playing devils advocate but the first point "a" is kinda defunct.
Thanks dude that solved everything.
How do fix student debt problem then? :/
What problem?
A bunch of people took out loans to party for four years straight, live in maintained housing, eat food provided for them daily, require the staffing of thousands at their benefit, and now they have to pay them back. Seems reasonable to me.
Stop H-1B and H-2B visas so the price of local labor increases to a livable level. Also employers will need to accept lesser skilled employees and actually provide training.
>supporting the bank jew
They're fucking over kids who are just out of college and turning them into debt slaves. There's an issue, but I agree that it could be solved in other ways besides socialization.
>What if you made getting in difficult? Harder than it is now but without the economic burden? And there would still be private schools.
Well, that's the only way I think it'd work. But ultimately there'd be no point, as there's already plenty of merit-based scholarships offered by federal/state/local govs and universities in the US. A good standardized test score and a 3.0 GPA in HS can get you enough scholarships for free tuition and housing at most in-state colleges in the US.
As a burger in Canada who had a 3.3 GPA Grade 12, I could NOT go to school in the U.S. even if I wanted too. I used to live in Chicago and even if I stayed with my grandparents the cost of school there is still like 20,000 a year for public university, and I'm dong a freakin jazz degree aha.
$5,000 a year where I'm going right now. And I don't feel bad for wasting money on it because of how cheap it is and I got most of it paid off with scholarships.
Again... what is the issue? They borrowed money to pay for an extreme luxury and now they have to pay it back.
I think everybody should learn how to work and go to school at the same time. I don't think housing, books or a quarter percentage of tuition should be covered, and shouldn't be cosignable by wealthy parents. Make the stupid fucks work for a scholarship or pay it off themselves if they were lazy.
The WAY in which it is paid back is a rigged system. The current job market is pretty shit and having to pay 10's of 1000's of dollars with interest back right out of college(with interest) essentially turns them into life long slaves of the banks
But it's okay goyim! Remember "diversity" is your strength!
I know what interest is. The reason interest is high on these loans is because they have absolutely zero collateral.
Whining about the job market is besides the point. If I take out a loan to buy a luxury boat and I'm a 'slave' to the bank for 30 years so be it. I entered into a contract and I'm obligated to pay it.
>But it's okay goyim! Remember "diversity" is your strength!
Now you are just being retarded
Explain why it does.
supply and demand (something bernie doesnt understand to begin with)
job market has no demand for millions of womens studies majors
giving people free college is retarted
Isn't the point of Sup Forums to fight back against the jew banks? Do you not acknowledge that the system is set up in a predatory way at the moment?
Bernie will never even look near this answer.
>Isn't the point of Sup Forums to fight back against the jew banks?
lol. I'm a fan of the banks. Sup Forums isn't a hivemind, if you are looking for a hugbox go elsewhere.
We're also not in favor of socialist policies so the solution wouldn't be to pick one evil over the other.
It would work (i.e. Third Reich), problem is the modern population would waste the money for Womens Studies and Liberal Arts bullshit degrees.
Are you a jew?
lolbertarianism is impractical
At this point, the horse is already out of the barn. College has gotten expensive to the point now where nobody can really afford it.
If the government takes over, they arne't going to make it cheaper, they're just going to be on the hook for billions/trillions and will just be funneling money to colleges who will turn around and funnel it back to politicians in the form of political contributions.
I'd rather spend money on military rather than college education. Besides, that's the only reason Europe has money for free college. If Europe actually had to maintain an army, college wouldn't be free anymore.
I'm not advocating for libertarianism, I'm not for it I agree it's impractical, I'm just saying that while the current system is flawed I don't believe the solution is to socialize the higher education institutions in our country, it'll only further devalue degrees and over saturate the market.
The difference is that no one forces you to sign for the bank loan but the government can throw you in jail for not wanting to pay for some cunts gender studies degree.
I don't either. I was more debating the guy who had no issue with the current jew bank system.
Well.... what do we do?
This is true. I'm personally okay paying for a STEM degree but not anything in arts besides film/music/psych or law. There are so many useless degrees.
I dont want niggers to get free shit.
It doesn't work because of a few factors.
>everyone is required to get a 12 year education degree
>everyone will get that degree just by trying even if he can't solve 6th grade math/geometry or barely read.
>every retard goes to college for 4 years even if it's just for a finger painting and binge drinking degree
>the US bachelor degree is so devalued that in europe it's regarded as the equivalent of completed highschool on the lowest level (can read, do basic math and the lowest tier natural sciences even our special ed kids learn)
>lack of qualified manual labour workers
>not everyone needs a university degree
>most college graduates are barely able to work as barista or toilet cleaner
Not everyone can be a MD or top management guy just because he's described as a special snowflake by his parents. They successfully killed the middle class of skilled manual labour workers by making every single shit worth a degree that would anywhere in the world be a 2-4 year co educational apprenticeship where you actually get some work experience instead of solving theoretical problems without ever interacting with the real world.
The us education system is a mess and giving every retard free college education just because no kid left behind won't solve the problem
You're a Canadian. You know exactly why government education doesn't work.
I live in Van.
We got $$$$
China please go
really, how can have people who believe in socialism? In XXI century and in EAU?
Socialism in Latin America and Africa i understand, they are poor country, with low education and culture, but the USA is a great country.
This is the effect of the mexicans in your country, now suffers the cosequences.
if you are not willing to pay for something
>its worthless.
Sorry, not EAU, my mistake, is USA.
t. Huang Li Futong
really, how can have people who believe in socialism? In XXI century and in USA?
Socialism in Latin America and Africa i understand, they are poor country, with low education and culture, but the USA is a great country.
This is the effect of the mexicans in your country, now suffers the cosequences.
High school is free and we see how many people take that seriously. What the fuck makes you think spending hundreds of billions a year to make college "free" will cause these people to suddenly take education seriously?
>Explain again WHY government college doesn't work? Pro tip:
Government guarantees tuition = higher tuition.
Look at loans. Prior to the Clinton presidency, students were able to receive Pell grants, meaning that most of their semester was paid for. THEN, they got rid of that in favor of guaranteed loans and the rest, as they say, is a history of exponential cost-of-tuition growth.
The government would be wiser to invest in trade colleges in lieu of "Masters In Womens' Studies"...
Privitise the education system.
Nice bait you fucking cuck. Why don't you go learn how to put out a fire?
Jesus fuck even the mudslimes know how to do this prehistoric shit.