A kid i went to school with is in transition. What do i do? I dont want him to kill himself
You don't?
MtF meme explained in one image.
suck her feminine penis
Tell him the truth. He has a grievous mental illness and the only option is to overcome it.
Try killing him first, he can't kill himself is hes dead.
have you guys noticed there has been like 50 tranny threads today?
i believe its one fucking autistic autist
Kill him yourself then
Wait till he is cute then be the first to break in that virgin boipussy
>shaving off the cartilage in their neck
but...but gender != sex right?
Just donated $20 :^)
Hope she enjoys it!
Take her out on a date at a nice restaurant
You reckon "she" would be open to becoming my fuck toy if I paid for all the operations?
Let it kill itself. Suicide is a great freedom for the insane.
I don't want to fuck them as I think they're mentally ill freaks...but you may be onto something here. Think he'd go for being my indentured servant? Always wanted a butler.
just cease all communications with him and avoid eye contact if you cross paths in public. this will give him the space he needs for transforming. encourage everyone you know to do the same.
Offer to talk about it, and don't be judgmental. Tell him she don't need to cut his penis of, it wont make her any more a girl, but in your eyes she will always be a beautiful princes.
probably be better to get an actual butler if that's all you want, get one from the third world and it will be very cheap. We had one from Barbados for a few years when I was a kid, not even joking. His name was Winston and he was the shit.
Why is his face fucking sideways. Literally the features are fucked up dispite the angle.
seems pretty cute honestly
also the suicide rate goes down when they transition
Just smash dat boipucci
shit you're right m8
probably a reason he has his head twisted, so it isn't as noticeable
If you are hot. You could offer to suck his dick. People who want to cut of their pekker probably don't get enough blowjobs.
Gas him.
Kill him before he does it.
Fuck him.
Pound his boipu$$y. That'll show him.
>I dont want him to kill himself.
But that's his inevitable fate anyway. Do it faggot. Tell him the truth about his mental illness.
>why do trannies try (and unknowingly fail) to try to make themselves not look like freaks using camera tricks.
Tell him about autogynephilia.
how many times do I get to cum in his ass if I donate 1k?
at least 10
I'd fuck him
What's with all these threads of trans lately? we being raided or something?
so if I donate $100 I get at least 1?
cheaper than a whore
yeah i reckon 1 at the least
maybe 2? or 1 and a blowjob
Bully him till she hangs herself.
yeah i'm calling bullshit
i can't find the gofundme page
I wish we had rampant degeneracy in Australia I wanna smash some boy puss :(
>tfw when you will never be an American having your country slowly deteriorated by lefty bullshit
Send him an email or text message everyday that says "you are a man" every day until he cracks.
>I dont want him to kill himself
Don't worry, I do.
It is too late for this kid.
'Transgender' people are officially diagnosed with an egosyntonic mental health disorder by a psychiatrist. Depending upon the mental health diagnoses manual the psychiatrist uses, this mental health diagnosis is for Gender Identity Disorder/Gender Identity Syndrome/or Gender Dysphoria.
Less than .03% of the population is affected with varying degrees of GID/GIS/GD. Symptoms of this syndrome are all mental health based: depression, anxiety, unease with their bodies, suicidal thoughts, dysphoria, mood disorders, substance abuse, and a high rate of concurrent Body Dysmorphic Disorder.
Many of the mental health symptoms of GID/GIS/GID cripple their social functioning. The suicide rate of GID/GIS/GD sufferers is staggering: 20% compared to under 1% of the normal population. Both the psychiatric and medical fields recognize GID/GIS/GD as a mental health issue.
Current standard treatment for the mental health diagnosis consists of psychiatric therapy and later prescription medication with synthetic hormones. Psychiatric therapy is the foundation of their treatment, and no doctor or psychiatrist proceeds with synthetic hormones without the concurrent psychiatric therapy. The current treatment is recognized by both psychiatrists and medical doctors as moderately effective in reducing their rate of suicide, depression, anxiety, dysphoria and the other accompanying mental health symptoms of GID/GIS/GD. It should be noted that the FDA has not ever approved hormone therapy in the treatment of GID/GIS/GD.
Sexual reassignment surgery is shown to be effective in relieving these mental health symptoms short term but fails to provide relief long term. After sexual reassignment surgery, the suicide rate nearly doubles over time, eventually doubling and reaching to 40%. The US hospital that pioneered sexual reassignment surgery, Johns Hopkins, no longer will perform SRS and has outright condemned the practice.
Be supportive and ask him/her whether they've thought about it. I know how it feels to be very deluded into believing im something that im not. And alot of people end up having surgery regrets. It wouldn't hurt if you politely strike up a conversation with this person and get as much info as possible.
An Ego Syntonic mental health disorder like GID/GIS/GD and Body Dysmorphic Disorder, refers to self image. Many personality disorders are egosyntonic, which makes their treatment difficult as the patients may not perceive anything wrong and view their perceptions and behavior as reasonable and appropriate. It also means that people with Gender disorders are unable to understand the normal realities of sex and gender that exist outside their own self-image.
The transgender 'movement' works to make this mental health diagnosis seem normal, and to push legal, policy and social changes on the normal 99.97% of society, that are disproportionate to the actual numbers of sufferers of this rare mental health issue. In addition, the transgender 'movement' markets itself to teens as a cool counter-cultural lifestyle choice, a choice that has permanent life-destroying consequences.
But society should not be changing its rules to accommodate such a rare mental health issue, especially when so many 'transgender'people regret their 'transitional' treatments later, reversing their physical appearance changes and seeking mental health methods of treatment.
Society does these people a disservice by enabling the delusions of their disorder, and failing to push for more studies on pimozide, (which has been shown to be successful in the treatment of GID/GIS/GD) or other drugs that are successfully used in the treatment of other egosyntonic disorders. The goal of society in helping those afflicted with Gender Identity disorders should be to find methods of treatment that can SUCCESSFULLY treat their condition both short and long term, REDUCING their mental health symptoms and reducing their rates of suicide - instead of increasing it.
As of now, 'transitioning' is increasing their rates of suicide.
...You had to use a trip didn't you
You just couldn't resist the urge to "Make a name for yourself." On Sup Forums of all places, seriously I thought we were against this special snowflake shit. Honestly, tripfags are some Tumblr tier attention whores, I don't even want to read your post because of your godforsaken trip, you insatiable cum guzzling faggot. I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead.
How come so few women want to be men?
You caused this.
this image is fake, Visa cards all start with 4
>not wanting to fuck someone because of a mental illness
Here ya go.
Let's see. I have some extra money and I'm feeling charitable. What sort of cause should I donate towards?
Feeding the homeless? Nah.
Cancer/disease research? Meh.
Maybe an environmental organization? Boring!
Education? Disaster relief? Pffft.
Wait, what's this? Some kid is asking for $5,000 to have a perfectly healthy part of his body cut away so he can have a smoother neck? PERFECT! THIS IS THE MOST WORTHY CAUSE TO DONATE MY MONEY!
Redpill him to be a right wing tranny that will btfo leftist narratives.
>right wing tranny
>no funding